IMPORTANT MESSAGE! To Protect My Beloved Sisters In The - TopicsExpress


IMPORTANT MESSAGE! To Protect My Beloved Sisters In The Faith Please note that this important message is not for anyone in specific, but rather everyone in general and that I post it from time to time as a pro-active measure. For our Lord has instructed me to protect you from the wiles of the devil, by urging you all to stand strong and never succumb to the devil’s lie as he comes to tempt your Flesh, to believe that there can ever be anything more than a pastor/disciple relationship between us Beloved! As a single man of God, I know that the devil will do his best to use your tender emotions and science has proven your hormone swings throughout each month as a powerful weapon, to first crush and hurt you deeply, in an all-out effort to create division between us, so he can get you out from under my covering and anointing in order to freely attack you, for his primary purpose, which is of course to use you as a weapon formed against me personally and our rapidly growing ministry of reconciliation that is effectively advancing The Kingdom of God by saving The Lost with compassion and edifying The Saved in love! And Abba (Papa) will never allow that to prosper, for it is His ministry and I am just a humble and consecrated steward over it! Finally, because I have a shepherd’s heart and spiritual gifts, I am very sensitive to each and every one of you and would feel your pain deeply and this I know from past first-hand experience and it is something that men of God have to deal with, minister to and talk about amongst ourselves often! And along with mishandling of church funds like Judas did in our Lord’s day, shepherds messing around with the sheep is one of the biggest scandals in the world and that’s why the devil loves to use it over and over again in a vain attempt to discredit Christ and Christianity all the time! Always remember, I am a man of God, filled with the tender compassion and divine love of Adonai (our Lord), so it is natural to develop deep and abiding affections for me, but you must stay ever vigilant and keep your love for me (and all other Brothers as well) focused in agape (divine love) and do your very best not to let the devil tempt you into fantasies and imaginings of eros (erotic romantic love) that you then believe are signs and visions from God of our future together in the ministry. If you slip or stumble, I will discern it in The Spirit and by your words and actions towards me and gently speak The Truth in love, by redefining the boundaries that Adonai (our Lord) Himself has established between us, so that we can maintain a vital growing relationship in Him! So please do not ever feel crushed or hurt by my words concerning this Beloved, for they are meant to protect you and I from the lies of the enemy, not shatter your hopes and dreams and break your tender and delicate heart! As a final measure to help in this matter, please know that Adonai (our Lord) gave me a special gift, just like the one He gave John The Baptist and His apostles Paul and John and a powerful scripture to go with it as well to help me stay focused on Him and The Work of our Father… As it is written: 32My desire is to have you free from all anxiety and distressing care. The unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord--how he may please the Lord; 33But the married man is anxious about worldly matters--how he may please his wife--34And he is drawn in diverging directions [his interests are divided and he is distracted from his devotion to God]. And the unmarried woman or girl is concerned and anxious about the matters of the Lord, how to be wholly separated and set apart in body and spirit; but the married woman has her cares [centered] in earthly affairs--how she may please her husband. (1 Corinthians 7:32-34 AMP) So, beloved of God at 56 years old and with no plans to start a Family or put any Sister through the relentless attacks the enemy would continually launch, on any Sister who would dare to be my Wife, because of my anointing and calling as one of a handful of our Lords End-Times Apostles chosen to call out and prepare His Bride (His Church) for His imminent return, just like His chosen Apostles at the very beginning who gave birth to Her (His Church) and also to save her the pain of seeing me killed or beheaded, when my time to bring God glory comes, I will be just like our Lord as well as John The Baptist and His chosen apostles Paul and John; single and celibate for the rest of my life and wholly devoted to serving God and all of you every day up to seven days a week and up to 20 hours a day as needs be… WITHOUT ANY DISTRACTION FROM… THE GOLD, THE GIRLS OR THE GLORY! ALL TO THE GLORY OF GOD IN CHRIST IN JESUS’ NAME! AMEN AND AMEN! \o/ FOR THE DAY IS NOW FAR SPENT AND THE NIGHT IS FAST COMING WHEN NO MAN CAN WORK! And if after reading this message the devil’s still got you thinking that you are somehow different and chosen to be my wife anyway… Please leave now and save us all a whole bunch of heartache and trouble … FOR I AM ABOUT MY FATHER’S BUSINESS, NOT MESSING AROUND WITH HIS SHEEP… OR STRAY JEZEBEL WITCH PASSING BY! Hallelu-YAH! Thank You Y’Shua! Speaking The Truth in Love to edify The Saved! And by this the world will know that we are truly His disciples, because we love one another even as He loves us! Thank You Y’Shua (Jesus)… for the love of the brotherhood and the fellowship of the saints! In closing beloved of God, may our heavenly Father continually pour out manifold blessings upon you… and may the very manifestation of those precious blessings, meet you at your daily need speak life into your situations and draw you ever nearer to the very center of His Divine Love and Perfect Will for your life… in the wonderful name of Y’Shua (Jesus)! Amen and Amen, and it is so… because Abba (Papa) declared it in His Holy Living Word! More power in the ministry through confession of sins and sincere loving obedience! Shalom Aleichem (Peace be unto you), noqed (shepherd of shepherds - apostle) dino God’s special messenger of love The Church Without Walls Made Of Living Stones PS It is God’s joy to fulfill His destiny for you! It is my joy, to watch Him bring it to full fruition right before my very eyes! You are loved and appreciated! Now, press on… to all that our heavenly Father prepared ahead of time just for you! PRESS ON!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 15:47:23 +0000

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