IMPORTANT MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN, WITH NEW WARNINGS Messages from the BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Coming as Our Lady Queen of all hearts “In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary… And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there will be no end.”… And Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.” (Luke 1:26, 30-33, 38) “I told you, “I am doing ‘a new thing’” My children, and that “you would be able, to perceive it, more clearly than ever before!” My Mother, is coming – to direct ‘all hearts’ to Me, that they may ‘have Life’ – not only ‘temporary physical life’, but ‘Eternal Life’... My Mother is coming, to ‘tenderly care, for those sheep who will cooperate, with the graces’. But she is ‘the Queen of Justice’ – to all those, who ‘stubbornly refuse to repent’.” (-Jesus, Sunday, November 25, 2012) 2010: January 01. 2012: November 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. 2012: December 01, 02, 03, 04, 07, 09, 10. 2013: February 25. The most recent message is first (The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, unless otherwise stated. The scripture passages referred to in the messages can be found by clicking on the date at the top of each message) Guide the Church - between the Two Pillars My son Monday February 25, 2013 The Blessed Virgin Mary said: I am here to aid you My children, as I am your Mother – of Perpetual Help (- also known as, Our Lady of Perpetual Help), many people,have indeed, watched some, of the Mass videos; but, they do not have, the common sense, and the reason, to discern what is in front of them. How, can the Lord Jesus Christ, draw any souls to Himself? You may be asking yourselves, My children. Remember, with man, it, is ‘impossible’. But with the Most High True God, all things, are possible. Because it is He who strengthens you, to do, what He asks of you. I am here, with this maternal message, to alleviate your fears, doubts, worries, and anxieties. And to assure you both, that your ‘efforts’, will not, be, ‘in vain’. For you my son, are feeding, Christ’s Flock, amidst Great Tribulation. Remember, I am your Mother; no other cares for you – with the maternal love, that I have, to bestow upon you. Guide the Church - between the Two Pillars My son. Fasten the anchors – tightly. And do not tolerate Jezebel – moving through, anyone! May you be blessed with the sincerity, and truth, to feed your flock, life-giving truth. For you are the one, listening, to Heaven. You are the Prophet, who has come, in the Spirit of Elijah, in these End Times. Be confident, that your Creator, is working ‘behind the scenes’ – in a way that you cannot see with your physical senses. But also in a way, you will be able to perceive, with your spiritual senses. Physical proofs, will come, as well as physical signs; but all in their proper time. As history unfolds, it will be, all the more apparent to you, what your Creator has been doing, and is about to do. - Your Blessed Mother. ‘The enemy’… hates… when ‘the poor’, are given, “a voice” Monday, December 10, 2012 The Blessed Virgin Mary said: Attacks, will come, my children. And you must turn, to the Lord Jesus Christ, for protection – from your enemies. Because there are many of them – out there! Since the videos, on ‘the unborn’, have been released, your wife, has been undergoing, ‘extreme torments’, from ‘the enemy’ himself. For one thing he hates the most: is when ‘the poor’, are given, “a voice”. ‘The institution’ has managed, to ‘snuff out’, divine revelation, for years! ‘The institution’ has managed, to ‘snuff out’, divine revelation, for years! Because, they are against, those, who want to represent, ‘the True Image of the Most High True God’. They would rather he be kept ‘locked-up’ – in their churches, and in their bibles. But the Lord Jesus Christ, is ‘bound’ nowhere. For remember “the Spirit goes, where it wills”. He is ‘free’, to move, and act, and speak outside ‘the institution’. For He is not ‘bound in chains’ – at ‘the foot of their altars’. And they do not control ‘the voice’, of their Creator. Now His voice is scarce in the World; but He is ‘speaking on a regular basis’ through the both of you. And souls, who desire, the Lord Jesus Christ – to speak to them, will be drawn, to His website – to His Testimony. I have warned, and warned… and warned!... But who is listening? But many souls are ‘sleeping’ – in the World. All, of the “christians” have ‘fallen asleep’! They did not listen, to the Lord Jesus Christ’s admonition: ‘to keep watch’; to ‘stay sober, and alert’. They are all, ‘embracing worldliness’ – and ‘ungodliness’. So unless they change, the Kingdom of Heaven is closed – to them! I have warned, and warned… and warned! But no one is listening: the Saints have been sent from above; ‘the unborn souls’ have spoken – for the first time! But who is listening? – my children. Is anyone ‘applying these Truths – to their lives’? Very, very few. But they are still ‘the spiritual realities’. ‘The mark of the beast’ is not ‘going to be cancelled’! ‘The mark of the beast’ is not ‘going to be cancelled’! It is not ‘like a horrific movie that people can just, turn off’! But it is ‘a mark that will be given to souls’, because of their worldliness, and ungodliness! – and ‘refusal to repent’. Because they seek ‘worldliness’ even in their institutions. They seek to be told that ‘they are saved’! – Apart from the One, that ‘can Save them’. ‘The mark of the beast’… is coming upon everyone, this Christmas ‘The mark of the beast’ is real - and is coming upon everyone, this Christmas – if they do not ‘get their lives in order’ beforehand. As, I said before, “their souls have been condemned”. The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’. Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when they really are “depraved and wicked”. Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this unclean picture, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved!” – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”. God… understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!! Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children? Yes He does! He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!! And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him! Most of the thoughts that he hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’. You must repair, ‘what you have broken’ For when people embrace sin, they know it is wrong - yet, they do it anyway! They have ‘rocks in their hands’, ready to throw, at the church, ‘windows’. And after they throw the rock, and break the window, they come to ‘the pastor of the church’ (who is to represent Jesus), and say “I am sorry I broke your window”. Yet they have other rocks behind them. And they break another one! And then they come to the pastor, and say, “I’m sorry I broke your window again”. And then they go away – and throw another one. A third one is broken. Then they go to the pastor once more, and say, “I’m very - very sorry, that I broke, your window”. But the pastor ‘this time’, ‘got wise’ – to ‘what the soul was up to’, and he said to the soul, “If you are sorry, for breaking, all my windows!! Then why, do you ‘keep coming back’, with ‘rocks, behind you’? Don’t you know, that I can see them? And that I have seen them, these ‘last three times’? Therefore, I sue you. And you must repair, ‘what you have broken’. But the soul, did not have, anything, but some rocks. So the pastor, called the jailers, and told them to “take the soul, to ‘a certain place’, until, they can pay, for the damage”. Yes, He is merciful… But that does not mean, that there won’t be… “recompense paid” Now this is just ‘a symbolic story’ my children. And this, is to show you, what the Lord Jesus Christ, ‘goes through’, when souls repent ‘with their lips’, but hold on, to the sins, in their hearts. Yes, He is merciful, slow to anger even and forgiving. But, there is, ‘a limit’, to how much the soul, can offend, and just give ‘lip service’ in return. Yes, the call, is to forgive, if your brother sins against you, seven times – then you are called to forgive him, seventy seven times - seven. But that does not mean, that there won’t be some sort of “recompense paid” – for the broken windows. Make ‘a firm resolve’, never to do those things… People think, when they ask for forgiveness: that’s it! – that’s ‘all they need to do’! But what the Lord Jesus Christ is asking souls – before this Christmas, is to make ‘a firm resolve’, never to do those things, that they are truly sorry for’ - for if they keep doing them: it is just ‘lip service’. ‘The mark of the beast’ is coming Sunday, December 9, 2012 The Blessed Virgin Mary said: All of Heaven, is rejoicing, at the Justice, that is to befall – the Face of the Earth! For the ‘wickedness’ of mankind, has been ‘demanding’ – ‘a Just response’. ‘The mark of the beast’ is coming. And the only ones, who will escape, are the ones who refuse to attend, the institutions; and desire ‘true repentance’ from their hearts. The Most High True God does not wish that anyone receive the mark of the beast this Christmas My children. But they are ‘asking for it’ – because, of ‘the coldness of their hearts’. ‘A spiritual mark’… because they choose to embrace ‘poison’, for their souls When Fukushima happened this was ‘an outward sign’, - or ‘physical representation’, of ‘the spiritual realities’ at work in this World. For the whole Face of the Earth, has been ‘dusted with poisons’! And there are ‘lethal, doses’, of certain chemicals! – hovering, in the atmosphere. And the wind, is blowing them ‘where it wills’. The World itself, is filled, with ‘poison’ as well. For every facet of life, on this Earth, has managed to embrace ‘some sort of poison’. The ‘mark of the beast’, is ‘a spiritual mark’ that people will receive, because they choose to embrace ‘poison’, for their souls; and ‘incorporate it into their reality’. They will be ‘beasts’ – like ‘irrational animals’, with no common sense, and no reason Television, is ‘one, of those poisons’. Movies, are another one. Violent video games – another. Immorality and licentiousness – all of these things, are part of ‘the enemy’s kingdom’! So if people want to embrace those things, that are of ‘his kingdom’, then he will ‘rule over them’ – to a point. And they will be ‘beasts’ – like ‘irrational animals’, with no common sense, and no reason – completely devoid of the True Holy Spirit. And the ‘desire’ for the True God, that is in the depths of everyone’s being, will ‘simply be removed’! Because they cannot have Him, and the false gods, and false comforts of this World! For He will ‘not be shared’, with their idols. So what is ‘the Just response’ of the Just Judge? The Lord Jesus Christ wants souls, to be ‘docile to Him’ in everything. He wants ‘subjects’, who are ‘willing to cooperate’ with the graces. But alas souls, have rejected Him – rejected his graces, and they prefer their own counsel instead. So what is ‘the Just response’ of the Just Judge? That they each receive: a measure, of what they have, ‘given’ – back to their Creator. The only way out of ‘that state’, is to pray The mark of the beast will not be the same for every soul. Some will experience it worse than others. The only way out of ‘that state’, is to pray – and ‘pray to the Most High True God’ – every day! That is ‘the only way’, to show him, that they want ‘out, of the state they are in’. Just as Jonah was inside the whale, when he turned away from his Creator, and he prayed for ‘deliverance’ continually –so must the people! Though they will not have ‘a thirst’, feeling, or desire – for the Most High True God, they must choose, to pray; and they will not ‘feel’ a response. But they must have ‘faith’, that ‘if they are sincere’, the Lord Jesus Christ, will ‘in His time’, Release them, from, that, ‘state’. Until the Lord Jesus Christ… ‘Releases them’ People who receive ‘the mark of the beast’ are ‘sealed’ – until the Lord Jesus Christ in His Great Love and Mercy – ‘Releases them’. Not all will be ‘Released’, as some would ‘rather remain’ – in that state, than ‘serve their Creator’. But ‘all of mankind’, is going to be ‘brought down – to their knees’. The Warnings have been given… that ‘all would know the Truth’ The Warnings have been given – from Heaven, for souls to repent – before Christmas. Most of them won’t. And they will be sealed, as of Christmas Day. Only the Lord Jesus Christ – through his ‘True Vicar’ here on Earth, can ‘Release them’. For God the Eternal Father in Heaven, will once again, put everything, in subjection – to His Son. And His Son, receiving everything – that is His, from God the Eternal Father in Heaven, will subject everything, to His Vicar, here, on Earth – that ‘all would know the Truth’ – that Heaven, is a Monarchy; not ‘a democracy’! God… is ‘reaping’, what is left, of His Gifts, on the Face of the Earth. Friday, December 7, 2012 The Blessed Virgin Mary said: Prepare, to receive ‘many gifts’, this Christmas, my children; as those, who refuse, my requests, lose theirs! For ‘what little that they had’, will be taken from them, and given, to you both – as you have more. God, the Eternal Father in Heaven, has had ‘Enough – of this wicked generation’. So He is ‘reaping’, what is left, of His Gifts, on the Face of the Earth. Whether it be – the gift of intelligence, the gift of rationality, the gift of sanity – all gifts, that people are not ‘using’, He is ‘taking from them’, and is giving it to those who will use them. For He knows you will ‘use them’ my children, to benefit the Faithful Remnant Church. Those souls, who respond to ‘my requests’, can ‘keep their gifts’, from above, and expect more to be added to them as well! As ‘the wealth’ and ‘the riches’ of God the Eternal Father in Heaven’s Love, are ‘spread around’, to the Faithful Remnant Church. Souls ‘still have time’, so that they do not lose everything But souls ‘still have time’, so that they do not lose everything – that He has given them! They do not need, to lose their joy, peace, patience – as long, as they repent – from their heart; and return to the Lord Jesus Christ – they do not need to lose, the gifts, of long suffering, goodness, self-control; they can keep these, if they repent – from their hearts. Of course, these gifts are ‘fruits’, of the True Holy Spirit; and are ‘stored up for souls’ – to enjoy, in the Afterlife - in Heaven! There is ‘not much time left’ But ‘the mark of the beast’ is coming upon ‘all souls on the Face of the Earth!’ And there is ‘not much time left’ – for souls, to make ‘good use, of the gifts they’ve been given’. They need to want what the Lord Jesus Christ has. And those souls who are ‘without’, will know what they have ‘lost’. For though ‘you people’ will be giving, ‘material presents’ to one another, know this: that, the Lord Jesus Christ will be taking back, that, which is His – this Christmas. And you, will be, ‘without your free-wills’! Turn back to Him with all of your heart, soul, and mind… You have 18 days left He is quite serious! Repent, in sackcloth, and in ashes! – for ‘abusing the gifts’ He has given you; for sinning against Him. Turn back to Him with all of your heart, soul, and mind, and you will be given: the necessary strength, and gifts, to ‘get through’, these End Times. And you will be ‘able to benefit’, from the wealth, and ‘riches’, that are here in this Testimony – which is ‘the Spirit of Prophecy’. You have 18 days left! – to reconcile, with your Creator; so that you do not receive, ‘the mark of the beast’ You know, ‘Who is Speaking’! Sodom and Gomorrah were given ‘no warning’. But the Lord Jesus Christ, is giving His Great Warning – at this time. Spread these Messages my people, for you know, ‘Who is Speaking’! – though you do not ‘fully understand’, you ‘do not need to’ in order to ‘fully, believe’. I know what is going to ‘happen to you’, this Christmas… Tuesday, December 4, 2012 The Blessed Virgin Mary said: My people, I come to you, with sorrow, and ‘in tears’. Because I know what is going to ‘happen to you’, this Christmas – if you refuse to ‘repent of your sinful ways’. I have already told you to “throw out your televisions”! But, my request has ‘fallen on deaf ears’! You do not ‘take Heaven seriously’ my people; but you ‘see the Earth that you are on, as your Heaven’! Your pastors, ministers, and rabbis… are not ‘interested’, in your salvation Your pastors, ministers, and rabbis, are not going to tell you ‘the difficult truths’ in order for you ‘to be saved’. They will not ‘require you’ to live ‘Holy and saintly lives’ – so that you can ‘enter-in, to Eternal Rest’! I repeat my Son’s words: “They want your money”! And they are not ‘interested’, in your salvation. Yes, they will tell you: “you are saved” - because they are willing, for you to sell, your ‘birthright’. For everyone deserves a chance, to come to ‘the Kingdom of Heaven’. But they will not tell you what you need, in order to come Here. The Truth is not ‘convenient’ at times For they have ‘barred the Kingdom of Heaven’ from, themselves! By refusing to nourish you with ‘the Truth’ my people. The Truth is not ‘convenient’ at times, but that does not mean that you should ‘abort it’ – when you feel ‘uncomfortable’. Know that when you are ‘uncomfortable’ that then you are growing! But as soon as you are satisfied with yourself, and your ‘relationship with your Creator’, it is then that you are ‘slipping and falling’! Because there is no ‘complacency’ in ‘the spiritual life’ – you either desire to grow ‘closer’ to the Lord Jesus Christ, or ‘further away’. ‘The abomination, of desolation’… is ‘set up’, within all of the ‘institutions’ I tell you my people, once again, ‘the abomination, of desolation’ is here now – on the Earth. It is ‘set up’, within all of the ‘institutions’. It is ‘set-up’, within most peoples’ homes. ‘To revere sin’, above ‘striving for holiness’, means that it is ‘set-up’ within your own hearts! The shepherds, ministers, pastors and rabbis, and ‘all religious leaders’, have sold ‘their birthright’ for ‘comfort in this life’; for ‘consolations upon consolations’; for ‘fancy cars’, and for homes; for wealth – they have ‘sold your souls’, to satan! They have all, sold, your souls, to satan!!!... Their concern, is ‘to keep the money coming in’ I repeat, myself, once more, regardless of the discomfort you have: they have all, sold, your souls, to satan!!! You must understand that ‘he disguises himself as an angel of light’. And I am warning you my people ‘he has your souls’! Because the ‘jesus’ you are worshiping is ‘the devil in disguise’. The pastors, ministers, rabbis, and shepherds, have made a deal with the devil – for your souls!! And in exchange, they will receive “tax-exempt status”, weekly offerings, lots and lots of money. They do not care, whether you end up in Hell or not! That is not their concern! Their concern, is ‘to keep the money coming in’, and ‘to tell you what you want to hear’ – in order for them to ‘become rich’, by you perishing!! I am, Our Lady, Queen of all hearts!... You have 21 days left What I am telling you is True. Whether, you will ‘listen’, is between, you and, your Maker. Because in these times, I am simply, ‘a messenger’. I am, Our Lady, Queen of all hearts! And I am praying that you will make ‘good decisions’. Repent in your heart, and stop going to the institutions! And throw out your televisions. And read my Son’s Testimony. And you, will be ‘off to a good start’. Because ‘as it stands now’, your souls, have been condemned! I repeat my self once more: my people, your souls, have been, condemned! Not by the Most High, True God; because He does not ‘condemn’; but ‘by your own choices’. The Word, has ‘judged you’. Now repent! – so that you may be ‘alive’! Listen, to my Two Witnesses, whenever, they speak. For they speak the words, from the Most High True God – just, as I do! You have 21 days left, my people. I suggest you get ‘your houses in order’, and quickly. Warning… you will not ‘be spared’… if you do not turn back to Him, with True repentance Monday, December 3, 2012 The Blessed Virgin Mary said: I give you, this warning, my people – for I care about your souls. I do not want, any of you, to be ‘eternally separated’, from the Most High True God. What a terrifying thought! But it is real! If you refuse, to turn back to Him, and repent of your sinful ways, then you leave Him with ‘no other course, of action’. Just as Nineveh, was ‘saved’ – from ‘sudden destruction’, so too, does He wish to ‘extend His Mercy’ – to the whole World! Nineveh was spared – because they responded ‘appropriately’ – to the request of the Most High True God. But my people, you will not ‘be spared’ – from His Divine Wrath! – if you do not turn back to Him, with True repentance. This Earth, was a gift, to mankind… to reap the fruits Know, that He made the Planets, and the Stars. He Created the Whole Universe! And the World, is a “dot” – is ‘just one of the Planets’. But He has put Life here upon this Planet. No where else, is there Life – like here, on Planet Earth! This Earth, was a gift, to mankind – to maintain order upon it, to till the ground and to reap the fruits. What good is ‘a tree’, that bears no fruit for the Kingdom – of God? After my Son Jesus came upon the Earth, it was then ‘a time to repent’ – to ‘turn to’ the Most High True God, so that ‘souls could go to Heaven’. My people, you are ‘so far away’, from Jesus Christ the Lord. And you are ‘drifting off’ into ‘nothingness’ before Him – as you no longer seek ‘to bear fruit’ for the Kingdom – of Heaven; but the ‘Kingdom of this World’, and ‘the fruits of it’, are ‘far more appealing to you’. How sad this is! Do you not know that He cursed ‘the fig tree that bore no fruit’? Why did He do this? To show His response to souls – who refuse to bear ‘good fruit’ for ‘the Kingdom of God’: “May no one eat of your fruit again”! In essence, He was ‘blotting out that tree’ – from Life. For what good is ‘a tree’, that bears no fruit for the Kingdom – of God? ‘The Coming of the Lord’ is upon you And Saint John the Baptist, said “the axe is laid to the root! Bear fruit that befits repentance”! And I am repeating his message now. For ‘the Coming of the Lord’ is upon you. And ‘like a whirlwind’ he will strike! And you will not know when he comes to visit you! And so I have urged you to Stay Awake! Keep watch. Repent. And ‘turn back to Him’ with sobbing and with tears; tear your hearts, and not your garments! Be clothed in the True Holy Spirit, once again – so that you can come to ‘the Wedding Feast’ that is prepared for some of you. But just like in the parable, not all will attend. ‘Hellfire’ and ‘Brimstone’, and the ‘Hail’, and the ‘Whirlwind’ I warn you out of love: You have 23 days left, before the ‘Hellfire’ and ‘Brimstone’, and the ‘Hail’, and the ‘Whirlwind’ manifests. I am asking you, to ‘spread this message of repentance’ – to your ‘loved ones’, and to your family members – if you truly care for their souls and for your own. Remember my warning! [Note: the “23 days” include this day as this message was given earlier in the day.] Throw out your televisions!… It is in fact ‘a gateway, into Hell’! Sunday, December 2, 2012 The Blessed Virgin Mary said: ‘Hellfire’, and ‘Brimstone’, is what, ‘is awaiting souls’, if they refuse to repent, and ‘turn away’ from all forms, of ‘wickedness’. Throw out your televisions! Remove them from your homes! This, is an order! – from the Queen of Heaven. Repent! Turn back, to the Lord Jesus Christ, with all of your heart, soul, and mind. Throw it out I say!!! - if you ever hope to enter, the Kingdom, of God! There is ‘nothing good’ upon it! It is in fact ‘a gateway, into Hell’! No good can come from it! But evil, pours forth, to blacken your souls
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 07:54:55 +0000

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