IMPORTANT MESSGE FROM YOUR MAYOR & BOROUGH COUNCIL: The Borough was recently informed by the DEP that Woodbine Cemetery was seeking an Air Pollution Control Permit to operate one human crematory at 14 Maple Ave. Ste. B, Oceanport, NJ. Other than this letter NO notification has been provided to the Borough or any elected or appointed officials. In January 2002 then Governor John Bennett signed into law legislation that would require the placement of any crematorium to secure the permission of the Governing Body of the municipality where the project was located. This bill was pushed and secured with strong support from the Borough. Unfortunately this law was repealed and the current law (passed in 2011) says that the only body authorized to approve the construction of a crematory is the New Jersey Cemetery Board, which also must notify the Commissioner of Health whenever an application for a new crematory is filed. Currently, municipalities have no statutory authority to approve the siting of a crematory. In checking with the DEP, the only public notification of this pending permit was published in the Home News which is not even distributed in the Borough. The Administrator of the Borough has issued a strong statement on behalf of the Mayor and Council condemning such action and entering the Borough’s objection to the issuance of this air permit. The Borough Engineer has also issued his objections on behalf of the Governing Body and raised technical questions to be answered. The Mayor and Council have also requested a public Hearing to be conducted on this permit in Oceanport. The Borough’s legislative delegation has also been alerted to our concern. Your entire Governing Body will take whatever steps permitted under the law to stop this invasion into a prime residential section of our town. Smokestacks do not belong in residential neighborhoods and we are opposed to this attempt. We also feel that there has not been sufficient notice to allow the residents of Oceanport to be heard on an issue that concerns many of them. Notice in an out of town paper is just wrong.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 20:01:54 +0000

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