IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL OUR SUPPORTERS AND VISITORS (Please Read) “EX STONE PILLOW” In the middle of July this Page (Keep ANZAC Day) reported in a post on the issues concerning our Homeless Veterans. Our post we made went “Viral” to the extent another Facebook group made contact offering to fundraise to perform a Sleep Out and raise awareness in aid of our Homeless Vets. This started with an “Admin” of Women of the ADF. Who dreamed up the idea of having a Sleep Out on the Streets of Brisbane. In no time this small planned event grew as more read the efforts via their own page and our publicity we gave them via our page. We offered to assist them offering them guidance and assistance with other issues involved in promoting them however this event was to be staged by Women of the ADF who intended to fundraise and donate monies towards our Anzac Care Pack project via Digger Support. All was on track until other 3rd Parties become involved, things then became very messy. Over the course of 10+ Days a lot was performed in the background, then further 3rd Parties become involved, which made the simple process very murky and one of total confusion. The funds Digger Support had raised via our own Facebook Page and our Digger Support Website, raised through different means, over a period of time, they then DEMANDED these funds be sent to them, suggesting all now belongs to Ex Stone Pillow and must NOW be acted on and sent to the Admins own bank account or else. Plus also claiming this was a Charity Account under Women of the ADF, however it is a personal account which was setup specially for receiving donations for their event. Then more messages of claims this Admin is going to branch out into forming their own non-profit organization, then stated the proposed event funds will be given to DefenceCare. When we pointed out they do not look after our Homeless veterans. (Lot more involved and got more interesting daily, one reason why we decided to distance ourselves. Perhaps they had an hidden agenda from the very start) When we refused to act on their outrageous demands this matter escalated into a personal vendetta against me. Slander attacking started, Harsh Personal Attacks, more emails and PM Messages. In all over 150 Pages (A4 size) has been sent to my legal team. Legal advice has been sought, action is now underway, Legal is looking into the conduct of some 3rd parties and I am confident my name will be cleared. Digger Support is in its infancy and will continue to grow giving much needed support to our Diggers both past and present and any individuals or groups / parties who believe they will succeed in sabotaging our efforts by me personally or anyone involved with Digger Support or my Facebook pages will not succeed, we are here for the long-run and will overcome any setback or roadblocks and will not allow these false allegations, the slanderous and defamatory statements/comments posted in the public media to ruin what we have started to assist our veterans of both Australia and New Zealand. Digger Support, will be offering Care packs as stated on the Digger Support website, we will raise our funding from on line auctions, the sale of our Awareness Wristband and other projects as and when developed, but we also know, these things take time so we are here for the long run. Anyone who has donated, be assued their funds will go to our Homeless Veterans, plus we are in talks with another Charity to also assist in the supply of suitable Care packs. We have instructed our Webmaster to remove all reference to the ex-stone pillow event and this is being acted on. For the record on our Embracing The ANZAC Spirit Wristbands, over 8-weeks ago we looked at some support Wristband, I am not alone on this, two others were involved in this with the designing, colours and wording, and we spent many hours trying to make an awareness Wristband right first time. The name “Embracing The ANZAC Spirit” was chosen as this is what Digger Support is founded on, the True meaning of the ANZAC Spirit. If other think they will spoil the goodness performed, think again. On a personal note, I do thank those friends and supporters who have backed me, urged me on, and those who believe in me and what I am trying to do for our past and present ANZAC’s our Diggers, via this Facebook page and the digger support website.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 20:54:09 +0000

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