IMPORTANT TIME LIMITS IN INDIAN CONSTITUTION :- ** Maximum interval between two sessions of Parliament/State Assembly : Six months ** Maximum life of Presidential Ordinance : Six months + Six weeks ** Maximum period within which an election is to be held to fill a vacancy created by the death, resignation or removal, or otherwise of a President : Six months ** Maximum duration for which President’s rule can be imposed in a state : Six months extendable upto a maximum of three years ** Time after which money bill passed by Lok Sabha is deemed to have been passed by Rajya Sabha when no action is taken by it : 14 days ** Maximum duration for which a President/Vice- President/Governor may hold his office from the date on which he enters his office : 5 years ** Maximum duration for which a Lok Sabha/State Legislature may function from the date appointed for its first meeting : 5 years ** Maximum period for which the term of a Lok Sabha/ State Legislature may be extended while a Proclamation of Emergency is in operation : 1 year at a time ** Where the term of a Lok Sabha/State Legislature has been extended while a Proclamation of Emergency is in operation, the maximum period for which he Lok Sabha/State Legislature may continue to function after the Proclamation of Emergency has ceased to operate : Six months ** Maximum duration for which a Union Minister/ State Minister may hold his office without being a member of either of the houses of the Parliament/ State Legislature : Six months ** Maximum duration for which a member of either House of Parliament may be absent without permission, before his seat is declared is vacant : 60 days ** Maximum period within which a person who is arrested and detained in custody shall be produced before the nearest magistrate : 24 hours ** Maximum duration for which a Panchayat/ Municipality shall function from the date appointed for its first meeting : 5 years ** Maximum duration for which a member of a Public Service Commission may hold his office subject to his not attaining the age of sixty-five years : 6 years ** Maximum duration for which a member of a State Commission may hold his office subject to his not attaining the age of sixty-two years : 6 years
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 13:09:26 +0000

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