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IMPORTANT ! URGENT ! Webmasters, please pin to home page! SOS VENEZUELA: TWEETS EN MASS TO THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO DEMAND IMPLEMENTATION OF SENATE RESOLUTION S.RES.365 My fellow Americans and members of the International Community, The US Senate has just approved bipartisan resolution S.Res.365 unanimously. It urges the President to immediately impose targeted sanctions, including visa bans and asset freezes, against Venezuelan government individuals that are planning, facilitating, or perpetrating gross human rights violations against peaceful demonstrators, journalists, and other members of civil society in Venezuela. Now is time for the Obama Administration to act on implementing these targeted sanctions. We need to make sure that they become effective ASAP. In order to achieve that, we need to send massive tweets to the following democratic leaders: Barack Obama - President- . @BarackObama John Kerry - DoS - . @JohnKerry Debbie Wasserman Schultz - DNC chair - . @DWStweets Steve Israel - DCCC chair - . @IsraelDCCC If you live in the USA here are some tweet examples that you can use to remind the democratic leadership that Obama and many democrats were elected with overwhelming support from Americans of Latin descent. So, we demand that this Administration take immediate steps to help Venezuela at a time when it needs it the most. . @BarackObama Hispanic Community in USA demands your immediate implementation of #SRes365 . @DWStweets Hispanic Community in USA was decisive getting democrats elected. Where is this Administrations support for #SOSVenezuela? . @BarackObama The Hispanic Community demands your immediate implementation of #SRes365 Help #SOSVenezuela liberate from Castro-Communism! . @IsraelDCCC If you want votes from Hispanic Community, show that you care by helping #SOSVenezuela liberate from Castro-Communism Tyranny! . @BarackObama Hispanic Community helped you get elected where is your support for #SOSVenezuela? . @BarackObama Hispanic Community demands your immediate implementation of #SRes365 and more economic sanctions. . @IsraelDCCC Hispanic Community helped democrats get elected - where is President Obamas support for #SOSVenezuela? . @DWStweets Hispanic Community helped democrats get elected - where is President Obamas support for #SOSVenezuela? For those of you from the International Community, no living in the USA, here are a couple of tweet examples: . @BarackObama Help #SOSVenezuela liberate from Castro-Communism Tyranny! Impose economic sanctions! . @JohnKerry OAS Stands Idle while Castro-Communism Tyranny spreads all over the Americas. Can you Help #SOSVenezuela to stop this? If you would like, you can also go to my timeline @EmersonHevia and retweet my messages. You can modify those tweets to your taste or add new ones by following these rules: 1. If you are adding a new recipient, make sure that its tweet address is preceded by a (.) followed by a space. That makes the tweet a mention rather than a reply as in . @BarackObama 2. include at least one of, or both tags #SRes365 #SOSVenezuela. 3. Do not include more than 3 tags in a tweet, to avoid marking it as Spam. 4. Finally, make sure that your message do not exceed 140 characters. The more tweets we send the better. The more you share this message with your connections, the better chance for us to be heard. Your help will be greatly appreciated by the people of Venezuela. Many thanks and God bless you.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 15:48:06 +0000

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