IMPOSITION SONGS, SIGNS OF POLITICAL LAZINESS. The word IMPOSITION has flooded and continues to flood the media around Delta State, right from the very first day Sir Anthony Chuks Obuh, a retired Superpermanent Secretary signifies his intentions to serve the state more in a higher responsibility. The word has been used in such a manner that one begin to ask whether it has lost its true meaning under Delta State political context. What is imposition? Imposition means to lord something over someone, to force someone to accept what he does not like, to push something down someones throat forcefully. Looking at the definitions of IMPOSITION, one does not think it applies in anyway under democracy where peoples right to choose who represents them in government is guaranteed by law. We can only and rightly talk about imposition in millitary dictatorship or under monarchical arrangments. What we have in democracy is CONSCENSUS CANDIDATE, a conscensus candidate is a candidate who has the endorsement of the leadership of a party and ractified by party congress to fly its flag in an election. The above explainations have become neccessary inview of the false information been sold to Deltans that our amiable Governor, His Excellency, Dr Emmanuel Eweta Uduaghan CON, the Executive Governor of Delta State, has imposed Tony Obuh as the next Governor of Delta State, come 2015. This is a complete lie. It could be recalled that His Execellency and some prominent PDP leaders in the State including Pa E. K. Clark and Chief Barr Peter Nwaoboshi had on several occasions assured PDP faithfuls in the state that there will be primary where delegates will elect the partys governorship flag bearer. Despite all these assurances from within the State and National leadership of PDP, some persons who are frightened by the intimidating, sparkling and towering leadership credentials of Tony Obuh, his massive supports across the state and the jubilations heralding his entrance into the guber race, have continued to peddle falsehoods to cause disaffections and create tensions in the State. These individuals have continue to hold clandestine meetings here and there, some have innundated the National Headquarters of PDP and the Presidency with false petitions, others have resorted to engaging scams to forge documents and release same to the press as purported to have been issued by Tony Obuhs supporters, some have bought over some media houses and hired some hungry roadside journalists to churn out garbbages to malign the integrity of our calm and well focused Governor, while some have threatened fire and brimestone if they were not given the PDP guber ticket, many have resorted to blackmailing aimed at creating divisions within the great UMBRELLA family by sowing the seeds of discord in the party. This group of persons have coined all forms of divisive words to confuse the good people of Delta State. Such statements as TONY OBUH IS UDUAGHANS THIRD TERM AGENDA, TONY OBUH IS NOT A POLITCIAN, TONY OBUH WANT TO TAKE THE POSITION OF THOSE WHO HAD LABOURED FOR PDP and so on are some of the divisive terms, deployed by those who are jiltery of Tony Obuhs declaration of interest to gun for the Unity House, Asaba, to poison the minds of Deltans about him. Looking at their points of smear campaigns, it is not hard to punch holes into the assumptions. Firstly, the notion of imposition does not come in under a system where there are party primaries and general elections, nobody will be disfranchised. In the second point, there is no way in which Tony Obuh succeeding our amiable governor (which Deltans are praying for) will mean tenure elongations for the imcubemt because they are not of same parent, they are not even from same geopolitical zone, so that assumption is watery and baseless. The third issue is that Tony Obuh is not a politician, this is laughable, Tony Obuh is a degree holder in Polscience and had occupied a political position for the past 8 years. What else does it take to be a politician? The point advanced here by these individuals is likened to a senario where a street cobbler call an expert shoe designer a novice in the act of shoemaking, lol. The fouth point assumes that some persons had laboured for PDP, therefore control the rights to be in leadership position forever, what a ridiculous assumption, well, for the information of the good people of Delta State, Tony Obuh had laboured for PDP. He had sponsored candidates for elections under the party, he had founded and funded political presure groups under the party. Infact he is the founder and sole funder of PROJECT UDUAGHAN INTERNATIONAL since 2006. He is the funder of ONYEDOZIYIEN political group in Ika South. This two groups have worked and are still working for the success of PDP in elections at all levels in Delta State. Tony Obuh is not a noise maker. Tony Obuh is the most endowed to bring hope to Deltans, he is a loyal party man, VOTE TCO 4 GOV.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 08:46:58 +0000

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