IN AMERICA, MINORITIES DONT KNOW THAT THEY ARE FINANCIAL SLAVES- BECOME AN OVER COMER WITH YOUR DIVINE INHERITANCE OF A $1 MILLION DOLLAR WEALTH FUND: MY DEAR PRESIDENT OBAMA, MY WEALTH CREATION BANK AND CARD PROGRAM COULD BRING THE EXCITEMENT AND INCREDIBLE VALUE NECESSARY TO CREATE THE RAPID ENROLLMENT GROWTH THAT YOUR HEALTH PROGRAM REQUIRE, BUT AS PRESIDENT YOU DONT THINK THAT A BLACK LIKE ME CAN GIVE YOU AND YOUR WHITE FINANCIAL ADVISERS ANY INSIGHT: BECAUSE YOU KEEP IGNORING ME REGARDING A BUSINESS MEETING WHEREIN I CAN PROVE THE INVALUABLE FINANCIAL WORTH OF THIS WEALTH CREATION BANK AND CARD PROGRAM TO FINANCIALLY BENEFIT THE GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT OF AMERICA AS WELL AS PROVIDE PERSONAL GUARANTEED FINANCIAL SECURITY AND THE PERSONAL SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF WEALTH CARDHOLDERS, YOU AND I ARE MISSING OUT ON ALL MIGHTY GODS BLESSINGS ON US: WHY NOT GIVE THE TRUE GOD A CHANCE TO BRING US TOGETHER SO THAT PERHAPS WE BOTH CAN BE IN HIS WILL POWER? REVIEW WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN TO POPE FRANCIS; BILL GATES TOOK MY ADVICE, BUT THE PERSON WHO ROBS THE GENUINE SERVANT OF GOD CANT BE BLESS BY GOD! (OBAMA POSSESS MORE THAN A $2 TRILLION DOLLAR INVESTMENT FUND) DEAR HONORABLE POPE FRANCIS:( THIS IS A DIVINE INTERNATIONAL WEALTH CREATION CHARITABLE INVESTMENT BANK AND CARD PROGRAM WITH THE HEART AND HOLY SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOR SET UP TO PROVIDE THE GUARANTEED DIVINE FINANCIAL INHERITANCE AND SECURITY THAT OUR HEAVENLY FATHER PROMISED FOR OUR GLOBAL FAMILY MEMBERS WHO ACCEPT HIS SON JESUS CHRIST.) SINCE I HEARD ON THE WORLD NEWS THAT YOU ARE INTERESTED IN FINDING A PROGRAM TO FINANCIALLY UP-LIFT THE POOR, DEAR HONORABLE POPE FRANCIS REVIEW MESSAGE AND IF YOU LIKE IT AND ARE WILLING TO HELP ME SET IT UP PLEASE CONTACT ME. THANK YOU ( THIS IS AN INTERNATIONAL NEW MODEL BANK THAT SHALL PERSONALLY INVEST A $ 1 MILLION US DOLLAR ADJUSTABLE LIFE-INCOME WEALTH FUND INTO ORDINARY PEOPLE- A NEW MODEL BANK OF DIVINE LOVE AND EMPOWERMENT)! PLEASE HELP TO SET UP THIS INTERNATIONAL WEALTH CREATION BANK AND TRUST CARD COMPANY PROGRAM AND WE SHALL BE EMPOWERED TO ELIMINATE POVERTY FROM MOTHER EARTH AND GUARANTEED EVERY MEMBER OF OUR GLOBAL FAMILY A LIFETIME OF FINANCIAL SECURITY: LET US GET OUR SHARE OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC POWER: LET US POOR, LOW/MODERATE INCOME FOLKS, ATHLETES, ENTERTAINMENTS, TEACHERS, PASTORS AND OTHER AMERICANS WORK TOGETHER TO SAVE MINORITIES FROM FINANCIAL SLAVERY: BY PRESIDENT OBAMA GIVING ALL GOVERNMENT ALLOCATIONS TO FINANCIALLY QUALIFIED WHITE FOLKS, HE HAS POSTURED THE PRESENT AND FUTURE GENERATIONS OF MINORITIES TO BE ON FINANCIAL LOCK-DOWN AS FINANCIAL WORTHLESS SLAVES OR IN FINANCIAL POSITIONS OF SERVITUDE TO THE MASTER RACE ! THE GLOBAL FAMILY NEEDS A JOINT VENTURE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE 1% (MASTER RACE) & THE 99%( SLAVE RACE): THE INTERNATIONAL WEALTH CREATION BANK AND CARD PROGRAM IS THE MOST VALUABLE FINANCIAL SERVICE PROGRAM ON THIS PLANET TO SAVE CAPITALISM BUILDING AMERICA FROM THE BOTTOM-UP BY INVESTING IN ORDINARY AMERICANS TO BECOME STAKEHOLDERS IN AN OWNERSHIP SOCIETY! REV. Michael S Hendricks 7/6, 12:35am REV. Michael S Hendricks DEAR BILL GATES,JR. AND BILL CLINTON: FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2013; TUESDAY, 11-12-13 (3 REQUEST) WOULD YOU BOTH CONSIDER INCLUDING MYSELF(A MINORITY) AS A PARTNER SO THAT YOUR CHARITABLE JOINT VENTURE MAY BECOME INCLUSIVE OF A QUALIFIED MINORITY NON-PROFIT OBTAINING A MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR CHARITABLE DONATION FROM YOUR MULTI-BILLIONAIRES MEMBERSHIP CLUB? WORLD-WIDE, SINCE MR. GATES AND OTHERS ARE REQUESTING MINORITIES WHO ARE MULTI-BILLIONAIRES TO DONATE UP TO HALF OF THEIR WEALTH TO YOUR QUALIFIED CHARITIES, SHOULDNT YOU ALSO INSTRUCT YOUR MULTI-BILLIONAIRE MEMBERSHIP CLUB TO MAKE MULTI- BILLION DOLLAR CHARITABLE DONATIONS TO A QUALIFIED MINORITY CHARITY? IT IS TIME FOR YOUR MULTI-BILLIONAIRE MEMBERSHIP TO DONATE A MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR CHARITABLE DONATION TO A QUALIFIED MINORITY CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION SUCH AS MINE. WHY DOES YOUR MULTI-BILLIONAIRE MEMBERSHIP CONTINUE THE PRACTICE OF ONLY DONATING MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR DONATIONS TO ONLY OTHER WHITE CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS ? THE AFOREMENTIONED WORLD-WIDE RACIST PRACTICE OF YOUR INNER CIRCLE MEMBERSHIP ONLY DONATING MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR DONATIONS AND INVESTMENT BANKING CONTRACTS IN WHITE ONLY FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CONTINUE TO PRESERVE THE GLOBAL MASTER (WHITE) /SLAVE (MINORITIES) RELATIONSHIP AND WHITE SUPREMACY WHICH MUST END BY FINANCIAL INCLUSION OF MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR CHARITABLE DONATIONS AND INVESTMENT BANKING CONTRACTS INTO MINORITY FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: CASES AS EXAMPLES,(1) BILL GATES, YOU USED MY SPECIAL OFFER CHARITABLE PROGRAM THAT I HAD E-MAILED TO YOU FOR OUR PARTNERSHIP TO OBTAIN $30 BILLION ( $30,000 MILLION US DOLLARS) CHARITABLE DONATION IN ONE DAY FROM YOUR FRIEND WARREN BUFFET; IT IS MY PRAYER THAT YOUR EXCEPTIONALISM DOESNT CONTINUE TO MEAN STEALING INVALUABLE INNOVATIONS FROM MINORITIES AND EXCLUDING THEM FROM FINANCIAL BENEFITS AND PARTICIPATION AS EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS; SECONDLY, TWITTER(WHITE ONLY) JUST RECEIVED A ONE DAY $30 BILLION US DOLLAR($30,000 MILLION US DOLLARS) INVESTMENT FROM WALL STREET JUST AS FACEBOOK( $ 16,000 MILLION DOLLARS ONE DAY INVESTMENT GIVING AN IPO VALUATION TO FACEBOOK OF $104 BILLION US DOLLARS ), GOOGLE( $1,700 MILLION US DOLLARS IN ONE DAY), AND AMAZON RECEIVED ONE DAY MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR INVESTMENT FROM WALL STREET- EVEN A GERMAN CORPORATION RECEIVED $5,2OO MILLION US DOLLAR IN ONE DAY. MOREOVER, PRESIDENT OBAMAS ADMINISTRATION HAS INVESTED 3 STIMULUS PROGRAMS OF $750,000 MILLION, $ 870,OOO MILLION AND $ 1,020,000 MILLION US DOLLARS INTO WHITE ONLY QUALIFIED BANKING AND OTHER FINANCIAL SERVICE INSTITUTIONS( AND I AM SURE THEY OWN THE MULTI-TRILLION DOLLAR HEALTH CARE INSURANCE INDUSTRY: THIS IS WHITE FINANCIAL POWER THAT EQUALS WHITE FINANCIAL SUPREMACY, AND IT MAINTAINS GLOBAL WHITE RACISM MAKING CAUCASIANS(WHITE PEOPLE) FEEL GENUINELY SUPERIOR WITH SO MUCH MONETARY POWER OVER INTERNATIONALLY EXCLUDED MINORITIES WHO CONTINUE TO LIVE IN POVERTY SERIOUSLY LACKING MONEY IN DESPERATE CONDITIONS AND SITUATIONS OF EXCEPTIONAL FINANCIAL WEAKNESS. I am coming to you Sir(Bill Gates Jr.) because I am still interested in our CHARITABLE CORPORATIONS PARTNERING. In March 2004, I e-mailed this Message to your father Attorney Bill Gates and I am quoting only part of it: “ Our President George Bush with his Faith Based and Community has given new acceptance, a new horizon and a new season to CHARITABLE GIVING. A properly structured contribution can satisfy your philanthropic objectives while you simultaneously achieve permanent state income tax, federal income tax, estate tax savings/deductions; you can also preserve and grow your estate by millions and billions through Charitable Investments. With our Partnership you could structure millions and billions of dollars with charitable contributions either of charitable donations and charitable investments that could continue to grow and preserve your sons estate while simultaneously and immediately reducing income taxes and eliminating estate taxes by the same donations; equally important, your families philanthropic desires can be accomplished knowing that you are assisting the less fortunate to gain control and financial freedom over their destiny while you simultaneously preserve and grow your sons estate by retaining an equal and /or a greater return of the amount of your charitable contributions of either a charitable donations and/or charitable investments. My Economic Business Development Program is the best way to provide permanent employment, financial freedom, and an enlargement of our tax base for the United States of America. The program promotes and provides sponsorship for Business Ownership Career Opportunities to Americans who could not alone afford, qualify, or meet eligibility requirements with the US Government for the same business ownership opportunities. Mr. William H. Gates Sr., your cooperation , participation and partnership can make this Program a Reality.” Secondly, on a Friday June 2, 2006, I did by fax transmission forward the following message to Mr. Steven Black to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and again I will only quote part of it: “Please be certain Mr. Bill Gates read this Special Charitable Deal which includes Financial Reciprocity: When you sign a contract with this Maryland Business and Economic Development Corp. and you make a charitable contribution, or you make a charitable donation or charitable investment from either your profit corporation or nonprofit corporation , we will arrange to obtain for you or your for-profit corp. not only a current state and federal income tax deduction, but also we will arrange to return 100% of the principal of your charitable donation, or 100% of the principal plus interest for your charitable investment at a predetermined future date designated by you; to illustrate, 1) Donor makes a $10 Billion charitable investment as principal into a Security Account of a 10 year Charitable lead Trust @ 10% annual interest wherein the Charity gets $500 million per year for the 10 year period and a Selected Income Beneficiary is also paid $500 million per year for the 10 period : At settlement of the 10 year period, Charity gets $5 billion, Income Beneficiary gets $5 billion and the donor get $10 Billion charitable deduction plus $10 billion return of Principal. Bill Gates Jr. did use my same illustration to get a One Day $30 billion dollar charitable donation and/or investment from your good friend Mr. Warren Buffett; Presently, you and Mr. Buffett have enlisted 105 high net worth individuals who have taken the CHARITABLE GIVING PLEDGE to give back up to half of their wealth for humanitarian causes. Your Aid Programs run by your Foundation have clear cut goals and accurate measurements to improve the lives of the poorest people around the globe. We are on the same page to help improve the lives of the poorest people worldwide; may, I Partner with you or will you please Partner with me? I can not take credit for writing Americas charitable Laws, but I can take credit for presenting the Charitable Giving Program to your father Attorney Gates and to you as a means of earning and multiplying your billions to get more Billions on a tax free basis and thereby to grow and preserve your estate while you as a charitable donor simultaneously reduce all forms of your Tax liabilities. I pray that THE BILL and MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION shall PARTNER with THE INTERNATIONAL WEALTH CREATION BANK AND TRUST COMPANY PROGRAM so that might work together to financially up-lift the poorest of humanity, but should you not find it in your heart to work with me . Remember, a Fair Exchange is not Robbery, a charitable donation of $600,000.00 to this Humanitarian Cause before Thursday June 18, 2013 would become a reciprocal blessing. INTERNATIONAL REQUEST FOR NON-PROFIT PARTNERSHIPS(Letter e-mailed to Prospects): DEAR GLOBAL FAMILY( 1000% RETURN ON CHARITABLE INVESTMENT & DONATION ): MY INTERNATIONAL WEALTH CREATION NON-PROFIT BANK AND TRUST COMPANY PROGRAM IS FILLING THE NON-EXISTENCE GAP FOR AN INTERNATIONAL BANK INSTITUTION TO DIRECTLY INVEST IN THE SOCIALLY ECONOMIC DISADVANTAGED AND DISENFRANCHISED WHO REQUIRE AN ESSENTIAL OPPORTUNITY TO ACCESS CAPITAL TO PURCHASE AN EXISTING BUSINESS FOR A SUCCESSFUL TRANSFORMATION OF THEIR LIVES. WOULD YOU PLEASE CONSIDER BECOMING A WEALTH BANK GROUP MEMBER OF OUR COMING BANK? ALSO, WOULD YOU PLEASE CONSIDER ALLOWING A PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN OUR CHARITABLE CORPORATIONS ( MY INTERNATIONAL BANK AND YOUR CHARITY NETWORK) SO THAT THE BANK MAY PROVIDE ANNUAL GRANTS TO YOUR CHARITY NETWORK TO HELP YOU MULTIPLY MORE BILLIONS SAFER AND FASTER THAN ANY CHARITABLE INVESTMENT ON THIS PLANET-SEE FOLLOWING: THIS MESSAGE IS FOR ANY BILLIONAIRE OR MILLIONAIRE WHO WISHES TO JOIN THIS SOCIAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NON-PROFIT BANK THAT STANDS FOR THE FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT, EMPOWERMENT, AND INCLUSION OF ALL PEOPLE FOR TRUE FREEDOM, FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE, GENUINE DEMOCRACY AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE INDIVIDUAL(TO JOIN DEAD-LINE THURSDAY JULY 18, 2013 enrollment fee $600,000.00): First, my comrade I pray that this letter will find you and your family in good health. Second, your Charitable Organization and Humanitarian Cause have qualified you to participate in this Very Special Gift to receive a 1000% Return on a Charitable Donation or Charitable Investment from this INTERNATIONAL WEALTH CREATION NON-PROFIT BANK AND TRUST CARD COMPANY PROGRAM; in addition, our Charitable Corporations shall possess a Valuable Partnership wherein your Charitable Foundation shall receive Annual Funding of a Tax-Free Grant until the 1000% Return on your principal has been paid in full by contract from The International Wealth Creation Bank and Trust Card Company : A minimum investment or donation of $ 600,000.00 is required to participate, yet there exist no ceiling on any maximum amount of money that you wish to donate or invest:; to illustrate, a 1000% return on the $600,000.00 contribution would equal a $6,000,000.00 RETURN ( $6 million US dollars). I am, Michael S. Hendricks, the International President and Chairman of the International Wealth Creation NON-PROFIT BANK and Trust Card Company which because of our Wealth Creation Bank and Trust Card Program has the Projected Earning Power to generate $7,000,000,000,000,000.00 to $10,000,000,000,000,000.00 US DOLLARS ( $7 to $10 Quadrillion US DOLLARS). THE INTERNATIONAL WEALTH CREATION NON-PROFIT BANK AND TRUST CARD COMPANY S HUMANITARIAN CAUSE AND MISSION IS TO INVEST IN AND MAINTAIN THE SOVEREIGN RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL THAT MUST BE GUARANTEED WHICH ARE FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE AND GENUINE FREEDOM. THOSE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE MUST BE IMPLEMENTED FOR THEIR DIGNITY, POWER, AND RESPECT AND THE PURSUIT OF THEIR HAPPINESS ON EARTH WITHIN OUR PRESENT FINANCIAL SYSTEM. Therefore, I will now introduce my comrades to the MOST INVALUABLE and certainly the MOST AFFORDABLE WEALTH CREATION PROGRAM ever offered to every member of our human family: Our commencing WORLDWIDE TARGET MARKET is for a Card holder who is annually earning at least $10,000.00 US dollars per year, and for only $100 US dollars annually, our Bank Management is offering the $1 Million Dollar Adjustable life Income Wealth Fund to be used in tandem with the Wealth Card holders annual employment income, self-employment income, and/or any other annual income in order to guarantee our Card holders Selected Annual Income to maintain his or her QUALITY STANDARD OF LIVING and/or LIFESTYLE CONTRACT. Presently, our billionaire Partners have $ 2 BILLION US DOLLARS in escrow in the Bank ready to INVEST IN THIS INTERNATIONAL WEALTH CREATION NON-PROFIT BANK AND TRUST CARD COMPANY PROGRAM. You have been specially selected to join our Billionaires Club so that you can continue to earn more billions faster and safer from our International Wealth Creation Non-Profit Bank and Trust Card Program than you could on your own or any where else on our planet! With regards to this time sensitive Special Offer, the dead-line for your enrollment and payment of the $600,000.00 is by Thursday July 18, 2013. PLEASE JOIN US SO THAT TOGETHER WE CAN GUARANTEE THE VIGOROUS SOCIAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF OURSELVES, OF OUR BROTHERS, SISTERS AND OUR GLOBAL COMMUNITIES!( THIS PLAN WAS NOT IMPLEMENTED) WEBSTITE: osb.homestead E-mail: [email protected]; WEBSTITES:facebook/wealthbankgroup facebook/michael.hendricks.1466 ; Phone:443-759-9991 INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT AND CHAIRMAN MINISTER MICHAEL S. HENDRICKS THE INTERNATIONAL WEALTH CREATION NON-PROFIT BANK AND TRUST CARD COMPANY PROGRAM OSB osb.homestead MR. BILL GATES AND BILL CLINTON PLEASE BE INCLUSIVE NOT EXCLUSIVE WITH MONEY! Michelle Obama: The ambassador of ‘grit’ >>>>on.thegrio/HMBGfQ Michelle Obama on Tuesday invoked a word that is increasingly popular among scholars who work on closing the achievement gap between rich and poor students in the United States: grit. Michelle Obama: The ambassador of ‘grit’ PRESIDENT OBAMA WITH MY WEALTH CREATION PROGRAM, YOU CAN BECOME A FINANCIAL BLESSING TO THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!!!!!! President Obama: ‘We fumbled health care’ law rollout >>>>on.thegrio/1gOqyOE Obama is taking responsibility for problems with the launch of the program. He says, quote, “That’s on me.”
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 21:44:50 +0000

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