“IN COMING!!!!” Any solder, video game enthusiast or even - TopicsExpress


“IN COMING!!!!” Any solder, video game enthusiast or even Action Movie watcher knows this phrase! It means a “missile” is headed our way… My daughter and son-in-law ( Jennifer, and David) got me hooked on a Netflix show called “Chuck” while I was recently out in Cleveland for the birth of their firstborn son… We had LOTS of time at ALL hours of the night to binge watch while we worked to pacify a very fussy baby! Every so many episodes, our hero, (Chuck) would find some sort of “heat emanating devise” (Planted by the villain) that unbeknownst to him was at that very moment attracting a heat-seeking missile to destroy whatever (or whoever…) contained that device! In one episode, Chuck is holding the freshly discovered device as he sees the missile in the not too distant future heading his way… He looks around, and sees all the people he loves and at the last possible moment throws the devise into his friend’s “prized“ Crown Vic! Immediately the car is hit and explodes with all the wrath and power that missile contained. In the movies, the “weapon of destruction” is always sent by the villain, but in real life, there is an actual wrath coming that is “Lovingly” sent by God. There is a reason… and it is the “targeting device” that has been planted by the enemy… it is called Sin. Remember the phrase, “God hates sin…but loves the sinner?” This is true… but not completely understood. God’s wrath MUST destroy sin… every trace of it. His wrath is not a self-centered anger that is looking to explode, but rather a long-suffering, patient calculation to destroy that which is seeking to destroy what He loves! We ALL want to see justice in this world… But we all hope for pardon for ourselves! How can we possibly believe “we” can escape a standard of “righteousness” that is impossible for us to achieve?? This is the Truth of the Gospel! God’s desire to separate us from our sin… To take the target of His wrath from our hearts! Only a “True” Hero can do that… This is why Jesus Came… I know this is a little long for a FB post, but please bear with me… We are entering the most “Holy” time of the year… Most people who never enter a church accept for weddings and funerals are drawn to hear the Story of the Savior… Why? Because we know in the core of our dark hearts we are in need of saving… This is the Gospel hope, (the “good News” of God’s provision) there is no other. “Why would God allow suffering in the world?” people ask… The real question SHOULD be, “Why does God save any of us, and why would we neglect the One Sure Way to receive His grace and forgiveness??? In Jesus is the ONLY way that God can still love us and yet not destroy us. Remember…We CONTAIN the object of His wrath! If we are unwilling to allow Jesus to carry that which we own, we are helpless and hopelessly marked for destruction. On this side of salvation it makes perfect sense to me because I have come to terms with how dark my heart really is. …And I have received the unmerited favor of a Loving and still HOLY God… Do not let this world deceive you… Look up and see what God has done for you! The time is now… Right here… Right now… You can confess your sin, your need.. And RECEIVE the assurance of His pardon, AND adoption! Why would anyone choose to remain dead in their sins? That is a question I will never be able to answer… “For God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life… He who believes in Him is not condemned, but he who does NOT believe is condemned already because he HAS NOT BELIEVED in the Name of the ONLY begotten SON OF GOD.” (John 3:16,18) God has given us His only, because it is His BEST… What more do we want? I pray that this season of “Easter” will open many hearts to the wonder of the sacrifice, death and RESURRECTION of our only Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! He is RISEN Indeed!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 17:54:47 +0000

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