IN CONGRESS we have our REPUBLICAN ENEMIES WITHIN, who have - TopicsExpress


IN CONGRESS we have our REPUBLICAN ENEMIES WITHIN, who have NOTHING BUT CONTEMPT for our Ninth and TENTH Amendments, like Paul Ryan who raises the debt ceiling on us, our children and our grandchildren, from $17.3 TRILLION to $25 TRILLION by 2018 (Source: David Stockman) so that the Republican Party has enough of our IRS Stolen money to pay for AMNESTY so they can buy their TWENTY PLUS Million votes with our labor. The REPUBLICANS plan on transferring our wages, our salaries and our stolen property to the ILLEGALS who they have PURPOSELY let into The REPUBLIC since the day the GOP PROMISED to secure our southern border the LAST TIME they passed AMNESTY under Reagan in the 1980s. Now the Republican party tells us THEY HAVE TO PASS AMNESTY and for their argument why they tell us; That is just the political reality of it, on the ground. Then they want to transfer our American Middle Class wages, salaries and property to them via free public schooling, Federal Grants for College strictly for ILLEGALS, free EBT Food Share Cards, taxpayer subsidized housing, free Obama Phones, all sorts of Federal benefit programs for the poor, all sorts of Welfare, and the IRS continues to devastate the American Middle Class and suck all of the financial air out of our economy in the process. Is there any wonder way the American Middle Class is being wiped off face of the planet by REPUBLICANS through utter contempt for our TENTH Amendment law, which, WE THE PEOPLE ordained and established UPON THEM to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity by limiting them to spending on ONLY the eighteen items WE enumerated for them under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution? Folks, we have the ENEMIES WITHIN, in BOTH Houses of Congress in the Republican Party and their aider and abettor REPUBLICAN HACKS among our TEA Party organizations. No matter how heinously contemptuous our elected Republican usurpers spend money against our TENTH Amendment law, these ENEMIES from within in our local TEA Party organizations support the GOP and rundown the CONSTITUTIONAL POWER of the States, in accord with the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. These same ENEMIES within our TEA Party organizations divert, distract and fight against compelling our local hometown State Assemblyman and State Senator to sponsor and pass our highly and strictly Constitutional State Joint Sovereignty Resolution with Arrest Provision, which are a reasonable facsimile of that drafted by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, because they want the State GOP to be able to procure Federal Grants so that even our State REPUBLICAN Assemblymen and State Senators can STEAL from the American Middle Class to buy State Elections from the State voting MOB, by bringing home the bacon. What people do not realize is that they are taking the bacon RIGHT OUT OF our of our own paychecks and out of our Free Market economy eviscerating our American Middle Class jobs, our wages, our salaries and our SMALL Businesses, while THE KRONIES grow even larger. This is just ANOTHER REASON why to JOIN US in SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION, so that the money stays on our American Middle Class paychecks and thereby become nearly double their current size, without even a pay raise or the printing / digitizing of even more money out of thin air. BEWARE of THE ENEMIES WITHIN not only both Houses of Congress, but in our local TEA Party organizations. YOU NEED to ask yourself, when you are in a local TEA Party meeting, is the guy sitting next to me a REPUBLICAN HACK who fights for the Republicans to spend money on anything they want that exceeds the EIGHTEEN spending limits granted them under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution, pursuant to the Supremacy clauses of Article VI, as well as pursuant to our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws, as well as pursuant to Article IV Section 4 that guarantees to each one of our home Countries, which form a more perfect Union of fifty free, Independent and sovereign States, a REPUBLICAN form of Government, which MEANS that all power and spending is reserved to the States, respectively, or the people that wasnt DELEGATED to our GOP USURPERS? IS THE guy sitting next to you a REPUBLICAN HACK and a traitor to our Ninth and TENTH Amendment supreme law of the land? Here is a song to help you to remember about THE ENEMY WITHIN: IF YOU ARE TIRED of THE ENEMIES WITHIN JOIN US in SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION. WE FIGHT for Constitutional law, NOT for REPUBLICANS ! SIGN UP here: https://facebook/events/1464895897101312/?source=1 - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 00:16:10 +0000

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