IN CONTRAST THE TREACHEROUS OBAMA ADMINISTRATION’S NUCLEAR-WEAPON ‘SELL-OUT’ TO IRAN, CANADA’S HARPER GOVERNMENT AGAIN MAINTAINS ITS INTEGRITY & HONOR … DEFYING WORLD DISAPPROVAL … AND REFUSING TO THROW ITS MIDDLE-EAST ALLIES UNDER THE IRANIAN NUCLEAR BUS: IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL GETS DEEPLY SKEPTICAL RESPONSE FROM CANADA -- CANADA WILL CONTINUE TO MAINTAIN ITS SANCTIONS AGAINST IRAN Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird says he is deeply skeptical of the newly brokered nuclear deal with Iran and says Canadas sanctions will remain in full force against the country. We will evaluate the deal reached not just on the merits of its words but more importantly, on its verifiable implementation, Baird said at a news conference in Ottawa on Sunday. He said that because of previous Iranian leaders had made hostile comments toward Israel, “were deeply skeptical of the deal and the work thats brought us to this stage.” U.S. President Barack Obama attempted to reassure a skeptical Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday, and said he wants to begin consultations with Israel immediately… The agreement reached in Geneva, during talks between Iran, the United States and five other world powers, commits Tehran to curb its nuclear activities in exchange for limited and gradual relief from crippling economic sanctions. Baird said Canada will maintain its sanctions against Iran. In turn,those sanctions include: • Restrictions on financial transactions. • A ban on bilateral trade (worth about $135 million). • No Iranian diplomatic representation in Canada. Past actions predict future actions and Iran has defied the United Nations Security Council, and simply put, Iran has not earned the right to have the benefit of the doubt, Baird opined. In contrast, Baird said he would like to see Iran abandon its plutonium enrichment program COMPLETELY, and SHUT DOWN ALL ITS CENTRIFUGES… MY RESPONSE: Just another reason for Canadians to vote for Stephen Harper in 2013 – despite the opposition of the Ottawa/Toronto “peace-at-any-price” elitists. What is it just me, or did anyone else notice the similarities between Barack Obama’s televised victory “dance” – brandishing the shameless and totally useless document which his naïve Secretary of State had signed – and none other than: NEVILLE ‘PEACE IN OUR TIME’ CHAMBERLAIN: youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=FO725Hbzfls
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 10:02:08 +0000

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