IN DEFENSE OF CHRISTIANS FROM WASHINGTON D.C TO MICHIGAN- (Protecting the Christians and fellow minorities in Nineveh) 12/16/2014 I would like to thank Mr. Joseph Kassab for hosting this crucial meeting and for taking a stand for our people and would like to express my gratitude to the IDC for their dedication to our nation. Today we joined together as a unified group of community leaders and discussed the defensive strategies of of protecting the indigenous people of Nineveh and other fellow minorities that are being persecuted in the religious and ethnic cleansing that are taking place in Iraq. There are over 1 million IDPs (Internally Displaced People) and a large fraction of them are Christians. I raised an important proposal that It is important for our government in the United States and other global central governments to work directly with the indigenous Christians and create a direct port with the native keepers of Nineveh. I mentioned that we are constantly funding and arming the Kurds and the central government and not working directly with us. We stressed that our community leaders have attempted very strong strategies for the last twenty years and our missions for a permanent solution for the indigenous people of Nineveh were dismantled by unknown sources. Therefore, to insure a successful solution for Nineveh, the government must work directly with the Christians. Nineveh does not belong to the Kurds nor does it belong to settlers of Iraq, Nineveh, the ancient capital of Assyria belongs to its own indigenous people. Important questions were raised by our community leaders such as; Does the United States actually want to destroy Isis or have they actually created them? Why has it taken this much time to eradicate ISIS and why are they increasing in large numbers with no boots on the ground and while planes of ammunition fulfillment conveniently landed in ISIS occupied areas? What is the time frame of the proposed projects to defend the Christians since time is of essence and this crisis is a ticking bomb for the upcoming extinction of our people? The wonderful Director and Senior advisor of the In Defense of Christians answered very well to the important questions raised. It is almost impossible to guarantee a time frame for a successful permanent solution, however if we work together in large numbers, we are more likely to raise levels of immediate intervention. We discussed that bringing in other Christian faiths into this project such as the Evangelical branch is crucial and they would essentially be a tremendous support system for us. The Honorable advisor of Nineveh, Iraq Dr. Duraid Tobiya Zoma discussed the importance of the immediate intervention and arming of the Christians. He stressed the importance of protecting the indigenous people and fellow minorities and that their time is ticking very quickly. He urged that the administration of our country needs to implement a positively influential solution for the sake of saving an entire race from annihilation and extinction. Dr. Zoma also discussed the invasion of ISIS into Mosul in details and the statistics of the IDPs in the northern portion of Iraq. He stressed that the humanitarian aid is not sufficient which includes the medical necessities vital to the health of the IDPs. Dr. Zoma is a tremendous support system for our people globally and has been working diligently with government officials in obtaining an impactful solution. He has also shed tremendous light through mainstream, local and international media on the catastrophes taking place in Nineveh. Dr. Zomas home was the first taken by ISIS in Mosul and he expressed his devastating experience of losing his beloved city to a highly funded extremist militia of ISIS. The Kurdish representative requested to have the Kurds funded and armed as we had just discussed that the governments need to work directly with the Christians in safeguarding our territories with our own trusted officials. He mentioned that theyre doing the best they can to assist the Christians. The government as well as the community leaders are very well aware that no one is helping us but the Christian NGOs, churches, and the U.N. It has been reported by high officials that they have not witnessed any Kurdish NGOs or other central NGOs in this crisis. Lets get this across very clearly, the Assyrian Chaldean Syriac people who are essentially one nation are the indigenous people of the entire region of Iraq. We discussed that there is tremendous corruption and manipulation taking place and that the indigenous people are being strategically wiped out from the history of Iraq. The IDC leaders stressed that we are ultimately the cradlers of civilization and they recognize that its crucial to preserve our identity and role in Iraq. We had the pleasure of having Father Frank who is a legendary official and stressed that the only solution is an autonomous Nineveh for our people to guarantee their safeguarding of our rich history and ancient faith. His experience is extremely extensive in issues and crisis such as this. He stressed that there is absolutely no other solution but a sovereign and armed autonomous Nineveh that is operated by its indigenous inhabitants with international protection. We heard testimonies from eye witnesses of the atrocities in Iraq. They explained that the stories that we discuss and hear of in mainstream medias does not even cover the severity of this genocide and ethnic cleansing. The medical conditions of our people have escalated on a level that can not even be discussed in words. One of the eye witnesses Caroline extracted an eye infection just from hugging one of the IDPs. These are our brothers and sisters who were living in mansions built of stones and now barely surviving in tents and displaced areas with no proper medical attention because of the diaspora. It is ungodly and inhumane for the presidents of the world to allow this catastrophe to carry on any longer. Arm the indigenous Assyrians and its Chaldean and Syriac faiths, enough is enough. We are not asking for security guards for our churches, we are asking for highly armed soldiers to safe-keep Nineveh with our own people and our trusted friends. We dont need a group that annihilated 750,000 of us or recently declaring a jihad claiming to be safeguarding us. We can not afford one more genocide and history will keep repeating itself. May God help us on our missions, Isaiah 19:23 Nahren Anweya
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 06:26:27 +0000

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