IN FRONT OF ME IS A PRINTOUT FROM MURRAY MUNICIPAL UTILITIES of the daily leak stats for our Murray Calloway Park Swimming Pool. People for Our Parks had been accused of exaggerating the water loss so we asked for documentation from MMU. In fact, the figures we had originally used were based on old data from several years ago. THE AVERAGE DAILY LEAK IS ACTUALLY 9,514 GALLONS FOR THE 2014 POOL SEASON, ALMOST DOUBLE THE AVERAGE DAILY LEAK OF 5,653 GALLONS IN 2012. According to Gary Holman, Parks Manager for 27 years, the pool was built over a gravel pit. Had it been installed with our typical clay soil under it, the park would indeed be a swamp by now and the pool would have been closed years ago. Yes, repairs have been made year after year. Like an old car, we have reached the point repairs are no longer feasible or possible. One widely quoted statement is that Our park isnt going anywhere. Indeed the land will still be there, but our park system will continue to deteriorate if safety and maintenance issues related to the pool, lighting and electrical deficiencies, road conditions at the Bee Creek soccer complex, and ballpark needs are not addressed, impossibilities with the current limited budget. It has been suggested that community resources should be better utilized to resolve all the deferred maintenance issues that have accumulated over the past several years. IT HAS ONLY BEEN WITH THE MOBILIZATION OF COMMUNITY SUPPORT THAT OUR PARK HAS MANAGED TO DO AS WELL AS IT HAS. AT SOME POINT, THE PROBLEMS CREATED BY YEARS OF DEFERRED MAINTENANCE MUST BE ADDRESSED. WE ARE AT THAT POINT. Questions have been asked as to why the Mike Miller Park (with no swimming pool) in Marshall County receives more than 4 times the funding as our Murray Calloway Park. Perhaps the naming of their park can explain that to some degree. Some folks who dont have children who would benefit are strongly opposed to our referendum. I agreed to chair People for Our Parks because I know how important this park is for ALL of our children and I still care deeply even though our kids and grandkids are grown. I know we need this referendum passed in order to preserve the same opportunity for youngsters in the future that ours have enjoyed in years past. A person who owns $100,000 worth of property in Calloway County would pay an extra $50 a year, not quite $1 per week, $200,000 worth of property would be $100, etc. WE THINK THE KIDS OF OUR COMMUNITY ARE WORTH THAT AND FAR MORE. THE PARKS BOARD HAS THE PEROGATIVE TO REDUCE THE TAX WHEN THESE CRITICAL SAFETY AND ACCESSIBILTY NEEDS ARE TAKEN CARE OF. PLEASE JOIN ME IN VOTING YES ON TUESDAY.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 16:32:33 +0000

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