IN GOVERNANCE, I HAVE KNOWN: Some class prefects who never - TopicsExpress


IN GOVERNANCE, I HAVE KNOWN: Some class prefects who never wrote my name for noise making or truancy because we share snacks after school and of other boys because they will bully them and of course names of favorite female friends. Some teachers in elementary school who will not flog me for coming to school late, if am brought to school by any of my parents even as other pupils are being flogged that very moment! I remember being packed with others in the back of a pick-up van to children’s day, even when it is clearly scribbled there, ‘’goods only’’ and yet it was joy all the way not minding how much money we contributed for that journey. I remember how happy we were one night when a policeman collected that little sum from my uncle and free our vehicle despite the fact that the vehicle had no complete papers. There was always joy among benefactors, when a cleaner in my street annually returned home with pieces of papers bearing examination questions he packed from the typist’s office and distributed to some of the students to help them pass the promotional exams so that parents’ hard earned money will not be wasted. Is hard to forget several primary six teachers who annually dictated to the pupils series of prepared-answers for first school leaving certificate examination to aid the pupils succeed; safe the parents’ money and promote the name of the school. These were committed and kind teachers! I remember too in those days the neighbor’s son we must daily keep a portion of our breakfast for, to save him from starvation and rescue us from his terror, we were kind and he was our friend? I remember all the teachers who exempted their children and those of their colleagues from extracurricular activities; I too have enjoyed this grace several times. I know batches of health inspectors whose visit to our village means inspecting only the houses of all who did not contribute to the village head/council the levy for their hospitality. You too have also witness many bankers forgot the first come first serve rule and attend to you. Some in the name of friends, some in the name of relatives and some in the name of valued customer, I have had many! Check you will still see many preachers of the gospel still passed by the doors of the poor brethren to visit the richer brethren and even donate money to the rich kids! They are not Politicians, so we all overlook their actions. Seems it is only bribery, partiality, nepotism, embezzlement, mismanagement and misappropriation of funds,hooliganism, and indeed CORRUPTION, when it is done by the ‘’POLITICIAN’’. Am not trying to defend the politicians but I think it is time we judge people best on opportunity available to them not in comparison to others considered more opportune!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 18:33:06 +0000

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