IN HIS PRESENCE ! WAKE UP !!! TIME TO PRAISE THE LORD ! The second coming, or second advent, as it is also called, is a literal future event that will take place at a literal moment in literal time, by the literal King of all kings and Lord of all lords. It is the coming back to earth of Jesus Christ to put down all rebellion, to restore Planet Earth, and to rule and reign from His throne atop Zion for literally 1,000 years. Most all people in western culture and society who are mature, so far as age is concerned, have heard of the term “the second coming.” Few, however, understand the term. Even fewer who think they have understanding have it right in their perception of that world-transforming future event. The accuracy of their understanding depends upon adhering to what God’s Word, the Bible, says on the awe-inspiring topic. Interpretation must be undertaken from the viewpoint that God is speaking to His creation–man—in a literal sense. That is, His foretelling must be taken as literal, not as being spiritualized, symbolic, allegorical, or as things that have already occurred in any way, shape, or form. Jesus Christ to restore all things to conformity with God’s will requires understanding that God deals with His creation called man in dispensations. He has done so through covenants made with man throughout human history. IN HIS PRESENCE ! APOSTLE JERUSHIA
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 14:24:18 +0000

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