IN MEMORIAM Today has turned out to be one of great sadness for - TopicsExpress


IN MEMORIAM Today has turned out to be one of great sadness for the most unexpected of reasons. We received word of the sudden loss of not one but two friends. Marianne Brazer, whom we lost this past Friday, was the epitome of what it means truly to dedicate heart and soul to the cause of civil rights and equal justice for persons with disabilities. Drawing from extensive experience on Capitol Hill when she worked in the U.S. Senate, her amazing talents and skills were later brought to bear when she joined the Disability Rights Legal Center where I started my career. She and I became fast friends, and our friendship lasted for more than 14 years. I last saw her when the boys and I spent several hours with her during a visit to Los Angeles almost two years ago. Marianne always had a cheerful disposition, a heart of gold, a love for people, and a commitment to the cause. Marianne, my dear and cherished friend, I love you and will remain forever grateful for the indelible impact you had and continue to have on my life. I fervently promise to carry your legacy forward. Bobby Walker, whose life was tragically cut short just this last Saturday, was someone the boys and I only started to get to know since he was baptized into the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints locally this past April. Among other things, he was an avid tennis player, and he was friendly and outgoing. He was a kind person, and the cause of his passing is so disturbing that it warrants a more extensive post for another time. Bobby will be missed. The sudden nature of both these losses serves as yet another reminder of the preciousness of life. We must live each day to the fullest and appreciate people around us for the gifts they are to our lives. And, for those whose lives are filled with such sorrow and agony, we must each do what we can to extend a hand of friendship to them so that they may know how much they truly matter. Please join us in keeping Marianne, Bobby, and their respective loved ones in your thoughts and prayers. God bless them both.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 22:44:04 +0000

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