IN MEMORIUM ADMIRAL K’REME September 15, 1997 – August 22, 2013 The Admiral is gone. He passed into Sto’Vo’Kor at 1618 hours on August 22. It was a slow death for him but as a good Klingon Cat he fought Fek’Lahr until the end. His tail flopped and flogged me until his eyes went dark. He didn’t like the car ride to the vet, but then again he never did. And then they tried to save him with an asthma treatment. But after that we decided that it was wrong for us to let him suffer just for our comfort. We held him until the last second, and then held on for longer. He was the greatest cat I ever owned, or more appropriately he owned me. We have been together for nearly 12 years. And he almost made his 16th birthday on September 15th. I will miss that bundle of 20 pounds of cat fat, orange fur, purring, Edward G. Robinson meowing (think of Edward G. and then put that in a meow, it was memorable). And he talked to us all the time never figuring out how I knew what he was doing. When I went blind, he became my Guardian Kitty. He was also my Seeing Eye cat, helping me thru those dark days of blindness initially. And he never stopped being the Guardian Kitty, even after 10 years, and training Captain Squeakers to be the replacement Guardian Kitty. I was hoping that I would have more time with him, at least to watch the start of the college football season with him tomorrow. But that is not to be. Nor is it to be that he jumps into my chair or the bed to give me comfort and reassurance, and attach himself to my right hip. There are so many stories I could tell you about my Little Buddy. And Eileen could tell you many more about her Big Boy. But for now those will wait. We will receive his ashes back next week. And I’m sure the crying and sadness will return in full force at that time. And we still intend to honor his birthday and celebrate with him in spirit. With a large Meat Lovers pizza and the Cincinnati Bengals – his favorite birthday celebration. We are, at the least to say, heart-broken at his loss. There is and was no other cat that could have frustrated us as much nor comforted us in the times we needed it. He was always there for us. And I hope he knows we did this for him. I know that he is in the Rainbow Meadow right now. The place where all pet’s go to await their owners or someone else to love them. He is happy jumping, running, chasing his favorite dog Merlyn, and being chased himself. No angry dogs to worry about. No rain. Plenty of food and water (sausage and milk). Old friends to reacquaint with. Grass, trees, flowers, a shady place to sleep and rest. And eventually he’ll get the signal along with his puppy. They’ll go to Rainbow Bridge and await for me and Eileen to cross over. And it will be a wonderful occasion. And plenty of crying and hugging as well, of that I’m positive. Goodbye my friend, my little buddy. I will miss you from now until I get there. I love you then, now, and forever. And I will never forget you Buddy! Now there is a very sad frowning face coming over me, with tears forming. I told you that I’d turn into a weak mewling human when this time came to pass. I’ll never hear my lil buddy again!
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 19:28:51 +0000

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