IN MY PLACE OF SILENCE Alright, lets take a healthy recess. It - TopicsExpress


IN MY PLACE OF SILENCE Alright, lets take a healthy recess. It has been a very hectic day for me. Entering appearance on this space, and attending to my personal endeavours makes the day flagrantly unpalatable as well. I suspect that is also the case with some of my proverbial and potential readers. And that bring one thing to mind- life is universally tied to the principle of work- the earth works, our heart works- ants- and man does same for survival. Perhaps we should reason these things together: 1. We all have our individual stories to tell, be they sweet, sad, bad or ugly- weve all got that experience, somehow, somewhere, at some point in life. No one individual is without a tale; 2. Every living soul you come across is a work-in-progress. That they are not good today, does not mean that they wont be tomorrow. Although, understand that there are certain kind of people that will never change. If you like paint them with different colours, theyre static. In as much as life is not motionless, for them, there are certain things that can and will never change about them- its their trademark; 3. Do not write people off. That you know/appreciate the present condition of that fellow (today), does not in anyway, give you the prerogative to assume god, or even nurture the thought of being better than them. Of course, we should understand that, as humans, we exist in and from different classes/planes, Yes we do! All fingers are not equal, if they are, then there is a serious problem- may be the person is suffering from leprosy; 4. Never assume the monopoly of happiness, same with sadness. See, this life is live and lets live. Do not presume that your case is the best or the worst. If youre happy, some other person deserves to be happy too. And if youre sad, does not mean everybody must be sad with you. It should be a voluntary affair. It is inglorious to conscript people to share your mood/experience; 5. Never take pleasure in peoples misfortune. If it hasnt happened to you, does not mean it has passed you. Always recall that rain does not fall in only one place; when it is your morning, it may be another peoples night; when youre smiling, another may be crying. Never feel you deserve it all. 6. Never take people for granted. If someone does something that is worth being appreciated, please, do not hesitate to appreciate the person. Do not feel too big/small to do the needful. Little things do matter. In fact, I am of the opinion that gratitude is a virtue, learn to school yourself into it; 7. If you are yet to FIND that special someone in your life, please, dont give up. That youre alive, means there is hope. That your special someone will come ( may be someday). He/she may be just be around the corner, monitoring your every moves; he/she may be that lady/man who always fights/quarrels with you. Dont give up on love. It will surely come to you. Love is a universal legal tender, it is accepted everywhere. Everybody deserves to be loved; 8. Marriage is not an achievement. Gbam! If youre yet to be married, there is nothing bad about it. Enjoy and explore your singlehood by developing, investing and engaging in qualitative expertise that are of benefits to your personality. Never feel discouraged, cheated, sad and bad for being single. There are a plethora of things youll achieve while being single, that youll never achieve once youre married (save for some cases); 9. Be courteous at all times. It shows how principled your mind is configured; 10. Dont let the state of other peoples mood, determine the frame of your mind. There is no such things as humans with nine lives. We all have ONE life. You live, you die- your legacies speaks on your behalf (thats if you had any); 11. Be yourself. Never pretend to be who youre not- you owe no one an apology for being you; 12. There is no such thing as a perfect being. We all have our flaws. That is why humans; and 13. Never, ever compromise on standard and integrity. Pray, I rise!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 19:07:35 +0000

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