IN REFERENCE TO ALL THE NEGATIVE COMMENTS ON THE ICE WATER CHALLENGE FOR ALS first no one HAS to do the Ice water challenge or PAY a dime- its a challenge not a mandatory do it or die ultimatum- also when folks do it and/or donate it comes From their hearts it comes from wanting to help people and bring awareness - I got back from Ireland 14 hr total flying and airports (meeting fans)got off the plane and went to football practice (Im a vol coach ) stayed after practice late to help work on raising money for the league came home and we immediately filmed this - so when you or any of you whining haters do more for kids and others than we do ((((((and I am NOT BOASTING but yall never know what all we do cause we do not publicize it but in the last four weeks we visited w kids in a burn unit, visited a orphanage and spent time with the kids and sponsors, raised money for hero rewards, raised money and donated to a new pop warner league , we coach four nights a week, visited two terminally ill children for their bdays, provided a lunch for a entire retirement home ,raised money and donated for a Shriners hospital, visited with a unit of returning soldiers, help pack boxes and donated items for 300 soldiers deployed, helped and worked with a group of teens struggling w addictions, taught two separate small groups on Revelation, help collect and deliver two box tks full of clothes and toys to a homeless shelter supplier, paid for a random couples dinner that we didnt know, sent signed official LLTR items for silent auctions And fund raisers to 19 diff request on our dime and took close to 4000 pictures and signed that many or more autographs -while daily supporting charities we work for reposting other folks charities and needs on social media and answer and talk to fans daily on social media -answer emails for fans and attended events like the MMA event at Fort Bragg for the soldiers the natl night out for the police staying two hours later than scheduled - and ALL this FOR FREE and On our Dime while raising a family, filming , traveling, and running a repo business)))))) then and ONLY THEN FEEL FREE TO call us out UNTIL then slither back to your -better than thou- finger pointing- condescending- Miserable w my life so I want to bully others holes you came from and regroup on your game plans- God bless all of yall - even the haters especially the ignorant ones of yall that need to be watered to survive - cause obviously the wheels Turing but the hamsters dead - if all You got out of what we did was the fact it was in the pouring rain outside in a flash flood warning during horrendous thunderstorm while our electricity was out and we had candles for lights and the kids hadnt are dinner yet BUT we didnt add the ICE - then you didnt get that we CARE about folks,fans and causes enough to participate and post and let the world see while challenging all our fans on our fan pages that TOTAL over 4 MILLION challenges which is bringing ALOT of awareness to this great cause then maybe you should stop swimming in the hatoraide and head on out to sea in a sinking life raft during shark week -just saying -
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 04:39:01 +0000

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