IN SEARCH OF LOVE. 10 October 2013 at 14:10 ‘You will never be - TopicsExpress


IN SEARCH OF LOVE. 10 October 2013 at 14:10 ‘You will never be able to love until you have learnt how to recieve My love!’ These words that the Lord spoke to me are permanently engraved upon my heart. Often the children of the Lord, the believers, seek for relationships when they reach a certain age or point in life, yet God clearly tells us that if we know not how to love then we should not be in relationships. God has created each of us with a longing to love and be loved back, every heart is full of love which can only be unlocked by receiving the Father’s love for us. There is an emptiness screaming in all for fulfillment that only comes from being in relationship with our Father, only when this emptiness is filled can we be able to truly love because we cannot give out what we have not! This is a short story the Spirit gave me to best illustrate this; “In the depth of the ocean, John (a two months old fish!) had his mother and father discussing the pollution that was affecting the ocean water hence pausing a threat to their survival. John listened carefully and decided he was going to save the water from this evil. He set out to save the water from pollution, although he did not know what water meant! So the first step was to find out who or what water was, he asked his other little friends but they had no answer! He swum around the ocean trying to find a lead on who or what water was, he asked the many other fish in his school but they knew not who or what water was! Finally John went to his mother and asked where he could find water, careful not to reveal his heroic plan. To this John’s mother gave a chuckle and forwarded the question to John’s Father. John’s Father laughed at first, then he went ahead and told little John that he was actually in water! John realized he had been seeking for what was always around him, what a discovery!” Essence of the story; Like John, many believers are out seeking for love and yet they are totally surrounded by the love of God! Like John’s friends, in the world today love is amongst the most common subjects yet least understood. Francois, Duc de La Rochefoucauld, a 17th-century French author and moralist, made an astute observation when he wrote, “True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen.” This is a truth I observed, many who are desperately or hurriedly seeking for a relationship are actually illiterate when it comes to love, they really have not yet learnt how to love! That is precisely why the Lord will not answer their request for a relationship, they simply are not yet ready and a relationship would be used by the devil against them. The answer for those who seek relationships is basically to first of all seek to learn how to truthfully love from the Lord who is the author and the personification of love. Why would a good parent like God buy for his child a knife if the child is not able to use it rightfully and might harm himself or herself? So in a nutshell; learn how to love first then ask for a relationship second- first things first! Father God is passionate over us, His heart beats with our names, He desires to reveal His love to us! Scripture makes it clear that it is in receiving the love of God that we are released to be able to love-“1 John 4:19; We love because he first loved us.” I love this one-“Matthew 10:30;And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Oh if you will ask the Spirit to expound this love to you and meditate on the scriptures that testify to this truth, you will get into the place of intimacy with the One who is passionate over you, and you will be able to love too!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 13:01:37 +0000

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