IN THE ALMIGHTY NAME OF GOD ALLAH! MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFUL! WISE! For CLARITY and a CLEAR Drawing Worldwide!......................................................... Some people may entertain (sow seeds) in their minds (finite thoughts) leading to all sorts of doubts about the Judgement and the Hereafter; we draw. In Any case, the Prophets task (pbuh) is NOT to force them to accept ANYthing one way or another. His task is to deliver the MESSAGE of the Quran, and to admonish those who are (spiritually) fit and ready to receive admonition and to prepare themselves for the NEW and HIGHer (Life) destined for man. Have yself been Blessed with Gifts of the Understading? Truly, evil MUST end in evil! And Good in JOY and Felicity. The Good Worship Allah (swt) and serve Allahs creatures: Those NEEDing help are Ever in their thoughts. They see the Signs of Allah (swt) in ALL things in heaven And earth, And in their (Own) Hearts and Minds. They KNOW that there are NO strange happenings, and that DIVINE LAW Governs ALL events; Past, Present, and Future! ALLAH (Is) He to whom we All MUST return! Yet, one/s make it their business to STOP at red lights, stop signs, obey speed limits, one way signs, etc. BUT, one/s refuse to OBEY Allah (swt) and His Messenger (pbuh)! And they CHOOSE to (Ignore) ALL the Signs of Allah (swt). Allah (swt) Is MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFUL, and The MASTER of the Day of JUDGEMENT! In Light of this Knowledge: Which of the favors of your LORD will ye DENY? May Almighty God Allah (swt) protect (us) from the evils of our own Souls and bad Deeds! In Shaa Allah! GS Mustafa Abdullah Jabari EL.......AsSalaamu Alaikum Worldwide! Naam Akh!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 14:10:03 +0000

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