IN THE ALMIGHTY NAME OF GOD ALLAH! MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFUL! GLORY BE TO ALLAH [swt] LORD OF THE MAGNIFICENT THRONE! I humbly Testify that there Is NO Deity worthy of worship But Allah [swt], and I Testify that Muhammad Is His Messenger! [pbuh]. ASSALAAMU ALAIKUM WORLDWIDE! For CLARITY and a CLEAR Drawing worldwide! O ye who BElieve! FEAR Allah [swt] as He Should Be [Feared]; AND die Not except in a state of Islam! Peace with Allah [swt] and one/s surroundings. SUBHAN ALLAH! In Islam ALL men [are] EQUAL, whatever their colour, language, race or nationality may be. It addresses the the conscious of humanity and BANISHES [All] FALSE barriers of race, status and wealth, In Shaa Allah! The Message of Islam Is for the entire human race. ALLAH [swt] according to Islam, [Is] the LORD of ALL the worlds [Quran, 1:1] AND the Prophet [pbuh] is The Messenger for the WHOLE of mankind, we draw! In the Words of the Quran we read: O people! I am the Messenger of Allah [swt] to you ALL, [7:158]; and, A WARNER to ALL the nations, [25:1]; and, ALLAH [swt] says: We have not sent you except as a MERCY for ALL the nations. [21:107] ALL creatures of Allah [swt] form the family of Allah [swt], and he is the best loved of Allah [swt] who best loves His creatures. O Lord! Lord of my life and of everything in the universe! I affirm that ALL human beings are brothers of one another. Respect the ways of Allah [swt] and be affectionate towards the family of Allah [swt]. For Clarity; The Religion of Islam Is UNIVERSAL in its outlook and approach and does NOT admit barriers and distinctions which DEVIDE humanity into warring factions! WHY you might ask? BEcause it wants to UNITE humanity under [One Banner]; thus, to a world that is torn by national rivalries and feuds, as [is] our world today, it [Islam] brings the MESSAGE of LIFE and HOPE and the [Promise] of a Glorious future! In Shaa Allah! And Allah [swt] KNOWS best, for Sure! This Universe has NOT come into existence accidentally, merely by chance. NO! It has a Creator! AND The Exalted He has appointed man as His [representative on this earth. Allah [swt] has ORDAINED [means] for the fulfillment of the material and physical NEEDS of [man] as well as for his MORAL, SPIRITUAL, and INTELLECTUAL requirements. In order to meet these objectives, Allah [swt] sent His Prophets to LEAD mankind to/and on the RIGHT path! The duty of a Prophet includes the trans[mission] of the MESSAGE of Allah [swt] to ALL of his people and to embody the [teachings] in such a way that his Life-EXAMPLE may [Guide] his followers for ALL [time] to come, we draw. This is why the fundamental [sources] of Islamic ideaology are two: the QURAN, the revealed Book of the Lord, and the SUNNAH, the precept and the PRACTICE of the Prophet of Islam, may Allah [swt] bless him and grant him peace, his entire life-EXAMPLE, the [record] of which is to be found in the HADITH! We SEEK refuge in Allah [swt] from the evils of our [own] souls and from our misdeeds. NO one can MISLEAD whomever Allah [swt] GUIDES and NO one can Guide whomever Allah [swt] causes to go Astray! EVERY [innovation] Is a MISguidance and EVERY MISguidance Is in the HELL FIRE! For Sure! The children of Adam [pbuh] NEED to Learn to LOVE instead of HATE! The HOLY QURAN provides a means of [developing] the personality of the individual and of FORMing a Balanced society, we draw; for establishing an era when GOODness and [Virtue] may flourish and [evil] and Vice may Be eliminated. It declares that EVERY human BEing will be personally RESPONSIBLE to his/her Creator. The Quran not only Gives commands, it also INforms people so that they can appreciate and UNDERSTAND the [validity] and USEfulness of its IDivine INjunctions! That is why the Illah [underlying reason] of a Command [is] often given; as it APPEALS to the reason of manand invites him to exorcise his [own] INtellect in order to UNDERSTAND himSELF, and his station AND [purpose] in life, his Conduct with his fellow-beings and, above All, his relationship with his SUSTAINER! The Quran transcends ALL barriers and limitations of race, region or time. As it contains a GUIDANCE for man in ALL walks of life: Spiritual, Temporal, Individual, and Collective. ALLAH [swt] says: And if you are in doubt concerning what We have revealed to Our servant [Muhammad, pbuh] then produce a surah like it, and call your witness beside Allah if you are truthful. [2:23] Thus, we remind ourSELFS first and then you; that our children are our Future , and [we] ARE the [foundation] and STRUCTURE that they build that future upon. Therefore, let us All Stand together as [one] community in the Almighty Name of Allah [swt] with/demonstrating LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE thereby Establishing UNITY, that they [the children] will see in ALL of us what they CAN Be, In Shaa Allah! The Prophet of Allah [swt] said during his farewell speech: Remember, one day you will [appear] Before ALLAH and answer for your deeds. So beware, do NOT stray from the Path of RIGHTeousness after I am Gone. O People, NO Prophet or Messenger will come after me and NO [new] Faith will Be born! REASON [well], therefore, OPeople, and UNDERSTAND my words which I convey to you. I leave BEhind me [two] things, the QURAN and my example the SUNNAH and IF you [Follow] these you will NEVER go astray. ALL those who listen to me shall pass on my [words] to others and those to others aGAIN; and may the last one/s UNDERSTAND my [words] BETTER than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness O ALLAH, that I have conveyed Your Message to Your People! Surely Allah [swt] and His Messenger speaks the TRUTH! Ameen. THERE IS [NO] POWER [NO] STRENGTH EXCEPT FROM ALLAH [swt}! Naam Akh! ASSALAAMU ALAIKUM WORLDWIDE! Mustafa Abdullah Jabari EL
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 03:36:02 +0000

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