IN THE BANK OF #TERRORISM AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, IT IS NOT ONLY #MUSLIMS HAVE AN #ACCOUNT, #CHRISTIANS & #JEWS HAVE RESERVED GREATER #ACCOUNTS FOR A LONG TIME, AND THEY STILL USE THEM. Those that believe that such atrocities (like killings, bombings, slaughterings, carnages and massacres) are only committed by Muslims have not read their history very well. 1. They forget that it was a christian by the name of Adolf Hitler, with the full backing and endorsement of the Pope of his day, who gassed 6 million Jews, Slavs and Gypsies and who caused the death of 50 million people during the Second World war. 2. They forget that it was a christian by the name of Kaiser Wilhelm 11 of Germany who started the First World War which led to the death of 20 million people. 3. They forget that it was a christian militia backed by the Jewish State of Israel and the Israeli Defence Force that killed thousands of innocent Palestinian and Arab women and children in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla. 4. They forget that it was the Hindu nationalists that slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Muslims in post colonial India which led to the breaking up of that nation into three separate countries. 5. They forget that it was the white christian Boers of South Africa that institutionalised apartheid and that justified it with verses from the bible. 6. They forget that it was the Jewish state of Israel that espoused and still espouses the deeply racist concept of Zionism. 7. They forget that it was the Christian Hutus of Rwanda that slaughtered 800,000 of their own Christian Tutsi brothers and sisters in 28 days of madness, fratricide and genocide with knives, cudgels and machetes. 8. They forget that it was Christian America that killed 150,000 innocent civilians in 3 days when they bombed Baghdad in an illegal war. 9. They forget that it was Christian America that wiped out the Red Indians and that herded the few that they didnt slaughter into concentration camps that they called reservations. 10. They forget that it was Christian western Europe that dehumanised and enslaved the black man and that carved up and colonised the African continent. They forget that it was Christian Great Britain that tormented and plagued pre-independence China and that turned the Chinese into helpless victims of a drug called opium. 11. They forget that it is Christian America that has killed thousands of innocent muslim women and children in secret drone attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan in the last few years. 12. They forget that it was the Christian IRA that killed thousands of innocent British civilians over a period of 100 years and during the time of the troubles. 13. They forget that it was Christian King Leopold 11 of Belgium that personally ordered the slaughter of no less than 10 million Congolese and that actually owned the entire nation of the Congo and regarded it as part of his personal estate. 14. They forget that it was Jewish Israel that killed 2000 innocent civilians, including 450 infants and young children, during the just-concluded bombing of Gaza. I have always believed that Israel has the right to defend herself and I have always supported them in their noble cause. This is because I believe passionately that the re-establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 was prophetic and because I believe that she has the right to exist. However that does not mean that I ought to endorse, commend or support the slaughter of 450 innocent Palestinian children. 16. They forget that it is Christian Ukraine that is shelling, bombing and killing thousands of their own people in the eastern part of their country today simply because those people are trying to exercise their right of self-determination and are fighting for their freedom and liberty. 17. They forget that it was the Christian Serbs that were indulging in ethnic cleansing and slaughtering the Muslim Kosovars and Bosnians and the christian Croats in eastern Europe approximately 20 years ago. 18. They forget that it was the Christian crusaders that massacred every single muslim man, woman and child when they took the City of Jerusalem in the Middle Ages. They forget that it was a Muslim by the name of Salahudeen who, 100 years later when he re-took Jerusalem back from the Christians, refused to retaliate and instead gave every christian safe passage to leave the city and ordered that not one of them should be harmed. Those that argue that all Muslims are butchers, animals and terrorists have forgotten the compassion of Salahudeen. and those that argue that all Christians are beasts and sadistic killers have forgotten the compassion of King Richard the Lionheart of England, a God-fearing and profoundly good man. -FEMI FANINI-KAYODE. NB: The title and the numbering of points are mine. :)
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 07:50:40 +0000

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