IN THE IMAGE OF GOD CREATED HE HIM: MALE AND FEMALE CREATED HE THEM. by tonabamiro @ 2014-02-24 – 13:53:48 The name Elohim (God) is made up of the feminine word Eloh (God), and the masculine ending IM, which is the ending of the word Elohim. Elohim means gods, it is a plural word, but the plurality might not be the significant thing, as much as the emphasis on the male and female, the masculine and feminine. In Genesis 1:27 the Bible says: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him: male and female created he them. God made (Asah, pronounced Asoh) man in his own image, but he created (Bara) man in his own image. There is the spiritual Adam, and there is the physical Adam. The spiritual Adam is created in the image of God, he needs a Tsela, a rib, from Adam, mankind. The physical Adam is both male and female. The tabernacle was oriented east to west. In the eastern part was the brazen alter for sacrifice. In the western part was the Holy place, and the Holy of Holies. The eastern and western parts of the tabernacle also represent the eastern and western forms of consciousness. The physical Adam is both male and female, there is the male, and there is the female, of the eastern form of consciousness; the spiritual Adam is only male, of the western form of consciousness. Situated in the western part of the house of God, where the glory of God dwells, the spiritual Adam is created in the image of God. God made man, but he created man in his own image. For the spiritual Adam, the one whose sin has been paid for, the one whose sin has been washed completely (the one who who believes all his sins have been paid for, his sins have been washed), he is of a western form of consciousness. The glory of God resides in the Holy of Holies, the invisible glory of God. The physical Adam in the eastern part of the house of God, the one that is male and female, is a representation of the glory of God, the glory of God that is in the Holy of Holies: Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man the things God hath prepared for those that love him. The Tsela, the rib, is from the physical Adam, in the eastern part of the house of God. Let us look at it this way. Let us assume God showed you a vision. You were living in your mothers house and you were staying in your mothers bedroom (And Adam called the name of his wife Eve; for she was the mother of all living). Meanwhile, there was a married couple in the eastern part (located on the southern side)of the house, from the eastern part of your country. Manifesting through the married couple, were also a male and female, a couple, from the eastern part of the world, through their eyes. Later, you met a pastor and his wife, from the eastern part of the world, who preached the true doctrine of Christ. The pastor and his wife from your country, they represent the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (not they, their doctrine). You should not take of this doctrine, symbolized by a bottle of wine in the vision, to be healed of your sickness, lest you die. The pastor and his wife, from the eastern part of the world, they represent the tree of life (their doctrine). Later, you found your rib in the congregation of the pastor and his wife, from the eastern part of the world. You found your Eve, your Chawwah, your life giver. So, the Tsela, the rib, is to be found in the tree of life, in the true congregation. She is built into a wife for the spiritual Adam, the spiritual Adam having not been able to find a wife among his kind. Christ is the head of the man, the man is the head of the woman, and God is the head of Christ. The man is female in respect to Christ, Christ is female in respect to God. When I use the word female, I use the term not so much in respect of of the physical term only, but in respect of the spiritual terms, mainly.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 11:35:34 +0000

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