IN THE LAST HOUR, HRM FIREFIGHTER’ FAMILY BUY’S DND VETERIANS HOME THE DAY BEFORE REMEMBERANCE DAY, GREAT STORY. Today I want to congratulate my Client’s Nick and Betty for the FASTEST (4 days of conditions.) closing - sale of their home after, a long go on the market. This is one of the most amazing feel good story’s I have ever been involved. Have a read. John is a retired Air force military member, When we listed in May we had no idea this market was to be this soft, and we felt we had plenty of time to sell their home. Understanding that the Military pays the expenses on their veteran’s final move of their career however the amount of time in the window is limited. Just after Remembrance Day the Government was about to pull all the funding due to reaching this deadline, my clients would loose approximately $13-15000. If the seller’s had lost the funding, if it happened Maggie and I had no intention on charging for our services. Loosing the funding would be wrong in my opinion, and we love our clients. The home was always priced the best in the area, it just suffer from a small backyard and an older kitchen in a market where there are lots of choices out there. Oh did I mention my clients already built and moved into their dream home, and now had 2 mortgages to pay. Last week we received a call early Friday morning from another Real Estate agent, Amy Fisher for a last minute viewing request of our client’s home. Her client a HRM Fire Fighter, who just the night before found out he, had lost the house his family was about to buy. And in only 7 days when, his home was to sell, he his wife and 3 children would be homeless, “literally”. Within 2 hours of the viewing, we had an offer on the home that was accepted, with the condition that we close in a record time of 10 DAYS the last day of the DND funding would be available the LAST DAY . Oh BTW did I mention the morning of the offer the firefighter has his car stolen out of his driveway, he noticed when he came out to leave to view the property…. As any of you agents or mortgage brokers know, closing a deal and moving in within 10 days is insane, especially with 4 days being a weekends and Remembrance day being a holiday, they would have only just a few days to get the financing approved. That Friday night the buyer’s mortgage broker stayed late to process the deal, worked hard and got it in the system, they were on the way. Another lucky Break, the buyer and seller have the same lawyer, Byron Balcolm, so the transaction could move quickly. That Friday night both the buyer’s and seller’s likely slept better than they did for days before that I am betting? The next evening at the home inspection, a fixable but serious issue was uncovered at the house. It required the help of a professional at 5 pm on a Saturday night. The issue would take a 1 ½ days to fix, and we have to had the completed Monday to qualify for the closing date. Instantly we all got on the phone, trying to fine someone to address the concern ASAP, no luck. I decided to post my plea for Help on Facebook and a Friend either through Facebook or my ex wife, “ Kevin Foran ” not only found the man for the job, but the work was completed the next day and by Sunday night and had the documentation we needed. (THIS IS A MIRACLE SERIOUSLY) By Monday Night the 10th of November, The day before Remembrance DAY , we had a firm deal in place on the Veteran’s home we were technically sold.. We had a happy couple, the HRM firefighter and his family this day. All will be done, this morning the home will close and everyone will be happy. I am so joyful for everyone involved in the transaction it is an amazing story. Real estate is Real Serious!! Imagine paying 2 mortgages each month, or not having a home for your Kids? We are not heart surgeons I know, but as Realtors we are involved in some pretty stressful situations for our clients. Never give up on them, anything is possible if we work hard for your clients
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 14:17:45 +0000

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