IN THE NAME OF FRENCH TRADITION (French provocateur urges American - TopicsExpress


IN THE NAME OF FRENCH TRADITION (French provocateur urges American standards of free speech to counter the American model) Paradoxically, Mr. Zemmour often exercises his right to free speech to endorse stricter limits on similar freedoms. He advocates a return to authorizing only Christian first names for children born in France, a restriction lifted in 1993; his ancestors in Algeria had adopted French names, he noted. And he hailed the ban on the public wearing of the full facial veil as a way “to oblige people to become authentically French.” “The state needs to do its job, which it’s always done, of imposing constraints,” he said. “For me, France is the ban on the veil.” He says that his views are those of a silent majority, French people who seek the return of the resplendent France of de Gaulle, a proud, imagined France unencumbered by the guilt of the post-colonial era. Efforts to integrate the country’s immigrant populations have plainly failed, he said, and the country ought to revert to the “assimilationist” approach he says it abandoned decades ago. “We believe that we have the best way of life in the world, the best culture, and that one must thus make an effort to acquire this culture,” he said. By contrast, he said, the notion of a country made great by the diversity of its people and values “is an American logic.” Asked why he believes in the superiority of the French model, he said only that “there is a singular art of living” in France. “For me, France is civilization with a capital ‘C,’ ” he added. The groups that have taken him to court have been urging an American social vision, he said. Yet, he added, they are not also willing to endorse American standards of free speech, and they oppose the taking of American-style ethnic statistics. “I’m taking — because they forced it on me — the American model, and I’m throwing the American model back in their face,” Mr. Zemmour said. “But in the name of French tradition.” NYT Lunivers est en expansion et que lon ne lutte pas contre ses excès par de la prégnance étatiste supplémentaire mais au contraire en faisant en sorte que chacun joue son rôle tout son rôle mais rien que celui-ci ... Lucien Oulahbib «les musulmans ont leur propre code civil, le Coran. Ils vivent entre eux, dans les banlieues. Les Français ont été contraints de les quitter». «Je sais que cest irréaliste, mais lHistoire est incroyable. Qui aurait pensé en 1940 quun million de pieds-noirs, vingt ans plus tard, allaient quitter lAlgérie pour revenir en France? Ou que, après la guerre, 5 ou 6 millions dAllemands allaient quitter lEurope centrale et orientale où ils ont vécu pendant des siècles?». «Je pense que nous nous dirigeons vers le chaos. Cette situation dun peuple au sein du peuple, les musulmans dans le peuple français, conduira au chaos et la guerre civile. Des millions de personnes vivent ici, en France, et ne veulent pas vivre à la française.» En donnant «à leurs enfants des prénoms français», ou «en mangeant du fromage», «en plaisantant dans les cafés» ou encore «en faisant la cour aux filles».... Eric Zemmour jcdurbant.wordpress/2014/10/23/polemique-zemmour-zemmour-respecte-globalement-lapproche-qui-est-faite-dans-mon-livre-alain-michel/
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 13:35:20 +0000

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