IN THE OCEAN OF GOD’S GRACE - Part I, BABAJI I AM THAT, BABAJI Everything is through me; everything is in me, and from me flows the living stream of Love, the never dying source of Grace and eternal Life. I am the one, who holds and carries you, as you get tired, I am the one, who is with you in every hour, I am the one, who knows the human hearts, who guides the human souls and imperceptibly steers the paths of human Beings – until all have found into the Light. I am the one, who has decreed the great time of God’s Grace, because I am All-That-Is. Beloved Ones! Let us now overdo it, in order to turn the events of this time of Grace toward the divine Light, lift the veils there, where they cover the look at the truth, and let us devote ourselves now toward the river of the Creator, as it has been and it is at all times and far from any limitations, which this world and you human Beings had to experience. The great changeovers and upheavals are truly ongoing for some time. The heavenly bodies change their positions or die in an instance, new stars develop, new worlds are born and in the center of this event is this world and the human Being, who has selected this world, the ascension planet of the Light, for his growth. Old, mature, knowing souls, liberated from Karma, matured into divine Love, inhabit this earth, and this until the end of time. Now at the end of time the farewell Master of this world is being strengthened by me, yet the farewell of the “Great Ones” will fulfill itself in the very last sequence of this ascension. The „Great Ones“ Who are the “Great Ones”, whose ancestry are they and where did they come from to this world? Heaven has made the provisions so that this ascension fulfills. Fulfilled despite all rearrangements, efforts and adversities, which were to be expected. Therefore not only old and matured souls were sent to this world, but Creator Gods, who work in many worlds, who have created many of these worlds themselves and in a relatively short incarnation cycle on this earth have absorbed into their Being all experiences of the limitations of this world. These Beings tower above many old souls in strength and orientation, in Light and realized Love, because something else is reserved for the old souls, which later on I will reveal to you. The “Great Ones” have decided to come to this earth, take on a human body and to “endure” a life as a human Being among human Beings, because truly: for these souls this service is the coronation of all experiences, because who is aware of his limitless power of Creation and yet is in service in this limited world, adds new dimensions to his consciousness and truly ascends to God after the work is done, and enters into the Source of All-That-Is. The “Great Ones” are characterized by the following distinctions: 1.) They experience the difficulties and the limitations of this level as extremely painful. 2.) They absolutely cannot get something out of this life of limitations – in temporary happiness or in temporary misfortune. 3.) They know exactly about their assignments and they fulfill these in unique dedication to the Source of All-That-Is. 4.) They love, and their Love is not of this world; far from mercy, pure loving compassion for all life. They love like a clear spring that innocently seeks a path to the valley and thereby in love accepts every rock and every hindrance and integrates into the further course of the river. 5.) They see the destiny of this mankind and the fate of this world in front of their inner eye, and despite this inevitability the Great Ones know the deeper context, the meaning and the logic of all life. The „Great Ones“ were the first ones in this world and will be the last ones to leave this world. Long after the old souls were carried away and after they have attained enlightenment. And the “Great Ones” are the ones, who, together with many forces from the invisible world, maintain the balance on this earth in the last phase of this transformation, so that if fulfills, what has been heralded to you. This service describes the part of divine Grace, which flows directly from these souls to mankind. It is the grace of human Beings for human Beings, equally divine and humanly, unlimited and yet transferred through the limited world of mankind. Old Souls The assignments of most of the old souls in this world are finished, yet there is still much to do for this world. This means that after one’s own perfection further fields of Grace will be given, and from the for this world invisible realm they will contribute to the growth of this and many other worlds. Nobody can assist a process of purification as well as a matured and perfected soul, which has passed through the lowlands of vibration. Yet many of these souls have fulfilled their part for this time due to many experiences and mostly due to very long incarnation cycles, and now they are being prepared for the role of an unlimited Creator God, a role, which the “Great Ones” have already completely integrated into their consciousness and are fully aware of it. Therein these old souls distinguish themselves from the souls of the “Great Ones”, and yet there is nothing that separates this level of Love; after all both groups are joined through their all-knowing, through their all-love and through the unalterable will, to fulfill their assignments in this world to the hour of truth. Seeing through and Changing Decades ago this world began to purposefully turn toward the Light and the light warriors of the first and last hours, all of them old souls and some of them as the “Great Ones”, awakened to their assignments. Since then this world has already been decisively and irreversibly changed. The transformation is obvious and in these days reaches a new dimension. The greatest challenge consisted of maintaining the inner connection and inner orientation toward the Source of All-That-Is under all circumstances, not to let one be confused, in order not go astray. Because the dark power of this space-time faced this decision of mankind, which has chosen the ascension, with every possible resistance, thereby used any means and foremost insidiousness. Electro-magnetic fields were utilized in order to create vibration patterns, which enslave mankind and consequently keep them in the low vibration of fear. And fear blocks everything, while Love maintains everything flowing and alive. The manipulations of mankind truly reached planetary proportions and therefore every human Being was extremely challenged and in every respect was confronted, day for day, with unbearable realities of space-time, which a.) Need to be seen through and b.) Need to be changed. And you, who we are talking about here, have done this, and still more, still much more. The New Reality exists! You are also in the process to continue to change this reality in every moment! Even if this reality still seems to be of little attraction to you, you change this one during every second and for the benefit of this world! You are the actual builders of the new world, because you create a new world due to your light-filled impulses. For a long time this fact is familiar to you, yet what you tend to underestimate is the fact that you have already succeeded to create a new reality – already for a long time. Meaning that this virtual reality, which actually still reaches you in this world through different and area-wide manipulation mechanisms, is in a parallel world, which has nothing to do with the new world, which is already anchored in you and in the galaxy. Imagine a stage and the auditorium. While on the stage, visible to all viewers, the play is being performed; the auditorium is deprived of the fact that behind the stage a new scene is being prepared. And as soon as the curtain is lowered for a moment, in order to be raised again, just like out of nothing a new scene is presented, and visible to all. And this is the instance, wherein the old scene is forgotten. A lite and very transparent veil separates the two worlds: The light-filled world, which you have already created and only waits to become the sole stage, and from the light-starving world, which now completes the last act on the stage, which it seemed to control. It is important to understand that you have already created and built the new world and nor yet do you have to create it! Because your planetary work in this area is done, and this means that you as master-builders have built this new world. As it has been announced to you, until your eventual transfiguration, there is yet “still much to do”, this means to keep your energy garment clean, to continue your purification work of your Being unimpressed by the “shifts” in time and to remove any energy interfering in a disallowed manner. Why is this already built world still not visible? Because every illusion is held as long until it is replaced by reality. And in this case it also involves a cosmic event. The “turning of the stage” means the magnetic change of the living Mother of all life, above becomes below and the sun rises in the west. This moment of God’s Grace makes apparent, what the “Great Ones” and the “Old Souls” have created; let the world resurrect and let you celebrate the arrival in the crystal cities of this and other worlds. Joy and blessings expect you in these upcoming days. Thereby we come to the end of this first part of the joyous message, which describes this unique time of Grace for mankind. The new world is ready, while the old world is pushed into the backstage. And the turning and focal point of this moment in time are the “Great Ones”, who, vigilant until the last sequence and unimpressed by the snap-shots of time, pave the way for the dissolution of this temporary world, and for the new world prepare the path for its appearance. The Nature of Grace This Grace seeks its equal in Creation, and thereby the divine Grace fulfills itself in and through human Beings, which is: To create for all life the perfect conditions for growth! Therein divine Grace is expressed. Therefore Grace is not only the miracle, which happens when you least expect it, but Grace is God’s mandate to offer to all life exactly the conditions for its growth, which it also needs for its growth. And the high souls in this world do it likewise to this divine Grace, because by passing through the world of illusions on human legs, they enable growth due to their Love, and the “Great Ones” and God offer this to unconscious human Beings until the end of time. Great dedication and unconditional Love makes this possible, and you light warriors of the first and last hours, you, who are the “Old Souls”, are filled with it. The time of upheavals is over for those, who have attained clarity in self, have created life and have established love. Behind the veil the divine Light visibly breaks through and it penetrates all levels. The new world reveals itself, which was created by you and was breathed into reality; perfected and ready in order to separate from this galaxy and enter into the Light. With you, who have fulfilled, who were selected, with you, who have arrived. To understand the Now Who understands the Now has understood everything, who is deprived of the Now, can barely interpret the events in this world. Because in the understanding or simultaneity of all life and all your lives lies the key for this as well as for all times and beyond that. Eternity has neither beginning nor end and you return there, because you yourself have neither beginning nor end. Those, who know it, are blessed, because until the last of all days they wring deep meaning from this world. Ascension and descent of many worlds occur in the Now. Once you have recognized this, the waiting for ascension ends, because it ends in the Now. Have you understood my child? How much I love you. BABAJI The light world publishing and the author do not lead any correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages published on this website. Additional messages and articles regarding current events in: stankovuniversallaw/ Hyperlink inactive because the light world publishing refrains from any direct links. Please copy and activate the link in order to access this page. channeled by Jahn J Kassl translated by Franz Heritage of Mankind – MAAM TE’ ELIAS: FIND PEACE IN SILENCE, BABAJI Healing due to Gods Grace Out of silence God’s voice arises. Harken and you will become aware of it. The silence paves the way for lovingness and leads you directly into the kingdom of peace. And now silence is needed, after the ascending ones have done everything and after everything has been said. I am BABAJI We give silence the space in today’s time of God’s Grace, the space, which it shall claim for it, because too many human Beings spend time in conversations, which spare any necessity. Harken into eternity, harken now into your innermost and recognize God’s silent call, God’s soft voice and the request to follow me. The Grief Before you inherit the kingdom of peace you encounter the silence. As soon as you have become calm and silent on the inside, once again the unresolved fears appear, which need to be released into the Light. And besides different anxieties, which you become aware of in silence, grief appears. The grief is a dominant sensation, a determining feeling, wherefrom many ascending ones were captured. Grief about the conditions in this world, grief about the many past companions along the way and the dividing lines, which stretch across your families. And grief about leaving this world. Redeem this grief, whereby you accept it and live it up, whereby you feel it and sense the full pain, which can inhabit it. The Lovingness Direct your attention fully toward it, so that lovingness, which follows grief, may settle in you. Lovingness and compassion toward all Life are determining attributes of an ascending one. After the tears of grief have been shed great understanding arises, lovingness and compassion appear. Qualities, which redound to any ascending one’s honor and this is a worthy adornment wherewith you enter into Heaven. Your compassion, your lovingness forms the foundation, wherefrom the kingdom of peace develops. And in its first steps the silence leads the path toward it; only then can lovingness and compassion follow, because silence reveals profound insights and opens the heart for the Light. Now end any unrest, do not speak any unnecessary words. Spend the days in deep inner contemplation, no matter what you do and where you are. The inner silence paves the way for any insight. Meaningless conversations or unnecessary words break the vibration of this sacred space. God reveals himself in you and in silence; a busy spirit is a hindrance for it. The path of human Beings, who return to the Source, is, the louder it gets in this world, shaped by inner silence, whereby every human Being reaches the eternal kingdom of peace. Now become aware of your own status and begin to fill your daily life and every moment of your life with silence, in order to return into the kingdom of peace of all Life. No words whatsoever are needed anymore, because the whisper from Eternity fulfills everything, uplifts everything and perfects you. I am BABAJI Through me and in me you find perfection. Fully put your trust in me and attain eternal Life – come. BABAJI These healings were affected by BABAJI during the Light Reading on 8/22/2014,and are possible at any time for every human Being, who decides for it from the depth of his heart. channeled by Jahn J Kassl translated by Franz False Pride, Healing in God’s Grace – JJK: Stankovs Universal Law Press » The New General Theory of Science of the Universal Law PAT Report – September 3, 2014 by Georgi Stankov Posted on September 3, 2014 Creator Gods At Work stankovuniversallaw September 2, 2014 Dear George, I know that – without a doubt – we are the creator gods forming this reality. All I have to do is think about something and energize it with m… stankovuniversallaw
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 16:25:03 +0000

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