IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL ORIGINAL JURISDICTION WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) NO.18 OF 2013 Indian Bank Association and others ... Petitioners Versus Union of India and others ... Respondents JUDGMENT K.S. Radhakrishnan, J. This Writ Petition, under Article 32 of the Constitution of India, has been preferred by the Indian Banks’ JUDGMENT Association (IBA) along with Punjab National Bank and another, seeking the following reliefs :- a. Laying down appropriate guidelines/directions to be followed by all Courts within the territory of India competent to try a complaint under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (the Act) to follow and comply with the mandate of Section 143 of the said Act read with Sections 261 to 265 of Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Cr.P.C.) for summary trial of such complaints filed or pending before the said Courts. b. Issue a writ of mandamus for compliance with the guidelines of this Hon’ble Court indicating various steps to be followed for summary trial of complaints under Section 138 of the said Act and report to this Hon’ble Court. c. Issue a writ of mandamus, directing the respondents, to adopt necessary policy and legislative changes to deal with cases relating to dishonor of cheqeus so that the same are expeditiously disposed off in accordance with the intent of the Act and the guidelines to be laid down by this Hon’ble Court. DIRECTIONS: (1) Metropolitan Magistrate/Judicial Magistrate (MM/JM), on the day when the complaint under Section 138 of the Act is presented, shall scrutinize the complaint and, if the complaint is accompanied by the affidavit, and the affidavit and the documents, if any, are found to be in order, take cognizance and direct issuance of summons. (2) MM/JM should adopt a pragmatic and realistic approach while issuing summons. Summons must be properly addressed and sent by post as well as by e-mail address got from the complainant. Court, in appropriate cases, may take the assistance of the police or the nearby Court to serve notice to the accused. For notice of appearance, a short date be fixed. JUDGMENT If the summons is received back un-served, immediate follow up action be taken. (3) Court may indicate in the summon that if the accused makes an application for compounding of offences at the first hearing of the case and, if such an application is made, Court may pass appropriate orders at the earliest. (4) Court should direct the accused, when he appears to furnish a bail bond, to ensure his appearance during trial and ask him to take notice under Section 251Cr.P.C. to enable him to enter his plea of defence and fix the case for defence evidence, unless an application is made by the accused under Section 145(2) for re-calling a witness for cross-examination. (5) The Court concerned must ensure that examination-in-chief, cross-examination and re- examination of the complainant must be conducted within three months of assigning the case. The Court has option of accepting affidavits of the witnesses, instead of examining them in Court. Witnesses to the complaint and accused must be available for cross-examination as and when there is direction to this effect by the Court. 22. We, therefore, direct all the Criminal Courts in the country dealing with Section 138 cases to follow the above-mentioned procedures for speedy and expeditious disposal of cases falling under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act.
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 14:28:15 +0000

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