IN THE TIME OF HAZRAT MAHDI (PBUH) PEOPLE WILL BE AMAZED AT THE OPPRESSION THEY SUFFERED BEFORE. - Our prime minister went on to say this about the attack aimed at the people of Reyhanlı. Our brothers fleeing Assad’s wicked regime did not come to Reyhanlı for fun. They came from fear of their lives. - True. - I would like to remind my brothers in Reyhanlı of this in particular. This nation has always opened its doors to the oppressed. The people coming from Syria are our brothers. - Look, what he is saying is very important. Play that sentence again. - This nation has always opened its doors to the oppressed. - That is a feature unique to Turkey. Not once or ten times or a hundred. Whenever there was persecution in Europe, the kings would come to the Ottoman Empire and ask for help. And the Ottoman sultans would help. The Jews were terribly persecuted in Spain. They were told, “Either you become Christians or we will kill you all. Or depart.” The Ottomans helped them there. They put them onto ships and brought them to Istanbul. There were very harsh areas in Turkey and they could have sent them to those. But what did they do? They settled the Jews in the prettiest parts of the loveliest city. And they left them free to live as they wished. When Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror captured Constantinople there was only the Greek Church there. He opened the gates to all the other churches. He allowed the Armenians and the Latins and everyone to build churches. That is beauty and love. Look, when you oppress people they are unhappy. When you give them freedom, they are happy. When you put even a squirrel in a cage, the animal will die. It cannot bear captivity. A partridge will die in captivity. Very soon. You can give it all the food you like, but it cannot live. It has to be free. Human beings can only be happy when they are free. The Ottomans lifted oppression to the maximum extent possible. There will be the maximum liberty in the time of the system of the Mahdi, in the End Times, in the time of Jesus son of Mary, of the Mahdi. People will say, “We ruined ourselves. What need was there for all that?” “What need was there for all those police station, all those prisons, all that killing and bombing? Why did we do all that?” They will be totally baffled. Because there really is no good reason. Human beings are nice and lovable things. There is no need for war and conflict. The world is a large place. I look at the Turkic states, They have populations of 3 or 5 or 15 million. But their lands are vast. Kazakhstan goes on forever. They are also very fertile lands. But they are empty. There are places nobody has ever set foot on. Why fight? The world is empty. There are lovely, empty places. Satan has inflicted this state of mind on people. Everyone is fighting over a tiny plot of land. The Mahdi and Jesus the Messiah will put a stop to that.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 14:39:31 +0000

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