IN THIS PROPHETIC MESSAGE THE MESSENGER ANGEL OF GOD TELLS, WITH WHICH PURPOSE THE FALLEN ANGELS HAVE COME TO EARTH. THEY ARE ALREADY AMONG US! LISTEN TO THIS INFORMATION, COMING FROM GOD! Please share, and do not change © BC Full view: Hello! On the 23rd of August 2012, the messenger angel of God brought on this message to Benjamin Cousijnsen. Shalom, Benjamin Cousijnsen! May I introduce myself? My name is Jetro, a messenger angel of God. I greet you, Gods prophet, in the most powerful Name above all names, Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ. Do you remember, that you saw a planet with bat-like fallen angels above the earth? Yes, I said, I remember this! Benjamin, this planet has been destroyed. Dont cheer too early, Benjamin, they did it themselves. Were they killed? I asked. No, they are on earth! Their goal is to take mankind away from God. They lurk for blood, and they bring mental confusion on the earth. They also have contact with the UFOs. The messenger angel said: You spoke in the name of the almighty God of Isaac, Jacob and Abraham, and you said, From now on one will see more UFOs. Benjamin, worldwide they are discovered and even filmed. In Mexico a journalist saw many UFOs during filming. He made real live images, and they saw the UFOs, eight UFOs, with an infrared camera, and even Defense saw them. The UFOs can project clouds, so that one cannot see them. Their protection was not working and so they saw them, such as Mexico, Spain, England, Galicia, America, Haiti, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. Many think it’s great, when they see one. They do not even realize that they are fallen angels, who will take over the earth. At the time when the Christians are gone, after the Rapture, they will seize power! The appearance will be a copy of the human being. They will believe and trust the beast, because ‘they had removed the Christians’, because there were disasters worldwide and chaos. They will be received as heroes! Woe world, they are demons of satan! How about those fallen angels among us here on earth? I asked. They are scouts, and they pass on the information, Benjamin. It is better for man, that they repent to Jesus Christ. Only He can save man. Whoever has not accepted Him, will receive a hell on earth. Whoever receives Him, will be saved. People will kill and even consume each other! John 9, verse 30 The man answered them, “How amazing! You dont know where he comes from, yet he opened my eyes”. Time is near! Maybe you are laughing, as in Noahs time. Yet man perished and God himself had closed the door. Im leaving now, Benjamin. He who does not want to hear, will perish. Remember this well! Choose whom you want to serve. Shalom! said the messenger angel of God, and disappeared. Note: Full text display for the deaf, hearing impaired and speakers of other languages Use Google Translate and Bookmark it. Dear people, spread these messages! Translators in different languages are welcome ALERT! Obama will soon ensure that these messages are removed from the Internet, therefore print and burn DVDs - Benjamin. More messages on this website, also in Spanish, Portuguese, German, Indonesian, Filipino, Swahili, Korean, Russian and Dutch, go to: Source: Evangelicalendtimemachine
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 11:10:32 +0000

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