IN THIS………THE FINAL RESTING PLACE By Gary Price in - TopicsExpress


IN THIS………THE FINAL RESTING PLACE By Gary Price in GHOST-WRITER (Files) While reveling in the images of death and the horrors of the grave, one can only cast perceptions of haunting, dark and sorrowful meaning and images to these realms we are laid to rest at life’s end. Yet, there is a haunting and calming beauty if we only look deep within. With flowers laid and majestic trees casting a restful shade over these hallowed grounds, one can not help but feel and see the emotions which have become part of this serene and silent place. The whispering winds caress this sacred ground with an almost mournful cadence as it floats over these beds of sodden earth, now host to the physical shell of lives passed. There is a certain artistry which embraces your very spirit here; both in heart and in mind. Does spirit and soul wander about these grounds? Do Angels stand sentry and sing a melodious lullaby as if to bless what is now a dreamless rest for the occupants within? Headstones mark each site inscribed with note and verse of love and memory past in an elegance of sorrow. Though this is a sad and silent place, there is an enchantment that embraces you with the grace that dwells within. Harmonious in its own way, a story can be heard here; a tale of times past and wonders of times to come. Looking at and understanding the picturesque and resplendent beauty here brings a solemn feeling to one’s very soul. So the next time you pass these restful grounds, reflect on them a while as the warm soft scent of spring grass and the comforting cool breeze of calm awakens something within you. As the memories flash before you, as the desolation grasps at your emotions, as its artistry is shared with you like a masterpiece painted in time, take the moment to feel and to see the true and hidden beauty that does exist here in this……THE FINAL RESTING PLACE! ~Gary~
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 15:09:43 +0000

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