IN UNIFORM NO FATHER NO SON: It was during by RDC camp of 2007, i - TopicsExpress


IN UNIFORM NO FATHER NO SON: It was during by RDC camp of 2007, i was Cdt Sgt back then and had barrack duty from 1600-1800 hrs. same day we had football going on 200m from barracks and being a hard core footballer was getting itchy to rush to filed and play. at exact 1800hrs and i handed over the barrack duty to the fellow Cdt Cpl who came to relieve me and and i immediately chnaged into my PT kit and rushed to play. while i had gone my father who was Wg Cdr back then came to meet me and since he came directly from office he was still in his uniform. He came and asked a UO about me and he told that i was still on barrack duty . Thye person was to relieve me was a bloody shammer so he had went off to canteen to get some nimbu pani and samosa bhog . so when my father came there and saw being i was not there on duty he thought i was being a shammer and running away from the duties given to me. he saw me in the filed playing football and suddenly i hear is a loud command CDT KAVEESH GAINDHAR COME HERE. I immediately speed marched towards and him did a proper thum and saluted said JAI HIND SIR. He asked me WTF are you dong there BC when u r suppose to be at barrack duty , u bloody %%&& &^^% , get on hands and start pumping . followed by crocodile jumps , and front rolls and back rolls . Later my OIC came who was a Sqn Ldr and told him that i had done my duty and it was some one else turn . Well still being both in uniform there was no sorry son and patting but he simply replied Alright. and went off. That day i realized when u r in uniform there is personal relations but 100% professionalism. Well that 30 min ragda session from my father did turn me into what i am today .
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 06:56:39 +0000

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