IN WHICH I DISCUSS WHY TEACHERS ARE IMPORTANT So, I didnt get a chance to write anything in a book today, unfortunately. Maybe I feel this way around this time of year because NaNoWriMo is a giant farce and I feel disgusted by the level of fake-assedness so intensely it makes me repulsed by the mere thought. Thats an excuse, though—I really ought to be writing something every day. But thats why I have the internet; a place to vomit out words and flex my fingers on a QWERTY. So let me cut to the chase, HERES A BIBLE QUOTE: And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues. - 1Cor 12:28 (NIV) Look over that again. Ive checked this out in various translations, and I do feel its worth noting in its original penning, it didnt have an explicit hierarchy or numbering of an order in which these things were presented. However, they were assigned a numerical value in more recent versions. While Id like to cite that teachers are, in Gods eyes even, more valuable than workers of miracles, its kind of not true. However, suffice to say they are all of equal worth. So just consider, some dude parting the red sea carries the same value as someone who teaches. No, really, let that sink in for a moment. Were talking about teachers here having a divine gift on par with the ability to heal physical ailments, or act as a prophet to hear and recite the literal words of God. TEACHING! Seriously. Just tonight I recounted to some people about my second grade teacher, Ms. Shoe, and that without her I never would have taken an interest in writing in the first place. Everybody has a talent or a gift—maybe even more than one depending on the person, for certain. Its kind of like that episode of My Little Pony when Apple Blossom gets a bunch of Cutiemarks and, of course, it becomes a bit overwhelming for her. In that same sense, it would be pretty hard for a person to go around teaching, healing, hearing Gods word and functioning in a government position while speaking in multiple languages all at once. Thats just another part of being a unique snowflake, I guess. I certainly do believe people can have more than one special gift, but I can say with all certainty that people really do have special talents. I certainly dont believe Im up to the task of being a teacher, but I do take it upon myself whenever I can to teach something to people. Even if its seemingly trivial information, or showing someone a different perspective on a matter. I guess that just falls under being a helper, though. Which is pretty OK by me. But I digress. Whats really important here, to me anyway, is the reassurance that without the many teachers weve all had in life, we wouldnt really have amounted to anything. How far would any of us have gotten on our own merits?, on our own smarts alone without anyone to show us another direction of where to apply ourselves? I believe its something many of us took for granted to a heavy extreme when we were younger. Suffice it to say, teachers have never had a very lavish life with their penchant of receiving a pittance of payment—its a well-known trope in its own rite by this point. So why on earth would people continue to do it? I think this guy explains it better than anyone else could, so Ill leave it at that. https://youtube/watch?v=RxsOVK4syxU
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 08:46:17 +0000

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