INADEQUATE INVESTIGATION OF THE DEATH OF MALCOLM LATIF SHABAZZ PROVOKES REACTIONS FROM MEXICAN RESIDENTS OF AFRICAN DESCENT. “This is not the first case that has gone unsolved; in 2011 Nigerian Isaac Echinedu Nwachukwwu was run over as he fled police who were beating him,” according to Wilner Metelus, member of the Citizens Committee in Defense of Naturalized and Mexican-born Africans. By Josefina Quintero Adapted and translated from the newspaper La Jornada, June 27, 2013. México City. Deficiencies in the investigation into the homicide of Malcolm Shabazz, grandson of Malcolm X, in the bar known as The Palace will have repercussions in the treatment of black Mexico City residents, according to activists who went to the local Human Rights Commission to seek a declaration in favor of their human rights. [The black population in Mexico City has increased substantially in recent years, with immigrants from Liberia, Nigeria, Cameroon and Caribbean countries, especially Haiti, Cuba, and Jamaica, along with the centuries-old populations in the coastal areas of Guerrero, Oaxaca, and Veracruz.] Wilner Metelus asserted that the arrests of two waiters from The Palace is not sufficient and that the real culprits of the murder of the grandson of U.S. black activist Malcolm X remain at-large. Metelus added that the local authorities have remained silent and have refused to meet with the organization of black residents or to release the videotape of the street outside the bar where Shabazz was dumped after a brutal beating. Therefore, the group decided to file a complaint with the commission of human rights and to plan protests, including a hunger strike, in the coming days. Members of the group say that the lack of justice in the cases of Shabazz and of the Nigerian Isaac Echinedu Nwachukwwu facilitates the harassment of black people on the streets of Mexico City. [It is important to note also that Malcolm Shabazz-s mother was the target of a frame-up attempt by the FBI through an agent provocateur in the 1990s and that Shabazz himself was subject to FBI harassment in the final months of his life because of, among other things, his visits to countries that form part of the “Axis of Evil”.] Key words: COMITÉ CIUDADANO DE DEFENSA DE LOS NATURALIZADOS Y AFROMÉXICANOS (CCDNAM), Wilner Metelus, Malcolm Latif Shabazz, Malcolm X.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 03:11:00 +0000

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