INCASE YOU ARE RECOVERING FROM ELECTION MANIA AS A RESULT OF ANXIETY OR DISAPPOINTMENT READ THIS.................... 1.NOT EVERYTHING GOD PERMITS TO HAPPEN CAN BE SAID TO BE HIS WILL. sometimes GOD allows us to have things our way so that we see the real results of our course of action. e.g. when Israel first asked to be led by a king like other nations GOD in his wisdom permitted it even though by permitting it, Israel was basically rejecting GOD. (read 1 Samuel 8 vs. 1-8). the real result of Israel being led by a king is that often when the king apostatized the nation was also led astray and tragedy was often the result. 2. NOT EVERY MAN THAT IS POPULAR WITH THE PEOPLE PERFORMS, INFACT THE OPPOSITE IS OFTEN TRUE. the first king of Israel soul was in every way a figure of what a king should look like yet his reign came to a violent end due to failure to follow GODs instruction. (read 1 Samuel 31). bringing this lesson home, one levy was very unpopular at the time he came in but by the time he was dying, many praised his works and that was no mere rhetoric. 3. NEVER SHUT A MAN THAT KEEPS TRYING, PERSISTANCE IS A VIRTUE GOD REQUIRES IN HIS CHILREN. often times people a told to stop because they have tried too many times but hey, the English say the darkest hour comes just before dawn, if you argue read the story of blind batemus, the parable of the persistent widow and the woman whose daughter was afflicted by devils. for those interested in politics one of Americas most celebrated presidents Abraham Lincoln tried many before becoming president, wade of Senegal the list is long. ( read Matthew 15 vs 22-28, Luke 18 vs1-7) 4. IN GODS TIME EVERY THING HAS ITS TIME AND PLACE AND SEASON. often times we feel GOD is late to meet us at our points of need and we begin wondering if he is still listening. GODS delays are more of a blessing than most people realize. remember that a good gift given before its due time is bad. Abraham had to wait until age 100 to father a child, hana had to endure mockery before Samuel was born, Mandela had to wait 27 yrs before he could be president. Israel had to wait 400 yrs before the deliverance from Egypt. the list is long. in case you still argue read (ecclesiasts 3 vs 1-22, genesis 21 vs 1-7)
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 21:13:39 +0000

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