INCOMING have been warned! So I realize that the - TopicsExpress


INCOMING have been warned! So I realize that the internet is a good thing for many reasons but obviously the flip side is the bad comes with it but lately this has gotten out of hand! I have an auto-immune issue that frequently makes me EXTREMELY tired and on occasion to combat that I will consume a Monster Energy Drink. BEFORE I GET FLAMED 400 TIMES PLEASE LET ME FINISH! I know that consuming these type of things is not necessarily the most awesome choice I also do not see it as the worst. One of the things that irritates me most is that people will do very stupid things and try to blame someone else for it. While I understand some companies are not always truthful with their advertising or side effects of their products I also know that it is a good idea to read the label, most importantly the SERVING SIZE. If you purchase a Monster it clearly states on the side that the large cans account for TWO servings not one! The situations that I have recently read about appear to me to be people not following the guidelines on the can or using any common sense whatsoever! At least one or two of the cases I have seen involved teenage/young people who consumed them and either ended up in the ER or died from some sort of complication. In those situations it boils down to parents/authority figures teaching children the importance of moderation and how to make informed decisions about what they put in their bodies. On the flip side, we all know children can be rebellious and do what they want without regard to the risk which makes this situation particularly difficult. If you actually look at a can of Monster there is also a warning there about those with caffeine sensitivity and it clearly states the percentages of your daily value of each of the ingredients for a single serving (1/2 the can) or two servings (full can). If people choose not to read these guidelines it is NOT the companies fault and if you willingly consume things like this in large quantities you cannot place blame elsewhere. Saying Monster killed you when you CHOSE to drink it irresponsibly is like trying to sue Mother Nature for being mauled by a bear while running through the woods in a meat suit! People need to start taking responsibility for their own actions and stop trying to find blame elsewhere. I know those drinks, and many other processed/pre-prepared foods, can be horribly bad for you if consumed irresponsibly and as far as I am aware this is public knowledge. DO NOT pass judgement on me or someone else if they choose to consume those things just because someone else was an idiot and you assume that the product is like swilling rat poison because of this and then feel the need to shame them into putting it down. DO YOUR RESEARCH, know the whole story before you run around screaming DEATH IN CAN and trying to get the item banned. If I followed the same logic I would have to picket every convenience store and fast food restaurant for the same reason, which would be utterly pointless due to the fact that no one FORCES you to eat/drink those things! I will no longer keep quiet if someone makes an uneducated inflammatory comment about me consuming a single Monster drink, while staring at me over their fat and calorie packed danish they wash down with their coffee type drink with multiple shots of artificial sweeteners and a pile of artificial oil-based whipped cream from Starbucks/McCafe, with a look of disgust. I do not go around judging you for your food choices as people have died for your freedom to do so and I also do not wish to appear an ignorant ass. Please stop jumping to conclusions about things based on what you heard or read from a single source, especially one that is not necessarily credible. Do some googling, check out some medical research, go to the library etc. In this day in age we have so much information at our fingertips and it just seems that fewer people use it and rely on hearsay and purile nonsense. Lets stop being so damn judgemental of other people and learn to educate ourselves and find ways to build each other up with constructive criticism instead of destructive ignorance! RANT OVER!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 18:35:20 +0000

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