INDEPENDENT ADVOCATE With Capitol City Newsletter Volume 27, - TopicsExpress


INDEPENDENT ADVOCATE With Capitol City Newsletter Volume 27, Issue 159 October 26, 2013 IAE-ISSN 0893-9470 IAE-IRS-EIN 47-01752-60 Founded in 1986 © Marlin Pals, 2013 NINE SHOTS ACCOUNTED FOR From Eyewitness Reports At least nine shots were reported by eyewitnesses of JFK’s murder, however, all but one were dismissed as erroneous observations. 1.) The first shot had been thought to have been a car backfiring and also to have been the starting signal for the assassins to get set. That shot was reported to have startled JFK and caused him to have a look of anxiety and worry for a few seconds. After JFK apparently dismissed that shot, the real shooting began and he was killed. 2.) The second shot hit Governor Connelly. It might have been a stray shot. 3.) The third shot went through JFK’s neck and throat and most likely came from the Dallas Police station. It caused JFK to slump forward and likely out of range for the fatal shot. 4.) The fourth shot is the one which Zaproder most likely heard and made JFK sit up more straight for the fatal shot. Zaproder was reported, in the Parade magazine of October 16, 2013, to have told a friend, or relative, that he heard a shot and saw JFK lean toward Jackie. It may have come from near JFK’s limousine, but alongside of it, or from the Grassy Knoll, as Zaproder and others seemed to think earlier, immediately after the assassination. 5.) The fifth shot was the exploding bullet which left the grapefruit- sized hole in JFK’s head, which the recent Globe magazine reported. It came from the Grassy Knoll also. That was the second shot which Zapruder was recently reported, in the recent Parade magazine, to have heard. Earlier Zaproder, or another witness, was reported to have said that this shot went past him; very close. He almost was hit by it. According to the History Channel report of a few years ago, their team of scientists, which investigated the shooting sounds which were recorded on, or from, a Police motorcycle, said they had found five shots on the recording, but thought there could have been more. Some sounds could not be distinguished and the scientists left open the possibility of more shots. 6.) Eyewitness reports from the media after the assassination said that there was one, or more persons on the railway overpass which was in front of the Presidential motorcade and they thought they heard shots fired from there. 7.) One witness, or more, said a shot came from a storm sewer drain hole in front of the JFK motorcade. 8.) Another witness said he heard a shot and saw a weapon being drawn back into the window of the sixth floor of the Texas Book Depository building. 9.) One shot took a chunk out of the curb near the Presidential motorcade. The FBI was reported to have removed that portion of the curb and aroused suspicion by doing so. Those are the nine shots which witnesses said they definitely heard, but more were thought to have occurred. This information ties in with the scientists’ report of their having been at least five shots, or more. It also accounts for the nine reported shots reported by eye witnesses. This information comes from media reports of eye witnesses after JFK’s murder and the other sources as listed above this. Witnesses were confused, but thought there could have been more shots than those. Since the witnesses were confused, their reports were mostly discounted, but they could have been correct. They reported that the murder scene sounded like a war zone. That comment was discounted with the statement that the witnesses didn’t know what a war zone sounded like. No doubt the witnesses described the scene as well as they could with the knowledge they had and their accounts shouldn’t have been so carelessly dismissed. The FBI and Dallas cops and Secret Service did a botched job of investigating the assassination. The Warren Commission did a rushed job of putting out their report. They may have been anxious to prevent a hysterical reaction among citizens, but some thought it was an attempt at covering up the actual event and actions involved in the assassination. A book called, Rush to Judgment was published which detailed the rush of the Warren Commission in publishing its report. The commission published so quickly that they aroused suspicion that the report had already been made up before the assassination and that the commission had prior knowledge of the assassination before it occurred. The information also comes from the Republican and conservative harassers who have been pursuing 27 years, and counting, of harassing me. They informed me of the group known as “The Family” and that they were being paid to harass me. They have kept the events of JFK’s assassination very much alive for me. I know that my comments won’t be given much consideration, but ignoring them won’t change my experience or what I learned from the harassers. I hope this will satisfy the need for closure of the assassination, but such may never be possible. However, I was informed years ago, that I would be under attack forever. As a result this whole situation will stay alive for me forever. The harassers informed me that the cops were deeply involved in JFK’s assassination and many others. The harasser who gave me that information was, and is, a cop. He and his fellow harasser enforced their claims with countless death threats and physical attacks. JFK’s death was the first step in the Republican Coup d état, (i.e., takeover) which is nearing completion this year.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 16:04:36 +0000

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