INDEPENDENT ADVOCATE With Capitol City Newsletter Volume 27, Issue - TopicsExpress


INDEPENDENT ADVOCATE With Capitol City Newsletter Volume 27, Issue 115 August 18, 2013 IAE-ISSN 0893-9470 IAE-IRS-EIN 47-01752-60 Founded in 1986 © Marlin Pals, 2013 PEACE All Religions Acknowledge Christ As A Teacher All current religions are willing to consider Christ to be a teacher, if not a good teacher and many may acknowledge Him as being a good teacher. That would be a good place to start to produce peace in the world. There are those who feel that if they don’t believe in something, they will fall for anything. The something in which they believe could be problematical. They want to call out the Marines for any disagreement. If a person really has a faith, and a strong one, then a person should be able to withstand any and all challenges to that faith, like Daniel in the Lion’s Den, or in a furnace, or the Jews in the Nazi gas chambers, and other such persons and situations; and not have to call out the Marines. Christ seems to have referred to Himself as being a teacher, so those other religions aren’t out of bounds when they acknowledge Christ to be a teacher. The other religions all have a teacher, also; and probably a good teacher. The teachings of religions which deal with the good side of human nature have a lot in common; according to the History Channel. The teachings which are harsh, and which might be called “tough love”, are all also much the same; according to the History Channel. While many likely won’t want to believe it; the range of religions includes all Christian religions as well as the Asian religions of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism, the Ba’ Hai faith, and many others. That range of religions also includes the Mormon faith and Jehovah Witnesses and Catholicism and many other faiths. I include Catholicism in this list since some Catholics, whom I have met, have claimed to not be Christian. Amazingly, even Jews can accept Christ as being a teacher; just not theirs. Among all of the other religions not named so far, are Voodooism, pantheism, and African religions. Voodooism is a combination of Christian teachings and ancient teachings of Africans and other aboriginals from around the world: According to a History Channel program of some years ago. It seems to have developed mainly among the slaves that were brought over from Africa to the Americas: South America, Central America and North America; and includes ancestor worship, or ancestor praise. Strangely enough even Satanists seem to accept Christ as a teacher, just not theirs; or at least they don’t accept the Christ of those who allegedly preached slavery, (just like Atheists): Again this is according to a History Channel program of some time ago. The ancient Asian and Middle Eastern religions have accommodated Christianity by accepting Christ as a teacher and Christians should accommodate them by realizing that Christ likely wouldn’t object to their acceptance, even though it is only as a teacher. It was reported in the New Testament of the Christian Bible that when Christ and His disciples encountered a man casting out demons in Christ’s name, the disciples objected and wanted to smash the guy, but Christ allegedly said not to do so; because “if he is not against us, he is for us”. That is a different concept than that which Republicans and conservatives always throw at people. Republicans and conservatives twist Christ’s words, just as they usually twist words, and claim that Christ said that if a person wasn’t for them, that person was against them. Christ wasn’t afraid of meeting the outcasts of society and Christians shouldn’t be afraid of doing so either. Instead of always seeking to send out the Marines to smash people who don’t agree, the effort should be made to find common ground; and that could be the concept of Christ being a teacher; and even a good one. Christians of the world should lead the way if they really want to show that Christ is the Prince of Peace; and show that they are the vanguard of Christ’s prophesied return. ELECTROMAGNETIC ALLERGY From the web comes information about a “disease” which makes people allergic to electromagnetism. “A remote West Virginia town with no cell service, Wi-Fi hotspots, or TV has become a haven for people who say that wireless technology is making them sick.” “Dozens of “Wi-Fi refugees” suffering from a controversial malady called electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) have moved to Green Bank, West Virginia, where cell phone and Wi-Fi signals are banned. An estimated five percent of Americans claim to have EHS, a condition not recognized by the scientific community.” “Green Bank is located in the US National Radio Quiet Zone, a 13,000-square mile area where electromagnetic radiation on the radio spectrum—such as radio and TV broadcasts, Wi-Fi networks, and signals from cell phones, Bluetooth and other high-tech electronic devices—are outlawed, to prevent transmissions from interfering with a local radio telescope and a nearby military radio installation.” The doctors and scientists don’t believe the disease, or allergy exists, but then, they only imagine that they exist. TED CRUZ: THE NEW TEA PARTY FAVORITE Says Conservatives Are Being Held Hostage By Liberals Time magazine of August 15, 2013 reports that Tea Party member, Ted Cruz, a Senator from Texas, was a straight “A” student at Harvard. He told a group of Republicans that they were hostage victims of liberals and received intense emotional applause and praise. Cruz wants to downsize Washington, DC and eliminate the IRS, and the departments of Commerce, Education and Energy. He wants to privatize Social Security which he calls a Ponzi scheme. He has claimed that liberal financier George Soros was behind an international plot to extend the “tentacles of the UN” into American government; abolish private property and eliminate golf courses. TEAPARTIERS BLAME THE EGYPTIAN CHAOS ON LIBERALS They Can Never Accept Responsibility For Anything. An article by a blogger on the web wrote a typical conservative diatribe against liberals, blaming them for the current mess in Egypt.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 15:53:29 +0000

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