INDEPENDENT ADVOCATE With Capitol City Newsletter Volume 28, - TopicsExpress


INDEPENDENT ADVOCATE With Capitol City Newsletter Volume 28, Issue 67 March 17, 2014 IAE-ISSN 0893-9470 IAE-IRS-EIN 47-01752-60 Founded in 1986 © Marlin Pals, 2014 CONSTITUTION IS AMENDABLE Article Five Says So Republicans have said that the Constitution is not a living document, which means that they don’t consider to be capable of being amended. However, Article 5 in the original part of the Constitution says: “The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to the Constitution, or, on the Application of two-thirds of the several states, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the First and Fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the First Article; and that no state, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.” The First clause prohibits bills of attainder and ex post facto laws. The Fourth clause regulates immigration. George W. Bush, at the insistence of Dick Cheney, said that the Constitution is merely a piece of paper. He made that statement when Republicans were saying that the Constitution can’t be amended. Essentially that means that the Republicans and conservatives and Libertarians and Tea Partiers and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other cohorts of theirs, have never ratified the U.S. Constitution. As a result they have really forfeited their citizenship and now illegally occupy any and all elective offices and appointed positions. That isn’t unusual. Since when did Republicans and conservatives and Libertarians and Tea Partiers and capitalists do anything legal in government? They have forfeited control of the House to the Democrats, and Nancy Pelosi is the defacto House leader until replaced, and has been the House leader for all of Obama’s time in office. John Boehner is a fraud. All the legislation passed by the Republicans is null and void. They now seek to deny Constitutional rights to the minorities which have long since passively accepted the Constitution and abided by it. The Ninth Amendment grants rights to those minorities even though Republicans and conservatives and their comrades oppose minority rights. However, “they”, the Republicans and their comrades have renounced the Constitution and their citizenship, if they ever were citizens, and have done so by their own admission and their own free will. They are illegal aliens and should be deported to the non-nation of Glen Beck and out of the U.S. Republicans and their comrades claim freedom is free when they want to evade taxes and responsibility, but then claim that freedom is not free when they want war and want people to sacrifice lives and minds and bodies and fortunes, the way most of the founders did. Many of the founders sacrificed everything to set up this nation, but Republicans and their rich elitists comrades won’t even pay their proper amount of taxes which they owe for the privilege of having this nation with which to make their fortunes. They are correct when they say that freedom is not free and they had best pay the necessary taxes and fees to make the nation solvent and workable. MARINES CARRY BUSH, SR AROUND That Is An Un-Necessary Military Expense The media has shown pictures of a young Marine in parade uniform pushing Bush, Sr. around in a wheel chair. Given that we have had to cut the military for defense it is inexcusable to be wasting defense money pushing Bush, Sr.’s wheel chair. Bush, Sr. ran the national debt so high the nation could no longer afford national defense, but he expects the nation’s military to provide him with total personal care and protection. The Republicans will undoubtedly howl about this comment, but they are always howling and whining and crying about something. However, they don’t want to provide support for others who are in real need and they denounce Black people as being lazy. They also denounce other minority persons as being lazy, but they are the ones who are lazy. Black people have been in the main line of defense for the nation and have made substantial contributions to the defense and survival of this nation. Also other members of the minority have served in the military in time of war and saved the nation. They were women, whom Republicans believe they have a right to rape, and Native Americans and Mexicans from Mexico. If they hadn’t this nation would be under Nazi control because Republicans are really Nazi. This nation likely would have been split among Germany, Italy and Japan and every petty dictator. That is probably why Republicans and conservatives hate black people and women and Native Americans and Mexicans. Republicans and conservatives so badly want this nation to be split they can taste it.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 14:58:43 +0000

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