INDEX: KATIPUNAN IN THE PHILIPPINE REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS MCF-3740 Corporation of a lodge with signatures of members. Aug. 2, 1897. 55/1. MCF-3740 Letter sealed by Artemio Ricarte with Katipunan seal. 55/2. MCF-3740 Pascual Zamora directs dissol.ution of the K.K.K. Aug. 1, 1898. 55/3. MCF-3750 Address by Aguinaldo regarding Katipunan- states it has fulfilled its mission and every one born in Philippines is a member whether they so desire or not. Cavite, July 15, 1898. 206/2. MCF-3740 Katipunan in Manila, names of members of lodge and means of communication. 55/4. MCF-3740 Proceedings of lodge in San Isidro and Tarlac. 55/5. MCF-3740 Association of the K.K.K. To all who wish to join this society. 1896. 55/6. MCF-3761 Sandico advises reorganization of- in Manila. 466/90. MCF-3740 Oath and form of initiation of 55/7. MCF-3740 Organization of. 55/8. MCF-3740 Application for admission to. 4/6/99. 55/9. MCF-3763 Presumed to be orders for military organization of Katipunan or some fraternity. 514/1. MCF-3763 Code of names of signs of Katipunan oaths. 514/2. Initiatory questions to Katipunan society. (121) Oaths, application for, and names of Katipunan member San Esteban. (no number) Names of K. members in Satiago (Ilocos Sur) 3/4/01. (122) Names of K.K.K. members in Prov. of Ilocos Sur P. Bapo. Names of K.K.K. members in Prov. of Ilocos Sur Moraya Names of K.K.K. members in Prov. of Ilocos Sur Sama G. Names of K.K.K. members in Prov. of Ilocos Sur Bascal Names of K.K.K. members in Prov. of Ilocos Sur Bardart Names of K.K.K. members in Prov. of Ilocos Sur Neparo. Feb. Mch. 1900. (122) MCF-3763 A pamphlet. 514/4. MCF-3764 E.A. issues orders regarding- Lt. Alberto Baulisto is commander of- 8/20/1900. 327/5. MCF-3763 Moises Abueg writes instructions for admission and initiating oath into K. Zambales Prov. 3/4/1900. 514/5. MCF-3765 M. Aburg authorizes A. Esmele to organize K. in towns of Zambales, 3/1900. 372/5. MCF-3765 “Fuctuso” to T. Sandico regarding Sandico of K.K.K. in towns of Tarlac and Pangasinan Provs. 11/7/00. 577/1. MCF-3749 Sta. Maria nominated pres. of local K.K.K. Manaoag Pangasinan Prov. 1/3/1900. 201/201. Names of Katipunan applicants in Sevilla (Ilocos Sur) (122). MCF-3763 Rules of. 514/6. MCF-3766 V. Salazar quotes from letters from E.A. congratulation K.K.K. members. April 27, 1900. 618/8. MCF-3766 E.A. authorizes M. Trias to reorganize- Tierra Virgen, Aug. 15, 1900. 612/3. MCF-3763 Pamphlet “The Religion of the Katipunan” 1900. 514/2. See (153)/2. MCF-3763 Speech to flagging members of- probably about end of 1900. 514//8. MCF-3768 Names of members in Gerona, Tarlac. 646/4. MCF-3763 Articles read to a candidate for the K.K.K. on being admitted to that society. 514/9. MCF-3769 Petition to E.A. asking for permission to return for several persons departed to ladrone Islands. 656/3. MCF-3763 Questions and answers for initiation to. 514/10. MCF-3763 Order regarding a feast. 514/11. MCF-3763 Rules for formation of “Centers of Government” in town of Badoc, Ilocos Norte. 514/12. MCF-3770 Copies of original documetns not yet recorded from L.R. No. 129. 673/1. MCF-3770 List of 500 members in Ilocos Sur giving code names etc., etc. No date. 673/2. MCF-3770 List of names signed in blood to oaths of K.K.K. in I. Sur. Mch. 1900. 673/3. MCF-3770 Circular of E.A. regarding- July 1900. 675/4. MCF-3770 Draft of preliminary reading for initiations into. 673/5. MCF-3770 Rough sketch of speech by Buencamino regarding. 679/10. MCF-3770 Pass to Mariano Calderon and Damaso Basilio to get to Zaragosa. Dec. 3, 1897. 673/6. MCF-3770 Agreement drawn up and signed by men of different provinces by which they agree to keep up the revolution with Spain. 1894. 673/7. MCF-3772 Romualdo vila to Cailles regarding organization of secret society “Sons of the Town” Nagarlan. 1/18/00. 786/10. Record of trial of Andres Bonifacio supreme head of for firing in soldiers of E.A. and paying men to assassinate the latter. Apr. 1897. B-43 MCF-3770 Diploma of a Katipunan leader. Nov. 12, 99, Sgd. A. Flores. 673/8. MCF-3743 In Manila P. Mch. 18, 1901. 114/12. MCF-3770 Extracts from “Filipinas ante Europa” in regard to Dukats and Federal Party. Madrid Jan. 10, 1899. 673/9. MCF-3772 Letters concerning matters to Patricio Zaydin. 3/99. 710/2. MCF-3770 A list of certain K.K.K. members. Manila. Dec. 10, 1899. 673/10. MCF-3770 Rules and regulations. Feb. 8, 1901. 673/11. MCF-3779 Organization of a new Katipunan society in Moncada. Tarlac Prov. Gives names of members etc. See con. L.R. Nov. 1901. 832. Record of trial of Andres Bonifacio supreme head of Katipunans, for firing on troops of E.A. and paying a man $10.00 to kill E.A. Bonifacio was sentenced to death, but his is committed to exile. Apr. 1897. B-43. MCF-3778 A letter found near Loculan Mindanao, Dec. 15, 1901. Indicating the presidente and principal men of Misamis. 14/4. MCF-3770 List of natives in “Anting Anting” and similar organizations in Albay and Sorsogon. 673/12.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 04:42:39 +0000

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