INDIA FORUM Chapter 4:::Masquerade Ball::: Harsh saw Randhir - TopicsExpress


INDIA FORUM Chapter 4:::Masquerade Ball::: Harsh saw Randhir wearing a tux looking rather sophisticated for the Ball at the Dobrials amused by the sudden change in attire. Randhir never made an effort for anyone but he out to shock some of his classmates. Harsh was extremely happy about Randhir cavorting with the enemy but letting his delight known to Randhir would mean in him rebelling and right now they needed their trump card. Their ace in the form of Sanyukta so he changed his tack. Harsh used reverse psychology with Randhir huskily airing out his concern in his usual placid expressionless features-I dont know why U are making such a fuss over this party Randhir. Its only Sanyukta and its not like the girl is even worth the effort. Shes not in the league of U Randhir. Youll outshine her. Randhir smirked suspisous of his father-What do U care anyway about how she feels? U just want me to use her and then dispose of her. Harsh moved slowly to Randhir straightening his tie-No Randhir. Fake date her not really go out on a date with her and i have changed my mind now. U arent good at following orders anyway. U always end up feeling overtly sympathetic about your assignments. Its best U stay away from her now. I mean the girl is a recluse. She remind U of anyone Randhir. A girl who is all alone despite being crowded full of people. Powerful yet vulnerable. A girl in need of a saviour. Accident prone only this girl Sanyukta is worse off. Shes shut down by her family. Randhir she is the type of girl U mould to fit in with the rest of the misfits only little does she know we are all freaks out there in need of saving. Randhir had enough of this comparison. Sanyukta was not Vidhushi. She was just Sanyukta. Nobody could ever compare to Vidhushi. Nobody. Even Maya could never be Vidhushi.-Dad im bouncing. I have to make sure Sanyukta is ok. If she can break free from the atrocities she faces at home.. Harsh sarcastically cuts-Then what Randhir? U will be saved from your own dark filled life and garenr a little dignity back. Remorse for an existance U hate so much by a simple act of kindness. It will never wash away the stench we have on us Randhir. The blood we have shed it will never go away. U think helping Sanyukta will in some way help U find peace. Has helping Vidhushi and all those countless girls in the past made a difference? Randhir didnt do it for glorification or to atone for past sins because they could never be wiped away. He did it so others would never find themselves in his shoes. Redemption was never his motivation. It was always about seeing his reflection in others one he despised so much and helping them break free from their own prison. Randhir got on his raybands and began to stalk towards the doorway turning round to have the last word-Youll never understand me Dad. U say U do but nobody will ever understand me. What i do and say is something even i dont understand. Randhir picked Sanyukta from her home where Ankit was waiting in his white tux. Sanyukta ran down the stairs evading Ankit completely holding Randhirs hand-Wed better go before he follows us he is super sharp. Randhir raised an eyebrow-Im not afraid of Ankit! Sanyukta smiled-I know but i am. U dont know what hes like when hes lost his temper. Its the notorious werewolf trait in us all. Randhir teased-Id love to see how youd be if U ever got angry. Certainly better than Ankit in the looks department i hope with no tail. Sanyukta pulled her serious face-All wolves have tails Randhir male or female. Randhir opened his car door for Sanyukta and then closing it. He quickly drived them to the Dobrials place where they put on their masks on disappearing into the crowd with the same look. Sanyukta had taken her glasses off and had contacts on with Randhirs help in the car found it refreshing not to have a foreign object always getting in the way. Maybe nobody would notice her braces and how geeky she appeared. Randhir gave Sanyukta his hand dancing with her in his arms-See theres nothing to be afraid of here Sanyukta. The girls are all harmless even T and her minions. They just like creating a scene. Sanyukta enjoyed Randhirs embrace. He made her feel like brand new like she was the only girl in this room and she was the luckiest girl in the world for being with him. He was her strength and her pillar but most of all he was her Dark Angel sent from above just for her. Did it matter that hed dated so many grils and left them? It did at first but now she was ok with it. Maybe she was his princess. The only girl made for him or maybe they were two passing ships in the night only to meet but never... Sanyukta twirled back to reality-U are quite a good dance partner i have Randhir. Randhir smirked-I know but its nly the slow ones i am good at. U should see my on the fast tracks i have two left feet. Sanyukta smiled watching Randhirs eyes and the dark contours of his face so elegantly hidden by the mask he was wearing. It was from the Phantom of the Opera her favourite show ever. Andrew Lloyd Webber was a genious-That mask only enhances your look Randhir. Its a nice change to see U in a tux but why black all the time? Is there a significance behind it? I mean Ive noticed your parentss wear it. Randhir brisked past responding to Sanyuktas question-It symbolises the night. We lead dark lives so Black is what we see as our colours. Sanyukta giggled-A little like Red for us. Dont ask what it symbolises. So where are the hosts for this party? Randhir is automatically torn in the direction of Vidhushi descending down the stairs in her princess outfit all in pink with her tiara but her face had no smile just the normal look of being zoned out. Randhirs eyed were firmly on her depressed fake smiled face. How he wished to take away her ache that void in her heart and in her life but they had their time and now they both had to move on. Randhir would never enter her life again and it was better for her to live in her fairytale she was in right now than enter back into the twilight zone. Werewolves were following him at every turn. There was nowhere to move. Vidhushi stared back at Randhir recognizing those eyes. She would always find Randhir out any where be it in a crowd or in a mask. Vidhushi recognised those eyes all too well almost stumbling down the stairs. Randhir got there in a flash steadying her. Vidhushi gave him a weak smile but hed disappeared on her again. It was a habit he had of doing this all the time. Sanyukta noted the tension between Vidhushi and Randhir swaying her body using her arms to shield her from getting hurt-Is she an ex too Randhir? Randhir laughed-She is the ex. Youve heard of Maya right? Sanyukta nodded. Randhir in a hoarse tone-Well meet her doppelgnger Vidhushi Dobrial was my girlfriend and things ended shall i say i tried to give her closure by erasing her memories but theres still remnants of what we had in her. Sanyukta felt her heart flatten at the mention of Randhirs epic love saga she could never compete with Vidhushi and Maya. Randhir would only ever be attracted to another lookalike from the stats shed seen and heard of-Do U still love her? Randhir remained quiet-So hows the party so far? Misha with Vidhushi whispering to her-Who was that with U? Vidhushi whimpered-Randhir! Misha in shock-Randhir dressed up this is a kodak moment Vidhushi and hes brought his date along for the ride. I never thought id ever see Randhir with a geek sorry nerd ok baba i mean Ankits sister. Randhir and Ankit hate each other. Vidhushi didnt care about Randhir and Ankits hatred. It was the hatred she had in herself that she was concerned about. Randhir was obviously signalling a new chapter in his life. Made no difference to her. Only it did make a difference. Misha nudged Vidhushi and pulled her to the punch area filling it with booze-Vidhushi U cant tell me that despite all the attention Ankit has been showering on U your heart is still beating for Randhir. The guy is a douche bag. Look at him. Vidhushi was admiring him and envying Sanyukta with him but she could never hate Randhir or Sanyukta for that matter. Misha waved at Sanyukta and Randhir-Boy U look very different Randhir. I didnt know U were into morbid love stories. Randhir mocked back-Yeah my love story is MORBID in itself. Theres no happy ending for me Misha. I am destined to be alone. Misha concurred-I know Randhir. A guy who doesnt know how to treat a lady will always be alone. But U werent always like this. U used to be so... Randhir helped-Sweet! Sweetness doesnt get U any where and i dont want U girls to butt into my business. Vidhushi blurted-U dont have to have a sad ending Randhir. If U want it can be a happy one. Randhir sneered cutting through-Theres not a girl made for me to give me a happy ending Vidhushi. They are all for little girls to dream about and when they grow up they are under the false illusion that a happy ending and a prince awaits them only the dream is a fake. Its not real. Sanyukta murmured-Randhir this is getting a little personal. Do U want me and Misha to... Randhir kept Sanyuktas hand in his-No Sanyukta theres no need. We are done. Vidhushi doesnt even know who i am any more. She thinks she does and Misha is just Misha. Butting in is her middle name. Misha turned away trying to take Vidhushi with her. Ankit collared Randhir whod tried to wreck the party but Randhir took Sanyukta in his arms and whizzed away. Vidhushi turned around to see Randhir use his powers in front of her but she remained quiet. It wasnt her business.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 20:30:01 +0000

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