INDIA UPDATE: JILTED LOVER CHINA SOUR OVER JAPAN & INDIAS COUPLE TAG... G.M ;))) ♥ Don’t be afraid of death, be afraid of an unlived life.... - Sandhiya Mehta ● Tokyo sees India as important to its own economic-revival strategy, India looks at Japan as a critical source of capital and commercial technology and a key partner to help upgrade its manufacturing and infrastructure.India — the biggest recipient of Japan’s Official Development Assistance, which is currently funding more than 60 Indian infrastructure projects — has become the largest destination for Japanese foreign direct investment (FDI) among major industrialized nations. The path is now opening up to Japanese exports of weapon systems and nuclear power equipment to India, the world’s largest arms importer and one of the few countries still wedded to building new commercial nuclear plants in the post-Fukushima era.The two Rarely before in recent years has Japan gone so much out of its way to welcome a foreign leader as it did when receiving India’s new prime minister, Narendra Modi (or NaMo to his fans), who started his tour from Kyoto. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe not only broke protocol by receiving Modi in Kyoto but also spent the weekend with him in the old imperial capital, holding a tête-à-tête with his guest and praying with him at the 1,200-year-old Buddhist temple of Toji, a world heritage site. Abe sees India as the key to expanding Japan’s security options beyond its current U.S.-centric framework, while Modi views Japan as the engine that can drive India’s “Look East” strategy to success. The NaMo-Shinzo show actually took off with a big bear hug, illustrating how close personal bonds between two government heads can help add greater momentum to a bilateral relationship. Modi deliberately made Japan his first foreign port of call beyond the Indian subcontinent so as to spotlight that country’s centrality to Indian interests. Abe and Modi, however, wish to turn this blossoming partnership into a defining element in Asia’s strategic landscape so that Japan and India serve as key anchors of a stable regional power balance.... ■ Global Indian Hindu Nationalists, CORPORATE CZARS Publications,
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 03:13:17 +0000

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