INDIAN CONTITUTION 2 MOCK TEST NO:-8 1. With what subject do the - TopicsExpress


INDIAN CONTITUTION 2 MOCK TEST NO:-8 1. With what subject do the Articles 5 to 11 of the Constitution of India deal?Ans. Citizenship 2. ‘Addhar’ is a programme –Ans. To provide identity to Indian residents 3. Which country accepted the policy of the Citizenship?Ans. USA 4. Civil equality implies –Ans. Equality before law 5. Who considered the Right to Constitutional Remedies as very ‘heart and soul’ of the Indian Constitution?Ans. B.R.Ambedkar 6. Right to property was removed from the list of Fundamental Rights during the rule of: Ans. Morarji Desai Government 7. Who is the guardian of Fundamental Rights enumerated in India Constitution?Ans. Supreme Court 8. Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with ‘Fundamental Rights’?Ans. Part III 9. Which Constitutional Amendment deleted the Right to Property from the list of Fundamental Rights?Ans. 44th Amendment 10. Under which Article of the Constitution of Indian Fundamental Rights are provided to citizens?Ans. Article 12 to 35 11. The provisions relating to the Fundamental Rights in the Constitution of India – Ans. Cab be amended by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting in the Parliament and ratified by a majority of the State Legislatures 12. The Writ Habeas Corpus is available for – Ans. The purpose of releasing from illegal custody, persons unlawfully detained 13. A writ issued by the judiciary enquiring upon the executive to do what it should have done within its stipulated powers is called –Ans. Mandamus 14. Which provision of the fundamental Rights is directly related to the exploitation of children? Ans. Article 24 15. An accused of an offence cannot be compelled to be a witness against himself, which article of Indian Constitution provides for this?Ans. Article 20 16. Right to Information (RTI) Act aims to –Ans. Secure access to information from public authorities 17. Which part of Indian Constitution deals with the Directive Principles of the State Policy? Ans. Provision of free legal aid and advice 18. ‘Equal pay for equal work’ has been ensured in the Indian Constitution as one of the -0 Ans. Directive Principles of State Policy 19. How many Fundamental Duties are in the Indian Constitution?Ans. Eleven 20. In which year Fundament Duties of citizens were introduced by 42nd Amendment?Ans. 1976 21. How many times the President of India can seek re-election to his post?Ans. Any number of times 22. A Presidential Ordinance can remain in force –Ans. For six months 23. Who was the President of Indian at the time of proclamation of emergency in the year 1975?Ans. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad 24. Who holds the power to appoint the nominees from Anglo-Indian Community in the Lok Sabha?Ans. President of India 25. In India, the president is elected by –Ans. Single Transferable Vote 26. Comptroller and Auditor General of India is appointed by –Ans. President 27. The vacancy of the office of the President of India must be filled up within –Ans. 6months 28. The single instance of the unanimous election of the President of India so far, was the election of –Ans. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy 29. The vice-President is the ex-officio Chairman of the –Ans. Rajya Sabha 30. In case the President whishes to resign, to whom is he to address his resignation letter? Ans. Vice- President 31. Who held the office of the Vice-President of India for two consecutive terms? Ans. Dr. Radhakrishnan 32. The resolution for removing the Vice-President of India can be moved in the –Ans. Rajya Sabha alone 33. In India, the Prime Minister remains in office so long as he enjoys the –Ans. Confidence of Lok Sabha 34. Who was the Prime Minister of India when the Anti-Defection Bill was passed?Ans. Rajiv Gandhi 35. ‘Shakti-Sthal’ is related to whom?Ans. Smt. Indira Gandhi 36. The office of the Deputy Prime Minister –Ans. was created under the original Constitution 37. The Union Executive of India consists of –Ans. The Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha 38. Who was the first Foreign Minister of free India?Ans. Jawahar Lal Nehru 39. Who is called the Father of Indian economic reform?Ans. Manmohan Singh 40. Who is the highest civil servant of the Union Government?Ans. Cabinet Secretary 41. How are legislative excesses of Parliament and State Assemblies checked?Ans. No-Confidence motions 42. Japan’s Parliament is known as –Ans. Diet 43. Rajya Sabha enjoys more power than the Lok Sabha in the case of –Ans. Setting up of new All India Services 44. What could be the maximum time limit of ‘Zero Hour’?ANS: 1 HOUR 45. The Speaker’s vote in the Lok Sabha is called –Ans. Casting Vote 46. Rajya Sabha cab delay the Finance Bill sent for its consideration by Lok Sabha for a maximum period of –Ans. Fourteen Days 47. Finance Bill of Indian Government is presented in –Ans. Lower House 48. The first joint meeting of both the House of the Indian Parliament was held in connection with –Ans. Dowry abolition Bill 49. The Parliamentary Committee which scrutinizes the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India is –Ans. Public Accounts Committee 50. Acting Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in India is appointed by the –Ans. President
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 18:58:03 +0000

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