INDIAN FREEDOM MOVEMENT Revolt of 1857Causes : Economic: Heavy - TopicsExpress


INDIAN FREEDOM MOVEMENT Revolt of 1857Causes : Economic: Heavy taxation, Zamindari and monopoly.Political: Doctrine of lapse Military:Religious interference of soldiers and low salary. Centers of Revolt: Delhi:Bhadur Shah II, General Bakht Khan Kanpur: Nana Sahib, Tantiya Tope Lucknow:Begum Hazrat Mahal Jhansi:Rani Laxmibai Bareilly:Khan Bahadur Khan Bihar: Kunwar Singh. Who said what about 1857 revolt: Disraeli(opposition leader): A national RevoltV D Savarkar: First war of IndependenceCauses of failure: Lack of coordinationNo ideology or visionSikhs, Marathas, Jat- opposedLimited social baseImpact of MutinyRule of East India company ended-India transferred to British Crown-A minister of British Government called Secretary of State was made responsible forGovernment of India.-The British Governer General was given title of viceroy-Doctrine of Lapse withdrawn.Raja Ram Mohan Roy(1771-1833)Established Brhama SamajPrarthna Sabha:In 1867 by MG RanadeArya SamajBombay in 1875 by Swami Dayanand SaraswatiStarted Shuddhi MovementDayanand-Earliest Neo-nationalist-“Go back to Vedas”-Wrote “Satyartha Prakash”Ram Krishna ParamhansOriginal name : Gadoidhar ChattopadhyaySwami Vivekananda(63-02)-Original name:Narendranath Dutta-Attended Parliament of religions held at Chicago in 1893 and Published – PrabhudhaBharata in English and Udbodhana in Bengali.-Founded “Ramakrishna Mission”THE INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESSFirst meeting organized byA.O Humeat Gokaldar Tejpal Sanskrit College on 28th Dec 1885 (Bombay). Its first president wasW C Bannerjee.-Gandhiji became the president in 1924 (Belgaum)-S C Bose became the president in 1938 (Haripura) and 1939 (Tripuri)-President during Quit India Movement 1940- Maulan Abul Kalam Azad (Ramgarh)-J L Nehru became president for the first time in – 1929 (Lahore)SWADESHI MOVEMENTIt began as an anti-partition agitationo in Bengal and Boycott was first suggested byKrishnaKumar MitrainSanjivniin 1905LeadersJournalsBipin Pal New IndiaBarinder Ghosh YugantarK K Mitra SanjivaniModerates and Extremists in CongressModerates- Pray, Petition.Extremists- Bipin Chandra Pal, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai.-Tilak said “Swaraj is my birth right”-He was the editor ofMaratta( English) andKesri(Marathi)Minto Morley Reforms(1909)-Separate electorate for muslims.-Elections introduced for the first time.Home rule MovementTilak and Anni-BesantAnni- Besant’s News Papers: “New India”, “Commonweal”,
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 08:09:11 +0000

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