INDIAN NATIONAL DEFENCE WORKERS FEDERATION Minutes of Meeting with Secretary DOP&T held on 24.10.2013 at New Delhi INDWF/Circular/015/2013 Date: 25.10.2013 To All Affiliated Unions of INDWF Indian National Defence Workers Federation continuously representing in various forums and also raised before Hon’ble Defence Minister on the pending issues of Defence Civilian employees. Now on the following issues, decisions were taken by Ministry of Defence which are as follows. 1. GRANTING OF 3rd MACP UNDER FINANCIAL UPGRADATION TO MCM AND CHARGEMAN Master craftsman pay was upgraded to Rs.4200/- Grade Pay w.e.f. 01.01.2006 and was clarified by PC of A (Fys) that it was not considered as promotion and accordingly all these MCMs and re-designated Chargeman(T) were granted 3rd MACP on completion of 30 years of service to Rs.4600/-. Subsequently DOP&T vide their letter dated 13.07.2012 and M of D vide their letter dated 23.07.2013 clarified that their upgradation was treated as promotion thereby denied the MACP – III and conveyed by PC of A (Fys), Kolkatta to recover the payment paid excess from Rs.4200/- to Rs.4600/- Grade Pay. This was strongly protested and represented by Indian National Defence Workers Federation to DOP&T, M of D and OFB to review the decision and grant Rs.4600/- Grade Pay. The reduction of Grade Pay and recovery was stopped awaiting for the decision from DOP&T. The recovery was stopped including the reversion from Rs.4600/- Grade Pay to Rs.4200/- Grade Pay in respect of serving employees. Now, due to our efforts, DOP&T sent back the file to M of D on 14.10.2013 stating that if the MCM is not the feeder grade to Chargeman for promotion as per the existing Recruitment Rules, it may be confirmed and if so the employees completed 30 years can be considered for granting 3rd MACP to Rs.4600/-. Now M of D had made out the proposal in conformity with SRO that MCM is not the feeder grade to Chargeman and only HS I is the feeder grade and the file was sent to M of D (Finance) for their acceptance and after obtaining clearance from M of D (Defence Finance), formal order will be issued by DOP&T revising its order dt 13.07.2013 and then all the MCMs granted Rs.4600/- under 3rd MACP will be allowed is continue. This is a major achievement for Indian National Defence Workers Federation in succeeding to get this issue resolved with going to Court. This will benefit existing employees and the retired employees who got the benefit of 3rd MACP Rs.4600/-. 2. ENTITLEMENT OF 30 DAYS EL IRRESPECTIVE OF OPTION IN RESPECT OF PIECE WORKERS OF ORDNANCE FACTORIES Piece Workers are denied 30 days EL and were granted only 18 days in a year whereas 30 days EL was granted to all Industrial Employees in defence vide the agreement reached between Government of India and Staff side National Council JCM reached signed on 11.09.1997. Since, the Piece workers have opted leave under Factories Act, 1948, they are denied the benefit of 30 days. The issue was discussed at JCM III, II and with DOP&T by Indian National Defence Workers Federation and a proposal was sent to DOP&T through M of D, that one set of Leave Rules (Departmental Leave Rules) is acceptable for all employees and therefore, the Leave Rules under Factories Act, 1948 is to be ignored and the benefit of Leave Rules under Departmental Leave rules be granted to all Industrial Employees in Ordnance Factories. The above proposal was agreed by M of D, Department of Defence Production to DOP&T and the same was agreed. Accordingly, Department of Defence Production D(Estt/NG) vide their letter No. I.D.No.8/IR/08/D(Fy-II) dt 25.09.2013/04.10.2013 issued clarification to Ordnance Factory board that all the employees are now eligible as per the agreement and as per clarification issued by Ministry of Labour for 30 days. OFB with the approval of PC of A (Fys), Kolkatta is issuing instructions to all Ordnance Factories within 3 days granting 30 days EL which Indian National Defence Workers Federation demanded that the benefit to be granted with retrospective effect i.e. from the date of granting 30 days EL (11.09.1997 agreement). This is an important achievement of Indian National Defence Workers Federation by which thousands of retired employees will get the benefit of 12 days in a year for encashment. This may be communicated to the retired employees also. 3. GRANT EOF EX-GRATIA LUMPSUM COMPENSATION TO THE FAMILY MEMBERS OF THE DECEASED EMPLOYEES OF ORDNANCE FACTORY ORGANISATION IN CASE FO DEATH A DUE TO ACCIDENTS WHILE ON DUTY. All Civilian employees of Government of India are entitled for grant of Ex-gratia lump-sum compensation for an amount of Rs.10,00,000/- as per the provisions contained in Para 07 of DOP & W OM No.45/55/97-P & PW(C) dt 11.09.1998 read with para 11 of DOP & PW OM No.38/37/08-P & PW(A) dated 02.09.2008. There are many employees expired due to accidents in Ordnance Factories has been seriously represented by Indian National Defence Workers Federation President Shri Ashok Singh also written number of letters to Hon’ble Defence Minister to grant the Ex-gratia Rs.10 lakhs to the affected families though they have been provided employment assistance out of turn. Now we are pleased to inform that Ministry of Defence, Department of Defence Production vide their letter no.444/IE/05/D/(Fy-II) dt 18.10.2013 issued sanction to Ordnance Factory Board for 30 cases with a total amount of Rs.3 Crores for disbursement immediately to the families of deceased employees. This will be in respect of Ordnance Factory Bhandara, Cordite Factory Aruvankadu, Ammunition Factory Khadki, Ordnance Factory Khamaria, Ordnance Factory Itarsi and other factories where accidents have taken place. This is a great achievement. 4. APOINTMENT OF 7th PAY COMMISSION On the approach of INTUC, UPA Government agreed to appoint 7th Pay Commission and will be effective from 01.01.2016. Government invited the Federations (National Council Standing Committee members) for discussing the Terms of reference for the 7th Central Pay commission. A meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Secretary, DOP& T on 24.10.2013 at 1500 Hrs at North Block on behalf of Staff side we have proposed the following: a) Government of India should come out with their proposal on Terms of Reference and then Staff side will give their proposal. b) All anomalies pending including MACP to be settled. c) One Labour leader to be included in the commission. d) All pending cadre Review proposals should be delinked from 7th CPC. After consulting the Ministry of Finance, the proposal of Draft will be given to us for discussion.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 13:39:26 +0000

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