INDO-PAK RELATIONS - THE ROAD AHEAD (On the issue of” Indo-Pak Relations - The Road Ahead – a topic of discussion in a seminar on June 11, 2013 at Srinagar. (Organised by Mr. O P Shah) by: I D Khajuria. Every one knows and every one should say truth at every time when ever the Question of Survival OR Extinction of Human-kind and Nature is clear to every one on this planet. In South Asia in general and in Sub-Continent in particular Relations of Two Nations (India-Pakistan) Who born on midnight of 14-15 August, 1947 started with murder of humanity, with mindset of Communalism and theory of two nations due to which both adopted Jingoist Indo-Pak Nationalism. From there the origin of JK issue and its resultant unremitting mutual hostility between India and Pakistan and basis did lie in the 1947-partition of India. The partition itself was outcome of the pre-1947 contention between the 2 mis-conceived brands of nationalism-liberal Hindu-oriented Gandhism and Musim League-sponsored Pan-Islamism. It is and it was, the respective confrontationist Politics of these 2 nationalism that had shaped much of the post-1947 history of India and Pakistan, Putting a high cost on the people of these 2 countries, especially those of Jammu-Kashmir in the post – 1947 period. Today majority of people at national and international level, governments, non governmental bodies admit that the principal focus of Indo-Pak rivalry is and has since these 2 countries ‘origin been the issue of Jammu-Kashmir. It is this issue that has generally been setting up their national agendas and the top priorities respectively for which the 2 countries faught three Full-fledged wars and one Kargil conflict with 3not3 to panton tanks, Jet-Net and with bofors and now Commissioning nuke missiles for next targets to defeat each other and to resolve JK issue militaristic way. Insurgency, counter Insurgency, Kidnapping, Disappearance, untraced graves, human rights violations, black Laws (AFSPA, PSA, Pepper Gases utilization, curfews, Prohibitory orders, refusal of democratic activities) Prisoning of innocent even of youths and children, molestations of women folk and rapes, regular house arrests of leaders, blames of disturbances in each other countries, death sentences and even killing by jail inmates. This is the worrisome and dangerous polity of these two countries which is rising tensions day and night for the citizens of the soils. This social violence (including terrorism, state terrorism and wars) is no answer to any problem because Military Solution Has Become A Non-Solution and irrelevant today because the present world of interdependence does not wear the enemity and confrontation on borders. Social violence can not be ended by counter social violence. Because combating evil by counter evil generates double evil. To satisfy the respective public of their countries they also held negotiations and high level summits, firstly they started foreign ministry level talks in six rounds of Bhutto-Swaran Singh between 27 Dec,1963 and 16 May 1967.1966 Tashkent Declaration; 1972-Simla Agreement between India and Pakistan, I K Gujral formula, Vajpai Lahore Bus peace mission, Agra Summit, Vajpai-Musharaf peace agreement in 2004,more than 130 foreign secretary level meeting. From 2004 to 2013 Manmohan Singh and his counter part in Pakistan held high level summit in abroad and as well as guests in Delhi/Chadigarh. Foreign minister SM Krishna and Heena Rabbani Khar also worked on the peace policy. In last 66 years government of India also held dialogue with different sections of leaders of JK, especially of Kashmir Delhi-Srinagar accord 1952(Nehru-Shiekh), in 1975 accord (Indra-Shiekh ), In 1984 accord (Indra-GM Shah )1986 accord ( Rajeev-Farooq) PM, Narshima Rao’s statement in the Lok Sabha ‘SKY IS THE LIMIT’ PM Vajpai “resolution of JK problem within Human ambit (Insaaniyat ke Dhiare main). PM Manmohan Singh‘s commitment that JK needs Political solution for which working groups ,Interlocutors were appointed and hard exercises have been done. In the same period Pakistan also assured resolution of JK Problem but on the other hand part of JK state in Koh Karam handed over to CHINA and Gilgit-Baltistan annexed with Pakistan as Pakistan’s Province and in lakhs China uniform persons are present in PoK on the construction projects. Since 1947 India and Pakistan armies stood in an eyeball to eye ball and remained always on JK centric agenda when no any country neither India nor Pakistan can afford to part with JK’s any portion under their control respectively. For Pakistan, JK is its jugular vein and an unfinished agenda of partition. For India, it is the soul of its nationalism and the crown of its nationhood. This means that the future of India, Pakistan and also South Asia will be determined as to how the JK situation takes the next turn. In view of all these hard facts and present world realities showing on the wall that PEACE AND RECONCILITION IS THE ROAD AHEAD. It is admitted by both countries governments since 2004 that the path of military solution is highly counter-productive in present times and it is against the spirit of our era which demands a relation of friendship and co-operation among all nations and between all ethnic Communities. The present world of interdependent nations, no country can live in splendid isolation for long. Countries are now in a stage where economic integration between them (through trade in capital, Technology, labour, commodities and human and material resources etc.) has become an imperative for growth and development. It is also the demand of the time for India and Pakistan to strengthen. The SAARC perspective which demands that all inter and intra-country conflicts within this region Should be resolved through its peace politics of friendship and cooperation and methodology of dialogue and bringing contenders nearer to each other by balancing their respective aspirations and interests. While strengthening Peace in the region and to make development in favour of the people of respective countries India and Pakistan should start dialogue process at high level to which both nations and world community are waiting since long in general and particularly after Positive signal and commitment of new Prime Minister of Pakistan, Nawaz Sharief and Government of India has vehemently reciprocated for which Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh also made efforts to normalize the relations with Pakistan. • The Road ahead is to resolve all bi-lateral issues and JK Problem through trilateral dialogue and negotiations with all concerned parties, the solution of JK issue must lead India and Pakistan to the path of permanent friendship and co-operation and partnership in future development of South Asia including Jammu Kashmir. • The solution must strengthen Hindu-Muslim unity on humanitarian basis. • All parties to the JK dispute must honour the national prestige of India and Pakistan and aspirations of JK people. • At first step borders should opened at different places from Hiranagar to Kargil and free movement should allowed and ultimately princely state must unite under federal structure. • The aspirations and desires of all the ethnic regional communities of JK state should be reasonably and rationally considered and adjusted • Indo-Pak Joint management/arrangement of defence over single entity of state of Jammu Kashmir with self-governance to each ethno-regional community of state under federal constitution of JK. • some pre-requisites for making conducive atmosphere for the solution to the problem;- o Repealing of AFSPA, PSA and all other laws which curtail civil liberties. o Withdrawal of security forces from the civil duty. o All political prisoners should be released immediately. o To create conducive atmosphere for the return of Kashmiri migrants. o To work for strengthening the political and emotional unity of the state. o To stop human rights violations by both the security forces and militants. o And, above all, to explain and convince the people that the future of India, Pakistan and JK people lies together. The fair and just solution of JK problem would restore peace in Jammu Kashmir, strengthen democracy, discourage communal forces in India and Pakistan, open the gate to establish Indo-Pak Joint ventures in JK, save and shift enough money from defence to development, and give a boost to the establishment of a South-Asia Union. Above all, in this framework, every body would be gainer and no-body would be a loser. June 11, 2013. National President, Internationalist Democratic Party (IDP), idkhajuria@gmail +91 94191 52093
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 12:27:22 +0000

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