INDUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS Light. It defeats the darkness. It allows - TopicsExpress


INDUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS Light. It defeats the darkness. It allows us to see, literally and figuratively. Melvin Jones saw the light in 1917 when he came up with a whole new concept for helping others. Eight years later, Helen Keller helped LCI see the light when she asked them to be her “Knights of the Blind”, thus giving us a purpose which still carries on today. The ________ Lions Club saw the light in ______ when they sponsored the _________ Lions Club. And your sponsor, ____________, saw the light when he/she invited you to become a Lion. And you saw the light by wisely saying “yes” to his/her invitation. As a Lion, there are expectations of you sharing your time, your talents and your treasure. Having said that, I also want to emphasize that your family, your faith and your job come first. Your Lions Club will gladly receive anything beyond that that you are willing to give. Please take this candle, which represents the individual Lion, and light it from the flame, which represents your Lions Club. While a single candle can defeat the darkness, notice how both flames burn brighter when they burn together. Since you have expressed a desire to become a member of the world’s largest service organization, I will ask you some questions to which I would like you to respond with the words “I do” or “I will”. Will you abide by the Lions Code of Ethics? Will you attend meetings on a regular basis? Will you accept such assignments as are given to you? Will you contribute your share to the programs of your Club, your District and LCI? Congratulations! You are now a member of the _____________ Lions Club. Your sponsor will now present you with a Lions Membership Pin. Notice that the pin is upside down. We ask that you wear it that way until you bring a guest to a Lions Club meeting. We also have for you a New Member packet which contains a Membership certificate, your name badge, a Lions membership decal, some literature describing our great organization and a copy of the Lion magazine which you will receive monthly. Here, also, are a copy of the _____________, the District newsletter and a copy of the District directory which will help you to learn who’s who. ______________, as sponsor, your job is not over. Will you make sure that ____________ is well oriented into the workings of your Lions Club and LCI? I strongly suggest that you both participate in the Proud Lion/Proud Sponsor program. If, within your first 6 months of membership, you participate in a Club project, attend a Club board meeting, visit another Club’s meeting, attend a Zone, Region, District, Multiple District or LCI meeting and bring a guest to your meeting, you’ll receive a Proud Lion badge and pin. And, if your sponsor accompanies you on these tasks, he/she will receive a Proud Sponsor badge and pin. Would the members of the ___________ Lions Club please stand. Will you accept _______________ as your newest member and make him/her feel welcome? Thank you, please be seated. Would the Club Tail Twister please come up here. The Tail Twister promotes fun and camaraderie in the Club by levying fines for “infraction” such as not wearing one’s name badge or not referring to another Lion as “Lion So and So”. Your sponsor will now demonstrate how to pay a fine. You’ll notice that by putting in paper money as opposed to coins that there is less noise and less damage to the Tail Twisters fine container. _________, I’m now going to give you a few moments to tell us a bit about yourself. What’s your profession? Tell us about your family and introduce them if they are here. What are your interests and hobbies? The floor is yours. Thank you. In conclusion let me say that it is my fondest wish for you that you enjoy being a Lion and get as much out of the experience as I have. Lion __________, you have seen the light. Now go forth and share it.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 18:27:22 +0000

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