INDUSTRIAL ACTIONS AND POLITICIZATION OF EDUCATION IN NIGERIA (an intellectual Boko haram). Adamawa State Polytechnic Yola had over the years being one of the best and emerging centers of learning in the North, this was possible as a result of Y2K-compliant administration of Prof. Bobboi Umar, the College had been transformed from a glorified Secondary School to a Metropolitan Polytechnic with the introduction of more disciplines and correspondent infrastructures to comprehend, students enrollment progressively quadrappled over the years and so was the staff strenght (academic and non-academic). The Polytechnic is one among the few Polytechnics that mets the recommendations of ASUP (National body) hence neglects the 10 Months old strike recently suspended, but barely a week to the first Semester Exams, stomach infrastructure, sabotage, parochial and premodial sentiment by the leadership of Dr. Coleman-led ASUP has brought a halt in the consolidation of progress being made through (internal strike), the students were demoralized and traumatized as a result of this avoidable actions of ASUP......their reason for the STRIKE is the failure of school management to honour 2012 agreements on a 15% increment on SIWES Supervision allowances, but between man and God it is more than that, it is purely the Adamawaness in us that is being scripted and presently being played. Some group of people want to see the Rector and Registrar removed, so that exploitation of Students through the Sales of Handouts will resume, stomach infrastructure will replace real infrastuctures while the right guys call the shots. The students on the other hand were in a dillemna on whether or not they should honour the call by concerned lecturers under the leadership of Zaro Barsisa-led ASUP to resume on July the 30th or not, as Dr. Colemans faction were bent on their intellectual boko haram! #WE HAVE A LONG WAY TO GO IN ADAMAWA!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 15:29:00 +0000

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