INFERTILTY: A COUPLES PROBLEM....NOT A WOMANS PROBLEM One of the most common contributors to the dissolution of marriages in many cultures is infertility. Infertility is a litmus test to the fervent profession of love, as are many other stresses in marriages; such as, spouses falling sick or becoming disabled. It is a popular thinking that most cases of infertility are the womans fault In African marriages, Ive heard of situations in which the family of the man would put barbaric pressure on the poor woman for not giving their son a child; without even finding out whether the problem is with their son or not. Extreme cases have been seen in women being banished from their marital homes in favor of their more fertile replacements. This is a curse and a travesty! What happened to the vows for better or for worse; in sickness and in health? There is more to a marriage than having children! Marriage is about destiny; it’s about the eternal purpose of God; friendship that transcends time and circumstances; love that prevails against all odds; strengthening each other in times of weakness; divine synergy; combining our strengths to change the world together! Marriage is about giving to each other and covering each other. So why is it that the absence of children is so traumatic for many of us; and for some it even becomes a deal-breaker? Its all about society and the pressure of measuring up to what society dictates is a success. Who says you’re not successful unless you have a child? BALOGNA! I refuse to let society set the standards of my success or my relevance. I know God made me for signs and wonders….with or without children! I had to come to that place of understanding that the only One I needed to prove something to was God; and it wasn’t even to prove that I could be something (because without Him I’m nothing) but to prove that I believe that He made me for His glory! Infertility can be overcome if the couple realizes its a COUPLES PROBLEM and not a womans problem. Many women have given up too early on their quest for children because their husbands didnt give them the support they needed, and the journey simply became too much for them to bear alone. When it comes to communication, we know that women are by far better communicators than men. Sometimes, the men simply dont know what to say or how to support their wives. On the flip side, some women don’t understand that the men are also suffering just as they are, even if not to the same degree. That is why couples should LEARN to communicate openly and frankly with each other about everything. Communication in every marriage is a learning process. When it comes to infertility, it might seem uncomfortable to talk about the issue without experiencing some pain. It’s amazing the kind of intimacy and strengthening that can occur in a marriage if they could be more upfront with each other about how the experience is affecting them, and what they need the other person to do to help to diminish their pain. But if couples cant support each other, chances are that the monster of hopelessness and depression will grow until the mountain becomes insurmountable. I have one simple Scripture to quote which should give all men....and women (if the problem is with the man) a vivid picture of what needs to happen here: “Isaac prayed hard to God for his wife because she was barren. God answered his prayer and Rebekah became pregnant.” (Genesis 25:21 MESSAGE BIBLE) Men, it’s time to pray HARD for your wives; wives, it’s time to pray HARD for your husbands. Simple! With open communication, loving support and PRAYER, the anointing upon your union will blast through the obstacle of fertility. Keep hope alive and never give up! amazon/Hannahs-Song-Theresa-Pecku-Laryea/dp/1628390522/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1384367713&sr=1-1&keywords=hannah%27s+song
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 16:54:41 +0000

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