INFINITY & NUMBERS. The Paravahar, one of the best known - TopicsExpress


INFINITY & NUMBERS. The Paravahar, one of the best known symbols of Zoroastrianism (the state religion of the ancient IRAN), and hopefully the future symbol on our flag, is a winged disc which represents much more than the solar power as commonly thought. In several ancient civilizations the cercle represented the INFINITE Spirit. The very notion of INFINITY was known by the early Iranians who used the word Ard for INFINITY as well as for absolute and supreme. The ancient Greeks used the word Apeiros and the ancient Indians the word Ananta. The mathematical symbol for INFINITY, the laying eight, was introduced in mathematics by John Wallis in 1655. Indeed, the circle is a mysterious figure and there are some reasons why it was chosen to symbolise INFINITY. The ratio of its circumference to its diameter is a mathematical constant called pi, approximately equal to 3.14159 ..., yet its decimal representation never ends and never settles into a permanent repeating pattern. Since it is INFINITE and never repeats itself, some people believe pi holds a kind of code for everything that exists in the universe, and why not. But this remains thoughts stuff in our head and can only extract our attention from Realitys essence in us and around us. Thoughts, in order to dominate us, use very clever and convincing stratagems but we should be strong enough not to be manipulated. There is another approach to INFINITY which is not through symbols, numbers and thoughts, and deserves much more our attention. Modern Science demonstrates, what the mystics knew since the mists of time, namely that the very essence of Reality is open and INFINITE. We can experience this INFINITY which belongs to Realitys essence and not to Realitys forms, through our own essence, through BEING in us. Some people, who are lost in their thoughts, stuff their brain with theories about Reality, I prefer the direct experience of Realitys essence and my body is the only gateway I have to penetrate this essence which is what I Really AM. I made one of my earliest experiences of BEING in San Francisco some 46 years ago. Yet, I still vividly remember that day as if it was just happening now. It was very early in the morning and I was walking in an empty street of Sausolito. The sun had not got up yet, but its glowing light was gradually invading the sky. I had no precise goal other than being there and enjoying dawn. I could feel LIFE flooding my body and gradually I became aware of BEING everywhere in me. It was like a powerful energy throughout my whole organism and this energy was pure consciousness. At each and any step I was brought back to the always renewed Present Instant, I couldnt leave it, I was it. The thoughts which usually turned into my head, pretending to be me, were suddenly silent, and I was realizing I was not this programed turmoil roaming into my head, but a naked consciousness. This consciousness didnt seem inside my body but rather, this was my body and the whole universe which were inside of it since it was INFINITY itself. When physicists dig matter and go after its ultimate constituents, if they do not cheat themselves with some kind of renormalization, what they find is INFINITY. Matter is just an appearance the INFINITE consciousness takes. This experience which was filled with a profound PEACE was to change my life. It was in fact the beginning of a long quest which brought me to study and practise different religions for more than 40 years, but also to study Ontology, and for which I went through several years of Primal process with Dr. Arthur Janov. This quest I started when I was just twenty, reached its accomplishment (still in process) only some years ago. Of course our human part is always there and becomes even more fragile and vulnerable. But the very fact we dont refuse anything anymore and embrace whatever comes, even excruciating pains, frees us from the future and therefore unlocks the unresolved past in us. This allows us to increasingly experience BEING as our natural state. Identification with thoughts appears more and more as a shell that hides a pathology and we are less and less inclined to abide by this lie anymore. The pathological disconnection from Reality is caused by unresolved pains, too heavy to be faced consciously, which, since we are born and even before, silently pollute our nervous system with an unresolved past, and can totally take possession of us like mutineers seize the control of a boat, locking up its captain in the darkness of its hold. INFINITY which is Realitys essence, is an experience we make with our whole body, with our whole presence, and not with our thoughts. Remember BEING is INFINITE and as such it is Divine. Therefore, we should approach BEING and touch it, with total softness, respect and care. In fact, we should touch Realitys manifestations, including ourself, with the same delicacy and attention we would use for instance in touching the wing of a butterfly. Indeed, BEING is an experience and as such it is conscious stuff that cannot be conquered through violence. When a child is born, usually parents and doctors do not see that INFINITY is this little newborns very essence, and so they miss Reality in her. Like an evil baptism she is initiated in not being considered and seen for who she IS in essence, but only for who she is in surface. This is a harmful education we receive during our childhood and through which we are gradually trained in identifying with our thoughts. With the help of our unresolved pain-memories which are also pushing to transform us in surface-people, we become grown ups totally disconnected from Reality and programed to believe that thoughts and consciousnes are but a unique and trivial phenomenon. The very first step on a spiritual path is to separate thoughts from consciousness and we accomplish this by remaining at the always renewed tip of the Present Instant. Indeed, the period of transformation of the Present Instant is so short that thoughts have no time to be generated and stop altogether. There, we realize we ARE an INFINITE consciousness which is what we call BEING, or Realitys essence. There were back HOME. Patrick Ali Pahlavi
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 11:02:05 +0000

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